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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga County Commissioners

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Board of County Commissioners - March 19, 2024

Meeting Details:
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met at 9:30 am on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at the County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH. The meetings are in-person only, and there are no recordings for the public.  An agenda is available in advance via request to the Commissioners’ Clerk.

Public Comment Policy:
Observer Comment: Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri announced at the end of the April 4, 2023 meeting that public comment would be permitted and that a more formal policy would be forthcoming.  There was no formal policy introduced today, but public comment was permitted. 

Present were Commissioners James Dvorak and Timothy Lennon. Mr. Spidalieri was absent.   Also present were County Administrator Gerald Morgan, Finance Manager Adrian Gorton, and Commissioners' Clerk Christine Blair.

County Representatives:
Shane Hajjar, Deputy Engineer; Linda Burhenne, Assistant County Administrator; Kelly Bidlack, BOCC Human Resources Specialist; Jessica Boalt, Director, Office on Aging; Matt Sieracki, Contract Coordinator, Maintenance Department; Kathleen Hostutler, Human Resources Manager; Linda Crombie, Director, Planning Commission; Kathy Shimer, Destination Geauga; Jacob Scotese, PE, Deputy Engineer; Sheriff Scott Hildenbrand and Sheriff’s Deputy Gregory Borden, Geauga County Sheriff’s Office.

Others in Attendance:
Bob Rogish, Geauga Farm Bureau; Mandy Orahood, Ohio Farm Bureau; Adam Litke, Geauga Public Health Administrator; Gina Hofstetter, Director, Department of Community and Economic Development; Reporters from the Chagrin Valley Times and Geauga County Maple Leaf; Diane and Tom Jones, George Bender, other members of the public, and this observer.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a prayer was offered by Mr. Dvorak. 

Administrator’s Report -
Mr. Morgan gave the following report of actions that he took pursuant to authority given to him by the Commissioners and in accordance with ORC.

Mr. Morgan reported on actions he had taken in the prior week that had been authorized by ORC and the Commissioners:

  • Approved Purchase Order from JFS emergency services fund for additional monies received from the State of Ohio for the low-income household water assistance program.

  • Approved hiring a full time recreation/education assistant and a part-time recreation/education assistant in the Office of Aging; also approved an unpaid medical leave in Office on Aging.

  • Agreed with Bainbridge Township to not require a liquor license for Beer Run and Some on Chillicothe Road in Chagrin Falls.

Following this report, Mr. Dvorak said that a couple of weeks ago he had asked Mr. Morgan for a copy of the second letter that was sent to the Family and Community Services’ program Next Step.  Mr. Dvorak asked if a letter had been sent to him, and Mr. Morgan said it had not been sent.  Mr. Dvorak then said that he hadn’t received a copy of  the first letter yet. Observer Note: See the Observer Report for the March 5, 2024 meeting in which this was discussed.

The Maintenance Department
received approval to execute a Service Contract Agreement with Geauga Mechanical Company Incorporated to install a new air conditioning unit at the Geauga County Auditor’s Office, for a period of sixty days, effective March 19, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00. Mr. Lennon asked where the unit will be located, and Mr. Sieracki said it would be in the Appraiser's Office (not the Opera House).  Mr. Sieracki said that the existing AC unit was purchased in the 90s and has not been working.

: No meeting minutes were submitted for approval.  Observer Comment: Weekly LWVG Observer Reports for BOCC are available online through March 19, 2024 for informational purposes but are not substitutes for approved minutes.  Approved BOCC Minutes are posted online here through January 8, 2024.

Financial Report:
Mr. Gorton received approval for the following:

Supplemental / Appropriation Transfers: 

  • Appropriations Transfer from the Commissioners miscellaneous account to the Public Defender to pay unemployment claims that had not been budgeted as well as computer replacements at the Treasurer's and Commissioners' offices 

    • Supplemental in the Commissioners miscellaneous Operating Transfer Out account and the Grant Match Transfers account to accommodate additional transfers for the ACE charter school and the Sheriff body cam grant match payments.  Observer Note: In an email exchange following the meeting, Mr. Gorton clarified that there are no additional payments to ACE charter school other than the $100,000 already approved at the March 12 BOCC Meeting.

    • Supplemental from the Commissioners in the General Fund to the Maintenance Department for various equipment requests for this year, including four new vehicles and two tractors. 

    • Cash Transfers: Cash Transfer from the General Fund to Soil & Water for their 2024 local match funding request. 

    • Transfer from the Sheriff to the unemployment fund.

  • Encumbrances: Then & Now encumbrances from the Auditor to the Geauga County Clerk of Courts for court costs related to the Board of Revisions; from the Building Department to Junction Auto Sales for two new 2024 GMC Terrain replacement vehicles; from the Common Pleas Court to Ravenwood Center for Thinking for a Change program charges, and from Emergency Services to Inspiron Logistics for the WENS Annual Service agreement  (WENS is an Emergency Notification System), none of which had been previously encumbered.  Observer Note:  Thinking for a Change was not discussed but see this website for a discussion.

  • Travel expense request from Emergency Services to attend the Ohio Emergency Management Agency spring conference. 

  • Vouchers: $146,324.88 from the Commissioners' Office to the Portage/Geauga Juvenile Detention Center for 2nd Quarter 2024 Operating Expenses.

  • Revenue Certifications: Revenue Certification from Mental Health in their Capital Reserve Fund for additional Federal Grants that they will be receiving this year, which will be used for the renovation of their transitional living center.

The Geauga County Farm Bureau received approval to execute Resolution #24-047 Recognizing March 19, 2024, as National Ag Day and March 17-23, 2024, as National Agriculture Week.  Several members of the Farm Bureau were in attendance: Bob Rogish, Geauga Farm Bureau, Mandy Orahood, Ohio Farm Bureau, and one other individual who was not identified.  Mr. Rogish stated that Agriculture is the #1 industry in Ohio.  He said that next week they will have brand new numbers from the Agricultural survey to release to the public.  He thanked the Commissioners for their support of agriculture and mentioned that agritourism is growing rapidly.

The Auditor’s Office
received approval for the revised Application for Authorization to Permit the Use of County Credit Cards for the Year 2024, pursuant to O.R.C. 301.27, to include Tracy Rahimi in the monthly not to exceed amount of $5,000.00.

 The County Engineer’s Office
received approval for the following:

  • To execute the Unit Price Contract with Ronyak Brothers Paving, Incorporated for the Asphalt Resurfacing of Bell Street (CH-0010, Sections D-F) in Newbury Township in the amount $973,585.00.

  • To execute Resolution #24-048 to Order the Asphalt Resurfacing of Fairmount Road (CH-0016, Sections F-G) in Newbury Township. The Board also accepted the Title Sheet of Specifications and set a Bid Opening on April 5, 2024 at 10:00 am, to be held at the Engineer’s Office through Bid Express. This Bid Opening will be advertised on March 21, 2024 and also will be on the County website.

Mr. Lennon asked about how the bids were going, and Mr. Hajjar said they’re running 5% below estimates.  He said that post-Covid costs went up and are starting to level off but are still not back to pre-Covid levels.

The Planning Commission
received approval to execute the Nottingham Woods Subdivision Replat of Sublot 17R in Munson Township.

The Sheriff’s Office
received approval to execute Resolution #24-049 of Agreement for Sale/Purchase of Geauga County Sheriff’s Office K9 – Retiring for Rotar to handler Deputy Gregory Borden.  Deputy Borden and Rotar were present.  Deputy Borden said that Rotar was paid for by funds from the Rotary, which is how he got his name.  He has been deployed over 1,000 times in almost 13 years of service in SWAT, narcotics and other difficult situations.  Mr. Lennon asked about Rotar’s replacement, and Sheriff Hildenbrand said that they had hired a Deputy from Oakwood who had a trained dog and so they purchased that dog for $2,000. There is a separate fund for the canine unit, and the public is invited to donate to that fund.

Sheriff Hildenbrand also said that several deputies are assisting in areas of the recent tornadoes.  Mr. Lennon expressed his thanks that they were doing that.  Mr. Dvorak said that this was the first time they had used an emergency trailer that had been purchased for such a use.

The Sheriff’s Office
received approval to execute the Contract Agreement with Aviat U.S. Incorporated for the Geauga County Sheriff’s Office Microwave Network Upgrade in the amount of $664,805.00. The Board also accepted the Performance Bond from Aviat U.S. Incorporated and released the Bid Bond.

Mr Lennon asked about how long the old system had lasted, and Sheriff Hildenbrand said that this system had lasted 15 years and that they had negotiated a 15-year extended warranty for the new system.

The Department on Aging
received approval for several staffing and personnel changes. There was approval for the following: Revised job descriptions for the positions of Social Services Coordinator and Support Services Coordinator (#1036) to be effective March 19, 2024. The position of Social Service Coordinator will be posted internally for a period of five days with applications accepted from March 25, 2024 through 4:30 p.m. on March 29, 2024. The position of Administrative Assistant III (#1006) will be abolished effective March 19, 2024.  The revised Organizational Chart was also approved.

The Building Department
received approval to accept the resignation of Dale Steppenbacker, Assistant Building Official, to be effective March 22, 2024.  The Commissioners expressed regret that Mr. Steppenbacker was leaving since he had been a great employee.  Mr. Lennon said, “We hate to see him go.”

Destination Geauga
provided an update for the Board on current happenings and events. Ms. Shimer stated that membership continues to grow and that they are excited for the Hartville Hardware in Middlefield as a destination. Ms. Shimer said that the Spring “Drive it Yourself” tour has 11 sponsors and will end at Adam Hall in Auburn on May 18, 2024.  

CEBCO Wellness Grant -
The Commissioners approved an Agreement with MKDF Enterprises, LLC d.b.a. Healthworks to provide Biometric Screening-venipuncture services to Geauga County Employee Health Plan Members at various County locations during the Month of April 2024, in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00.  This service will be paid for using funds from the CEBCO Wellness Grant.

The Commissioners’ Office
is requesting the Board approve and execute Contract Maintenance Form #8 for the Contract with NV5, extending the date of completion 212 days through August 31, 2024 and increasing the Contract amount for Post Occupancy Change Management Services on the Geauga County Office Building in the amount of $72,203.00.

Public Comment 

Mr. George Bender from Chesterland spoke about deceased veterans in regard to the 250th Anniversary of the USA coming up in 2027.  He said that if the County approved a Resolution to support an effort to replace, repair, and clean the gravestones of veterans, then those interested in honoring revolutionary veterans could apply for grants.  Mr. Bender said that at present the West Geauga Rotary is working with him in this effort. The projects that this group works on (with volunteers) are replacing damaged headstones of veterans, gravestone cleaning and repair. Observer Note: It did not appear that there was a formal group, but in the future when Mr. Bender returns with a Resolution more information should be available.  In some cases, others interested in honoring veterans have been able to place information behind the gravestones of Revolutionary War soldiers.  Mr. Bender said that there were seven Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Chester Township.  Mr. Dvorak and Mr. Lennon both expressed interest in supporting this effort.  Mr. Bender said that there is a library program at Geauga West Library on May 7 at 7:00 pm  called Chester Grave Hunters; its description is available here.

Ms. Jones asked about the item above for NV5.  She wanted to know who that was and the nature of the work. Mr. Morgan said that NV5 is the “owner’s rep” and has helped with punch list items that are still not completed and that the contractor is still working to complete. 
Observer Note: See discussion about the owner’s representative role here. The items on the punch list were not discussed nor did Mr. Morgan say when they will be completed.  Ms. Jones also asked if the Commissioners knew the total amount of money spent for the new County office building.  Mr. Morgan answered that he was working on putting together that information and that he would present it at a public meeting in the next several weeks. 

Meeting adjourned
at 10:14 am.

More Information and Posted Minutes:
Available here.

Next Regular Meeting of the BOCC:
The next meeting will be March 26, 2024 at 9:30 am at the County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH.

Observer: Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date Submitted: 3/26/24

The League of Women Voters Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga