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HomeGeauga County Boards

Geauga County Boards and Commissions

Automatic Data Processing Board

ADP’s role is to advise other county agencies on new technologies to support their business practices, and to coordinate, deploy, and maintain technical equipment and systems. The elected County Auditor serves as Administrator and Secretary of the ADP Board. Other board members include the elected County Clerk of Courts, Engineer, Prosecutor, Recorder, Sheriff, Treasurer, one County Commissioner and up to two representatives from the Board of Elections. 
WHEN: Meetings are scheduled at least quarterly at varying dates and times. Special Meetings as required.
WHERE:  Appraisal Conference Room at 231 Main Street, Suite 1A, Chardon, OH 44024
ACCESS: In-person and virtual using Microsoft Teams

Visit the ADP website
View ADP Meeting Dates and Approved and Posted Minutes

Board of County Commissioners

The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is the taxing, budgeting, appropriating and purchasing authority for county government. It holds title to county property, hears and rules on requests for annexations and road vacations, approves drainage improvements and establishes water and sewer districts.
WHEN: Meetings are held every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: Geauga County Administration Offices, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite B303,  Chardon, OH 44024
ACCESS: In-person only. 

Visit the BOCC website
View BOCC Approved and Posted Minutes

Geauga County Board of Developmental Disabilities

The Geauga County Board of DD (Geauga DD), also known as the Metzenbaum Center, serves over 1,100 people with developmental disabilities to live, learn, and earn in our community. Geauga DD is a taxpayer-funded agency that supports people of all ages, from early childhood to senior citizens. Geauga DD funds and coordinates services in the following areas: early intervention, special education, school-to-work transition, 24/7 residential support for adults, employment support, recreation/integration programs, and more!
WHEN: Meetings are held monthly on the third Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Board room at the Metzenbaum Center, 8200 Cedar Road, Chesterland, OH 44026 
ACCESS: In-person

Visit the Geauga County Board of Developmental Disabilities website
View Geauga County Board of Developmental Disabilities Approved and Posted Minutes

Board of Elections

Each of Ohio’s counties has a Board of Elections (BOE) that follows the Secretary of State’s guidance on elections procedures and related legal issues. The Geauga BOE has a four-person board with two members from each major political party. Petitions for elected offices, campaign finance reports for local candidates, and political action committees are filed with the BOE. 
WHEN: Meetings are held monthly on the third Thursday at 9 a.m.
WHERE: BOE Conference Room at 470 Center Street, Building 6-A, Chardon, OH 44024.  Special Meetings as required. 
ACCESS: In-person and virtual using Microsoft Teams.

Visit the Geauga County Board of Elections website
View Geauga County Board of Elections Approved and Posted Minutes
Visit the Ohio Secretary of State website

Board of Revision

The primary duty of the Board of Revision is to hear complaints against the valuation of real property filed by Geauga County taxpayers. The Auditor, Treasurer, and a member of the Board of County Commissioners are the members of the Board of Revision. All members have designated representatives.  

WHEN: Meetings are generally held twice a month on a schedule approved at the organizational meeting in January. They are usually at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m. or 1 p.m.  
WHERE: Auditor’s Conference Room, 215 Main St, Chardon, OH 44024
ACCESS: In-person and virtual using Microsoft Teams

Visit the Geauga County Board of Revision website

Budget Commission

The Budget Commission annually reviews tax budgets of all taxing districts within the County to determine whether all tax levies are properly authorized and allocated. The Auditor, Treasurer, and Prosecutor serve on the Budget Commission. 
WHEN: Meetings are held twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10 a.m. except for national holidays. Special meetings held as required.
WHERE: Auditor’s Conference Room, 215 Main St, Chardon, OH 44024
ACCESS: In-person and virtual using Microsoft Teams 


Visit the Geauga County Budget Commission website

Geauga County Mental Health and Recovery Services

The GCMHRS Board’s purpose is to assess community needs and to plan, organize and manage public resources so essential services are provided. 

“An alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health service district shall be established in any county or combination of counties having a population of at least fifty thousand.” Ohio Rev. Code § 340.01(B)

WHEN: Meetings are held monthly on the 3rd Wednesday at 6 p.m. 
WHERE: Board Administrative Offices at 13244 Ravenna Rd., Chardon, OH 44024, except for federal holidays or as otherwise noted. The meeting schedule for the Joint Agency Relations and Finance Committee is listed online.
ACCESS: Open to the public.  In-person format only.

View GCMHRS Approved and Posted Minutes

Geauga County Planning Commission

The Geauga County Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing zoning amendments and giving zoning advice to local communities, providing census data, and preparing the community land use plan. Members include the three County Commissioners and eight members appointed by the County Commissioners.
WHEN: Meetings are held monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 a.m.
WHERE: Geauga County Administration Offices, 12611 Ravenwood Drive,  Chardon, OH 44024.  3rd Floor Conference Room. 
ACCESS: In-person only.

Visit the Geauga County Planning Commission website
View Geauga County Planning Commission Approved and Posted Minutes

Geauga Public Health Board

Geauga Public Health (GPH) is dedicated to improving public health services by monitoring, educating, and promoting community and environmental health services. The 5-member Board oversees the Geauga Public Health.

WHEN:Meetings are held monthly on the 4th Wednesday at 5 p.m. except for federal holidays or as otherwise noted.
WHERE: Geauga County Administration Offices, 12611 Ravenwood Drive,  Chardon, OH 44024; 3rd Floor Conference Room 
ACCESS: Open to the public. Live-streamed by ADP.  Recording available on YouTube.

Visit the GPH website
View GPH Minutes Approved and Posted

Health District Advisory Council

The Health District Advisory Council (HDAC) meets annually in March to select a Geauga Public Health District (GPH) board member. GPH board members serve five-year, staggered terms with one term expiring each year. 

The HDAC is a 21-member council comprised of 1 trustee from each of the 16 townships, 1 mayor or council member from each of the 4 municipalities and 1 commissioner from the Geauga Board of County Commissioners.
2023 HDAC Representatives


Microfilming Board

The Geauga County Microfilming Board and Program's mission is providing preservation-quality microfilm services are provided to all county offices, agencies and departments with no labor charge. All microfilm produced meets the standards of Preservation Microfilm as set by American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 

WHEN: Per ORC 307.801, the Microfilming Board shall meet annually on the second Monday in January and at such other times and places as the secretary determines.  A majority of the Microfilming Board constitutes a quorum at any regular or special meeting.
WHERE: Microfilm Program Geauga County Archives and Records Center 12611 Ravenwood Drive Chardon, OH 44024

Please call 440.279.1774 or send an email
Visit the Microfilming Board website

Records Commission

The function of the Geauga County Records Commission shall be to provide rules for retention and disposal of records of the county, and to review applications for one-time disposal of obsolete records and schedules of records retention submitted by county offices.

WHERE: Geauga County Archives and Records Center 12611 Ravenwood Dr., Ste 130 Chardon, OH 44024
WHEN: Hours: M-F, 8:00am-4:30pm

Please call 440.279-1770 or send an email to

League of Women Voters of Geauga