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League of Women Voters of Geauga
HomeNonpartisan Policy

Nonpartisan Policy

Learn about our purpose to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government.



The purpose of the League of Women Voters of Geauga (LWVG or League) is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. Accordingly, we may study, comment and take action with respect to governmental issues, measures and policies. However, the League never supports or opposes any political party or any candidate.

The LWVG values and relies upon the many skills and types of experience that individual members bring to our League and encourages engagement in public and political activities. However, certain constraints are necessary to protect the nonpartisan stature of the organization. Adherence to this policy is required by all members.

All Members

All LWVG members, when acting in a League capacity or participating in League meetings or events shall:
  • Be nonpartisan in their words, actions and presentation.
  • Avoid conflicting with League positions at the local, Ohio or national level.
  • Avoid commenting on behalf of the League unless designated to do so by the Board President.
Any member who seeks elective office at any level of government must notify the Board President.

LWVG Board of Directors

In addition to the responsibilities of all members, the following policies apply to Board members:

A. Holding office and involvement with political parties:

1. Board members may:

     a. Run for or hold an elective nonpartisan office
     b. Hold a nonpartisan appointed office or position
     c. Serve as a poll worker or election marshall
     d. Serve as a poll watcher or election judge, with Board approval
     e. Recommend people for appointments to nonpartisan public commissions and committees.

2. Board members may not:

     a. Serve in any position in a political party or as a delegate to a political party convention.

B. Political activities: Board members are encouraged to avoid partisan activities that may cause confusion by the public about whether the League is endorsing a candidate or party.

1. Board members may:

     a. Engage in the activity as an individual, not as a representative of the League

     b. Demonstrate support of a candidate or party, as long as the member’s League affiliation is not also displayed

     c. Attend events to meet candidates, raise funds for them, or otherwise support candidates or parties; they should avoid wearing League identification, such as a League nametag, at such events

     d. Sign, but not circulate, petitions for candidates

     e. Make financial contributions to candidates, political parties and issues

C. Family:
Political activities of a Board member’s spouse/partner or relative are considered independent of the political activities of the Board member. If a Board member believes that the partisan political activity of a family member may cause the public to doubt the nonpartisanship of the League, the Board member should discuss the situation with the Board and take action according to the Board’s assessment.

D. Issues:

1. Board members may, with Board approval:

     a. Circulate petitions concerning issues which are in agreement with League positions
     b. Be identified with a highly controversial issue on which the League has not taken a stand


LWVG Board President(s) and Highly Visible Positions


In addition to the responsibilities of all Board members, further restrictions apply to the Board President(s), Voter Services Chair, moderator of candidate forums and any other position designated as “highly visible” by the Board.

A. Political Activities:

1. The Board President, Voter Services Chair, Geauga Government Chair, moderator of candidate forums and any position designated as “highly visible” may not:

     a. Solicit or make contributions for/to candidates or political parties
     b. Advise or work for a candidate or political party, including contacting voters or working in a party or campaign committee, event or       
     c. Publicly demonstrate support for a candidate or party, e.g., be named in campaign literature, social media or advertising
     d. State preferences for parties or candidates in social media, writing, or speech
     e. Serve on a board of directors or in a leadership role in an organization which endorses candidates
     f. Host, sponsor or attend campaign events unless all candidates for an office are invited


Specific League Work


A. Candidate Forums: Campaign literature is not permitted in the forum room, but may be available outside that area.

B. Voter Service Materials: Campaign advertisements and statements regarding League positions on issues are not permitted in the Voter Guide or other voter service publications.

C. Observer Corps: League Observers must refrain from publicly expressing their viewpoint about any public bodies they observe.

D. Prospective Leaders: The Nominating Committee will consider any past partisan affiliation, such as political candidate, office holder or campaign manager, in determining whether a nominee is able to represent the League in a nonpartisan manner.

E. Co-Sponsored Activities: All co-sponsored activities must be approved by the Board to ensure alignment with our Nonpartisan Policy.

F. Fundraising: Any private individual may make contributions to LWVG. However, donations from campaign committees or from individuals running for elected or appointed office will not be accepted.



If a member questions whether the League’s nonpartisanship is compromised by an activity, the Board should be consulted. A majority vote of the Board will resolve the question.

Board members who choose to run for office or take part in other prohibited partisan activity should resign from the Board as soon as they decide such a course of action. The member may take an off-board position if there is an activity or project that requires the member’s contribution. As needed, the vacant position should be filled as soon as possible, and the appointment will be in effect for a period of time determined by the Board. The resignation should be publicized to members, but written so that it does not suggest a political endorsement.

Any Board member who does not comply with this policy may be asked by the Board to resign.

Adopted at the June 22, 2023, Annual Meeting


Send us an email at contact@lwvgeauga.organd we are happy to answer any questions you may have with regards to our nonpartisan policy.

League of Women Voters of Geauga