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Health District Advisory Council

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Geauga County Health District Advisory Council - March 13, 2024

The HDAC conducted its
statutorily mandated Annual Meeting on March 13, 2024 at 6:30 pm at the County Office Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room 303B, Chardon, OH 44024. The meeting was streamed by Geauga ADP and a recording is available.  At publication, the recording had been viewed 39 times

Call to Order
: The meeting was called to order by President Chris Alusheff at 6:30 pm and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Seated at the front, facing attendees were Secretary Mike Brown, President Chris Alusheff and Administrator Adam Litke.

Roll Call
: Secretary Mike Brown called the roll, noting 14 of 22 council members present as listed below.  A quorum was declared.

In attendance:

Aquilla Village - Chris Alusheff

Burton Village - Ruth Spanos

Chardon City - Chris Grau

Chardon Twp - Mike Brown

Chester Twp - Craig Richter

Hambden Twp - Keith McClintock

Huntsburg Twp - Jason Sutter

Montville Twp - Patricia Combs

Munson Twp - Jim McCaskey

Newbury Twp - Bill Skomrock

Parkman Twp - Joyce Peters

Russell Twp - Jim Mueller

Thompson Twp - Joseph Cinders

Troy Twp - Sharon Simms


Auburn Twp - Michael Troyan

Bainbridge Twp - Michael Bates 

Burton Twp - Dan Whiting

Claridon Twp - Jon Tiber

County Commissioner - Ralph Spidalieri

Middlefield Twp - Paul Porter

Middlefield Village - Ben Garlich

S. Russell Village - William Koons

Geauga Public Health District (GPHD) Board:  Present in the audience were Carolyn Brakey, Dr. Mark Rood, Dr.  Mark Hendrickson and outgoing member Lynn Roman.

Present were Health Commissioner Ron Graham, Administrator Adam Litke and Environmental Health Director Dan Lark.  

: Several unidentified members of the public and this observer.

-  March 15, 2023 annual meeting minutes were approved without edits or comment. Observer Report: HDAC met quarterly throughout 2023. No minutes were prepared for those meetings as the 12 person quorum was not met.

Annual Report by GPHD Administration: Adam Litke 

An eleven page annual report was provided to all in attendance and
can be viewed online. Areas of focus included: 

  • House Bill 110 Program 

  • Operations & Maintenance Program 

  • Financial Assistance for Repair/Replacement of Household Sewage Treatment Systems

  • Cross Jurisdictional Agreement with Lake County General Health District 

  • Public Health Goals 

  • Statistics for Environmental Health and Population Health 

  • Brief financial review

Of note, in 2023, deaths far outpaced births in Geauga County, with the vital statistics program issuing 2,490 birth certificates and 4,543 death certificates.

Mr. Litke presented out-going GPHD board member Lynn Roman with a plaque in recognition of her service.  She thanked everyone who supported the decision to enter into the cross jurisdictional agreement with Lake County.

Mr. Litke closed by touting cost savings, improved services and relationships in the community and low staff turnover. He thanked several public officials for their assistance over the past year.

Selection of GPHD Board Member

Background: Under
ORC 3709.03, the Health District Advisory Council (HDAC) selects a Geauga Public Health District Board member during its annual March meeting. GPH board members serve five-year, staggered terms with one term expiring each year.  The opening was advertised through the Geauga Maple Leaf, and two applicants were interviewed by HDAC Selection Committee members Chris Alusheff, Jason Sutter, Joyce Peters, Jonathan Tiber and William Koons.

Mr. Alusheff invited candidates Melissa Bowdren and Dennis Galicki forward to make 3 minute presentations and explained that the public would then be welcome to speak in support of a candidate for up to 1 minute.  Public comment would be limited to 10 minutes unless extended by vote of the Council.  

  • Melissa Bowdren - Assistant Nurse Manager for the last 8 years with the Cleveland Clinic. 18 year career as Registered Nurse with Social Work background. See resume here

  • Dennis Galicki - Retired Naval Officer with 28 years of service. Elected member of South Russell Village Council. 15 years of management and executive experience in manufacturing and facilities management. See resume here.

Public Comment in Support of Candidates:  None

Public Questions:

  • A resident from Russell Twp requested a job description and pay rate for the GPHD Board position.  Mr. Alusheff explained that the GPHD board does not manage the day-to-day operations of the health department but instead, is responsible for policy decisions and approving a budget.  Adam Litke added that per ORC, board members may be compensated up to $80/meeting for up to 18 meetings. Observer Note: Refer to ORC 3709.02

  • A Claridon Twp. resident inquired whether a candidate’s role as an elected official on a village council presented a conflict of interest for the GPH Board role.  Mr. Alusheff stated the Screening Committee considered that question and determined there was no conflict.

Screening Committee Recommendation - Mr. Alusheff said the committee unanimously recommended Melissa Bowdren.

HDAC Deliberations:

Roll Call Vote
- Mr. Brown called the roll and recorded responses. The Council voted unanimously to appoint Ms. Bowdren. Mr. Galicki congratulated Ms. Bowdren.

Other Business -
Mr. Litke encouraged HDAC members to attend their quarterly meetings, which Mr. Alusheff stated are being held on the 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in June, September, and December. Craig Richter inquired whether there was public notification of the quarterly HDAC meetings. Mr. Alusheff said the HDAC meeting notices are published in the Geauga Maple Leaf and shared via social media by the League of Women Voters of Geauga. 

  • Several members of the public stated they could not find the meeting notices anywhere.

  • Jim Mueller suggested also publishing the meeting notice in the Chagrin Valley Times.

Election of 2024/2025 HDAC Officers - the council voted unanimously to re-elect Mr. Alusheff as President and Mr. Brown as Secretary. Mr. Alusheff again strongly urged HDAC members to attend the quarterly meetings.

- The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

Next Quarterly HDAC Meeting:
June 12, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Observer:  Shelly Lewis

Editor: Gail Roussey 

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga