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Kenston Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps


Kenston Board of Education –  Regular Session, February 12, 2024 

Meeting Details
:  The Kenston Board of Education met for in Regular Session on February 12, 2024 at Kenston High School, 9500 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023, in the High School Auburn Bainbridge room beginning at 7pm.  The meeting was live streamed here and the video is posted on Kenston's YouTube page. View the agenda online and any attached documents here by selecting the meeting tab and then the meeting date.

Observer Note: This observer attended virtually. The video had a delayed start and only began at roll call, missing both the call to order and the Pledge of Allegiance. The room was  full of attendees wearing red T-shirts, with many sitting on the floor due to lack of additional seating. It is possible that this group was introduced before the video commenced. The Observer learned at a later time that these people were teachers present at the meeting to express solidarity with contract negotiations currently in progress for the District.

Board Attendance
: Jennifer Troutman, Jim Henry, Dennis Bergansky, Beth Krause, and Tom Manning

Staff in Attendance
: Superintendent Steven Sayers and Treasurer Seth Cales 

1:06 Min. Minutes:
The Kenston Board of Education approved that the reading of the minutes be waived and to approve the minutes of the Organizational Meeting and the Regular Meeting of January 8, 2024 as recorded or corrected here

1:27 Min. Commendations

Kenston High School (KHS) student Josh Koltas was recognized by KHS Principal Tom Gabram and approved by the Board for commendation for receiving the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for the Kenston project Upgrading the KHS Giving Gardens.

5.27 Min. Board Reports and Informational Items

  • Timmons Elementary School (TES) Principal Dave Rogaliner presented information about the school’s One School, One Book Program. Each student and staff member is presented with one copy of a selected book. Timmons Elementary School weaves a program of reading and celebration around the book. The book presented this year was titled Trumpet of the Swan by author E.B. White.

  • Kenston Foundation President Cheryl Spehar spoke to the Board and Audience about the efforts of the Kenston Foundation to create and organize grants for teachers and scholarships for students of the Kenston School District.

    • 11 grants totalling around $12,000 were distributed to teachers in all schools this year.

    • The organization solicits grant project ideas through applications from the teaching community each year. They are a little late this year sending out applications due to some unforeseen events in January of 2024.

    • The Kenston Foundation is also involved in administering the senior scholarship application event on May 21, 2024, and is one of many groups that hand out senior scholarships and awards. The Kenston Foundation will hand out approximately 31 scholarships this year. Interviews begin in March, and students have until the end of March to submit all of their documentation. 

    • Ms. Spehar wanted to note that there are scholarships for students in the Auburn Vocational Program as well.

16.24 Min. Administrative Committee Update

There was minimal discussion with nothing to note.

17.13 Min. Legislative Update

Jennifer Troutman stated that there are many bills moving through the Ohio House at this time and most are finance and tax related. Multiple counties are experiencing property reevaluations at this time. She concluded that due to so much movement, it was best to wait and see what will pass before speaking to the impact on the county and school district. 


18.42 Min. Hearing of the Public on Agenda Items


19 Min.

The Board of Education approved Financial Items 7.1-7.6 which can be found here then selecting the appropriate meeting date, agenda, and line item 7.

The Board of Education approved Certified and Classified Personnel Items 8.1-8.2 and 9.1-9.4 which can be found here then selecting the appropriate meeting date, agenda, and line item 8 or 9.

The Board of Education approved Supplemental Contracts Item 10.1 which can be found here then selecting the appropriate meeting date, agenda, and line item 10.

The Board of Education approved Exempt Personnel Items 11.1-11.3 which can be found here then selecting the appropriate meeting date, agenda, and line item 11.

  • Among other new contracts, Julianne Walker will resign as Kenston Intermediate School (KIS) Principal as of June 2024 and will begin as Kenston Middle School (KMS) Assistant Principal in July 2024. 

The Board of Education approved Special Education Item 14.1 which can be found here then selecting the appropriate meeting date, agenda, and line item 14.

22.25 Min. New Business

The Board of Education approved New Business Items 16.1-16.7 which can be found here then selecting the appropriate meeting date, agenda, and line item 16.

  • Of interest, an additional professional development day was added to the 2023-2024 calendar. There will be no school for students on April 8, 2024 due to the Solar Eclipse.

  • The Board approved the Open Enrollment Policy for the year with no changes.  Jim Henry asked for the number of students in this program. Mr. Sayers advised that while he doesn’t have exact numbers on hand, he believes that there are approximately 30 students from outside the district coming into Kenston Schools and approximately 17 or 18 who leave to attend schools in other districts. No new open enrollment students are being accepted other than those that fall within the district’s collective bargaining agreement. 

  • The Board approved a contract with Apptegy for the creation and hosting of a new school district website and app. Mr. Sayers advised that this is being funded through the district’s ESC (Educational Service Center) funding.  Information about the software and contract is available here.

24.23 Min. Hearing of the Public on Non-Agenda Items

  • Michael Eisner stated  that he has had two children in the Kenston schools, both with IEPs, and they’ve succeeded with help from so many people. He believes that this became most apparent to him during the current school year. Mr. Eisner expressed the belief that his son William has really “come into his own” this year, and he was glad that Mrs. Smith was gracious enough to lead the PACK (Political Action Committee of Kenston) again this year. Mr. Eisner explained that conversations with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Troutman (among others) led his son to believe that he wanted to participate in Mock Trial. During his time with Mock Trial, William found an interest in the study of law. Also during this time, he discovered the Speech and Debate Club, which he also joined and now enjoys. William is currently spending much time at school making connections and friends and gaining confidence. The Eisner family is proud of his progress. Mr. Eisner credits PACK and the influence of everyone on his son’s team, a team that Mr. Eisner identified as:  special education teachers, administrators, various advisers, and coaches (Mock Trial, Speech and Debate). Mr. Eisner went on to credit Mr. Gowdy, who assigned William to be the video person for the football and basketball teams, for being the one who initially encouraged him to feel like a member of a team and experience success with extracurricular activities. Observer Note: At this point there was an interruption due to a mouse running around on the floor where many were sitting. Mr. Eisner expressed thanks to the Kenston team for the successful experiences that his two children have had. Mr. Eisner also thanked all teachers and the Board. Observer Note: The room is full of teachers. See note at beginning.

  • William Eisner began by stating that he believes his life has changed positively throughout his high school career. He found extracurricular activities after school to be especially beneficial. Initially he was a member of PACK, and this involvement led him to look at other extracurricular venues. In particular, he mentioned the levy meeting where he met Mrs. Troutman and Mr. Voudris, both coaches of the Mock Trial Team. Participating in Mock Trial led to his new interest in law and potentially studying pre-law in college. At this time, he also became interested in Speech and Debate. Currently, he is a second alternate for the Speech and Debate State Competition. William believes that these experiences have greatly broadened his perspective of the opportunities available in the Kenston School District and how they can positively impact his future. He expressed his hope that as the school district experiences changing circumstances and tries to reinvent itself, the extracurricular opportunities that he experienced will still be available for the next generations of students. Observer Note: The room of red clad teachers gave William a standing ovation.

37.29 Min. Treasurer's Report

  • Visual slides began at 38 minutes as Mr. Cales began a “brief, high-level overview.” He discussed revenues, expenditures, cash balances, and some state-wide data. He stated that his purpose was to let the district know how Kenston is trending versus last year, and versus the forecast for month-to-date and year-to-date. For the month-to-month review, January revenues are up compared to last year. On a year-to-date level, revenues are up $752, 545 compared to last year. Mr. Cales stated that this amount is driven primarily by a public utility tax that was payable last year but delayed into this year. Expenses are also up $293,039 when compared to last year at this time. Mr. Cales remarked that this is due in part to the time of year, and to the increases in salary and benefits. Mr. Cale stated that districts across the state have seen an exponential increase in the cost of benefits, and it is a delicate balancing act to provide a well-balanced benefits package while keeping an eye on the cost of it. The concern is that benefits are becoming “largely unsustainable” with increases as high as 14-18 percent year over year. Expenditures are up $871,280 compared to last year. Mr. Cales stated again that this is primarily driven by step increases in salary and increases in benefits. Looking at Expenses YTD from the general fund, there is a dip between 2019 and 2021 due to the availability of Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief-Covid (ESSER) funds. ESSER money was exhausted in 2023 and can no longer be used to offset some of the expenses in 2024. The general fund is now absorbing costs. The district has been deficit spending 4 out of the last 5 years even after the receipt of ESSER funds in those years. Mr. Cales stated that the district is at the “end of a potential levy cycle” and “we might expect the district to go on the ballot with a levy.” As of right now, the district is trying to extend the levy cycle and be good stewards of the money. The five-year forecast projections, which require the district to project cash balances two years out, indicate that the district is currently in line with that requirement. For a more detailed discussion see the presentation beginning around 38 minutes into the video.

53.40 Min. Superintendent’s Report

  • Auburn Career Center juniors and Kenston underclassmen who have applied to the Auburn Career Center have been invited to the KHS Trained Speaker Series. This event is an opportunity for students to connect with professionals in their chosen career fields. Speakers this year include Jesse Srpan of Raw Iron Choppers LLC, Ted Otero of Otero Signature Homes LLC, and Doreen Cannon, a Community Engagement and Training Contractor with Cleveland Builds.

  • The process to build the 2025-2026 school calendar has begun, and the community is invited to contact Ann Marie at the Board Office to provide input, thoughts, and ideas.

  • Another Family Ties Night will occur on Wednesday February 28, 2024. Family Ties nights are nights where no homework, games, meetings, or activities are to occur after 5:30 pm to allow for family time. Restaurants are invited to contact the district if they wish to participate by offering discounts for dinners etc.

  • KHS is hosting the sectional tournament for wrestling on February 24th. They are also hosting the district wrestling tournament on March 1 and 2, 2024.

  • KMS will host the Speech and Debate tournament on February 24, 2024, with over 15 schools participating.

  • KHS Speech and Debate has had an exceptional year, with eight students qualifying for the state competition, along with three alternates. The state competition will be held on March 1 and 2 in Wooster.

  • Congratulations to Steve Voudris, who has been selected by the Cleveland District of Ohio Speech and Debate Association as Coach of the Year.

  • Mr. Sayers encouraged the community to check out the district’s website and social media channels for information and happenings in the district.

  • The next addition of Kenston’s In The Know should arrive in mailboxes around March 1st.

Reviewer Note: In a February 26 email sent out to the Kenston community, Mr. Sayers announced his retirement as Kenston Superintendent effective July 31, 2024. 

59.09 Min. A motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss the employment and compensation of a public employee and an update on negotiations with public employees was approved.

As per Tom Manning, no board action would be taken after the Executive Session besides adjournment. The video ended at or around 7pm.

Next regular meeting: Monday, March 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Kenston High School Auburn Bainbridge Room.  

More information here:
Board of Education | Kenston Local Schools

Observer: Jacqueline Berger

Editor: Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date Submitted: 3/01/24

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga