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ADP Board

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

ADP Board Regular Meeting - March 12, 2024 

Meeting Details
: The Automatic Data Processing Board (ADP) held its Regular Meeting at 2:00 pm on March 12, 2024 in the Geauga County Auditor’s Office Appraisal Conference Room at 231 Main St. Chardon, OH 44024. Virtual access was available via MS Teams, and the agenda was provided in advance. This observer attended via MS Teams.

Public Comment
: ADP does not have a written policy. In practice, public comment is solicited at the end of the meeting.

Board Attendance:

  • Auditor/Chief Administrator – Charles Walder

  • Clerk of Courts – Sheila Bevington

  • County Commissioner – Linda Burhenne for James Dvorak

  • Engineer – Katie Taylor for Joe Cattell

  • Board of Elections – Nora McGinnis 

  • County Prosecutor – Jim Flaiz

  • Recorder – Celesta Mullins

  • Sheriff – Scott Hildenbrand

  • Treasurer – Caroline Mansfield for Christopher Hitchcock

  • Coroner – Dorothy Battles for John Urbancic

  • Court of Common Pleas – No representative yet named

ADP Staff Attendance

  • Frank Antenucci – Chief Deputy Administrator

  • Allen Keener – Chief Technology Officer 

  • Michael Tomc – Help Desk Coordinator

  • Josh Widdifield – Server Administrator

  • Joe Birli – Physical Security Analyst (virtual)

  • Andrew Haines – Network Administrator

  • Tracy Rahimi – Help Desk Clerk

  • Karen Murphy - Records and Archives (virtual)

  • Ashley Serraglio - Records and Archives Clerk

Other Government Representatives:

  • Adrian Gorton – County Finance Manager

  • Krystal Thompson - Law Library Resources Board

  • Don Rice – Board of Developmental Disabilities, Superintendent

  • Dave Carlson – Board of Developmental Disabilities, Assistant Superintendent

  • Rean Davis – Board of Developmental Disabilities, Director of Business Operations

  • Velta Moiso – Court of Common Pleas, Director of IT (virtual)

  • Tom Huff – Court of Common Pleas, IT officer (virtual)

  • Ron Leyde – Chief Deputy Auditor

  • Pam McMahan – Fiscal Office Manager, Auditor’s Office

  • Sarah Perry – Auditor’s Office

Others Present:

  • Tate Anderson – Maximus Consultants

  • Anatasia Nicholas – Geauga Times Courier (virtual)

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm by Mr. Antenucci.

Minutes: Minutes for the January 3, 2024 Special Meeting and the January 8, 2024 Organizational and Special Meetings were approved without edits.


The Board took the following actions:

APPROVED - ADP equipment list from December 2023 to February 2024.

APPROVED - ADP purchases list from December 2023 to February 2024.

APPROVED - ADP Star Seven Six ServiceNow implementation ($119,500) and 12-month licensing ($161,975). Mr. Tomc explained that this system is a new help desk management cloud-based system, which is an upgrade from the existing system installed in 2005. He noted that, in addition to the help desk ticket tracking feature, the system will also facilitate software license compliance, asset management tracking, and billing. All users, including in townships and villages, will be able to see their help desk tickets and status. The implementation date for the new system is not yet determined.

APPROVED -  ADP Spectrum Circuit for Annex building ($65,649). Mr. Haines explained the acquisition of a new Spectrum circuit for a five-year period for the Annex building; it will also support the Chardon Courthouse and the offices located in the Opera House. The current circuit that is being replaced will be repurposed.

APPROVED - Board of County Commissioners’ (BOCC) Trumbull County Auditor 11th District Court of Appeals ($51,257) - Ms. Burhenne explained that this is payment for the County’s pro-rata share of the 11th District of Appeals based on the 2024 budget, some of which is used for technology costs. The amount is net of a $5,000 credit related to prior year actual expenses coming in below the 2023 budget.

APPROVED - Engineer’s Illuminati Labs Cellular Enhancement ($53,820) - Mr. Antenucci explained that the cellular enhancement technology successfully installed to improve cell service at the new Geauga County Office Building will be replicated at the County Engineer’s campus. The cost includes future proofing that will cover any similar requirements arising due to site expansion.

APPROVED - Law Library West Publishing Corp Westlaw Contract 1 ($57,161) and Contract 2 ($98,208) - Ms. Thompson explained that these 3-year contracts cover the legal research databases for the Prosecutor’s and Public Defender’s law library.

APPROVED - Sheriff’s Office Windstream Amendment to Upgrade Internet to 1Gb  ($58,500) - This will allow for higher speed internet for the Sheriff’s Office and less points of failure since the data will no longer flow through the data center housed in the Annex.

TABLED - Developmental Disabilities (DD) Lake Geauga Computer Association (LGCA) Contract ($97,235) - As a follow up to the discussion held at the December 12, 2023 and October 25, 2023 meetings, the DD contract with LGCA was again reviewed. Observer Note: See the December 12, 2023 Observer Report and the October 25, 2023 Observer Report for more information. After discussing the services provided by LGCA to DD, concerns about accountability and the lack of understanding of security practices in place, it was agreed that ADP would conduct a review of the DD site, network, and cybersecurity practices. Based on this review, ADP would determine whether it could provide the necessary services and eliminate the risk that a third party IT service provider such as LGCA presents. Mr. Rice raised the question of ensuring that LGCA be paid for the services they have provided since the contract began on July 1, 2023. Observer Note: Per review of the provided LGCA contract, it was noted that the contract was signed by Mr. Rice of DD on May 23, 2023. It was first provided for approval by the ADP Board at its October 25, 2023 meeting. Mr. Flaiz indicated that he could send a letter to ADP requiring payment to LGCA and eliminate the risk of an unlawful enrichment issue arising from lack of payment.

APPROVED - ADP, Prosecutor’s and Job and Family Services Records Retention Schedules (Forms RC-2). These forms are filed with the Records Commissions. Mr. Walder emphasized that the Records Commission that was merged with ADP at the beginning of the year is operated in a silo within ADP to ensure the confidentiality of the information maintained by the group.

APPROVED - ADP Annual Report for 2023. Since ADP assumed responsibility for the County record and archives group as of January 1, 2024, the report does not include information about these functions. 

DISCUSSED - Mr. Walder raised the matter of a recent information request from Mr. Anderson of Maximus Consultants, who assists the County’s finance functions, for the number of phones and workstations for Geauga County departments. This information was requested to facilitate a cost allocation of central services, including ADP costs, to various Geauga County entities by the BOCC. Mr. Walder noted that although this allocation has been done for many years, over the past 18 months, the ADP board has gained a better understanding of ADP’s role. Based on this, it is his understanding that under the ORC only ADP is permitted to charge for IT services. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Gorton pointed out that this has been done for a number of years and that many other Ohio counties follow a similar process. Mr. Walder’s opinion was that any charges for IT services by any other entity than ADP could potentially be unlawful, and he suggested that the data may not be provided by ADP. No resolution was reached.


Other Business: Mr. Antenucci asked if there was any other business for the Board to address. 

Mr. Walder expressed concern over the number of requests ADP has recently received to evaluate potential sites related to non-budgeted initiatives which are causing a drain on ADP resources. He cited a list of the sites ADP had visited, some several times, as various site-usage options were contemplated. He requested that the process to request an ADP evaluation be changed to require the BOCC to prepare a formal request before ADP devotes resources. Ms. Burhenne agreed to raise the request with the BOCC.

Ms. Burhenne communicated a request from the BOCC that ADP vacate the BOCC-designated conference room at the Geauga County Office Building that ADP has occupied since before the new office building opened in 2022. A discussion ensued regarding the lack of alternatives for the ADP staff located at the office building, including the ADP office space in the Opera House that is currently hampered by a nonfunctional elevator. In addition, Mr. Walder noted Geauga County Office Building design shortcomings that did not provide for the space needed for ADP staff to support the data center onsite as well as the 230 users housed in the building. Several attendees pointed out that the conference space at the office building is currently under-utilized. No resolution was reached.

Mr. Walder communicated that the Auditor, ADP and GIS departments are no longer outsourcing payroll to ADP payroll services after an initial exploratory period. Numerous mistakes were made by ADP payroll services on employee pay during that time, so the arrangement was terminated in the third quarter of 2023.

Public Comment: Mr. Antenucci asked for any public comments/questions. There were none.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:53 pm.

The next meeting of the ADP Board is the Regular Meeting that is scheduled for June 12, 2024.

Minutes when posted are available here: Meeting Minutes | Geauga County Automatic Data Processing

Virtual Meeting Information:  Contact Pamela McMahan at 

Observer: Carol Benton

Editor: Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Submitted 3/18/24

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga