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League of Women Voters of Geauga
HomeIssue 1 Process

Mapmaking Process

  • Require that the commission operate in a transparent public way, that all its deliberations and actions be in public meetings, and that its actions require an affirmative vote of at least 9 of 15 members;

  • Require holding 5 public hearings throughout the state prior to the adoption of draft redistricting plans, 5 public hearings after the adoption of draft redistricting plans, and 2 public hearings after the adoption of final redistricting plans;

  • Require the General  Assembly to appropriate not less than $7 million in 2025 for expenses of the commission with an additional appropriation for legal expenses;

  • Require that redistricting plans adopted by the commission be used for the 2026, 2028, and 2030 elections, and that district lines be re-drawn every 10 years thereafter based on U.S. Census data;

  • Replace the redistricting plans adopted for the 2022 and 2024 elections;

League of Women Voters of Geauga