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West Geauga Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

West Geauga Board of Education Special Board Meeting - 1/31/2024

Meeting Details: The West Geauga Board of Education met in Special Session on January 31, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the Board Office Community Room, 8615 Cedar Road in Chester Township. Meetings are open to the public and media. The meeting agenda and minutes are available online. Look for the Meeting tab in the right hand corner. Pick the meeting you want to review and then click on “Agenda.” A video recording is available here.

Board Attendance:

● Christina Sherwood, President

● Dr. William Beers, Vice President

● Mary-Michelle Coleman Walsh

● Kathy Leavenworth

● Pam Claypool

Staff Attendance:

● Richard A. Markwardt, Ph.D., Superintendent

● Karen Pavlat, Treasurer

Observer Note: This special meeting was announced at the previous board meeting (1/22/24) to discuss the Master Facilities Plan.  As noted at the January 22 meeting, a special meeting prior to the regularly scheduled February meeting was recommended due to fast approaching funding application deadlines, and the earlier meeting time was set because the board anticipated needing additional time in order to reach a decision.

The meeting was called to order and roll call was conducted. A reminder was issued that this is a special board meeting and no public participation would be allowed.  Reviewer Note: Public comment policy 0169.1 is referenced on the West Geauga Board website.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

0:47 Min  Program Reports and Presentations - Dr. Markwardt introduced the purpose of the meeting as working out how the district will meet the needs of students by updating the “1950s era facilities.” He provided background on the Facilities Master Plan, which began in 2018. It was delayed by the joining of Newbury School District and the COVID pandemic in 2020, and updated in 2023 by the GDP Group.

4:50 Min. - Mark Amstutz, Director of Instructional Technology and Operations, summarized the two options under consideration, which are referred to as the 9-12 model and the 6-12 model. He used a handout to review the two proposals and associated costs, as well as the cost of renovation if the District does not move forward with new construction. He highlighted that the new construction would result in a facility meant to last at least 50 years and that the cost sets are projected to go up by 3-5% in an April 2024 reappraisal. Prior Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) funding strategies and standards were discussed, and it was clarified that the OFCC’s estimates for renovation have been updated. 

15:01 Min. - Heather Meyer Arling from Bradley Payne Advisors presented two financing options for both of the new construction options. Her presentation detailed the pre- and post-election timelines, interest rates, and pros and cons of using either a Bond Issue or applying for a loan through the USDA. A summary at the end of the presentation highlighted that the USDA loan interest rate (3.75%) is lower than the Bond market rate (4.75%) and would cost almost $28 million less over the life of the loan. However, the fees associated with USDA would be paid out of the General/Project Fund, as opposed to the Bond fees, which would be paid through Bond proceeds. The USDA loan rate would adjust down if rates go down and would allow early repayment without penalty. Bonds can be restructured around year 8 or after without penalty. The workload for either funding option is similar. Reviewer Note:  The League of Women Voters of Geauga received clarification that the election in question would be the November 2024 election; this is when West Geauga would have a Bond issue on the ballot. For a discussion of Bond Issue vs. levy, see Ohio School Board explanation here.

31:07 Min. - Heather Meyer Arling answered questions from the board, clarifying that the United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA) funding is first come first serve, confirming West G’s eligibility for the loan, clarifying millage for the Bond Issue, and the turnaround time for approval of the USDA loan. Ms. Arling clarified that she would need more detailed cost figures from the architects, as well as adding some financial cushion, before submitting the application to the USDA.  She reviewed the history of her relationship with the USDA grant. Karen Pavlat noted that she sees no down sides to the USDA loan, clarified that environmental and traffic impact studies would be necessary for application, and reiterated that legal and application fees would be incurred. Ms. Arling and Ms. Pavlat described the application process of the Berkshire School District.

44:40 Min. Personnel Resolutions - The Board accepted a certified staff resignation, a classified staff resignation, and a classified staff retirement.  They also rescinded a supplemental contract for the current school year.

45:57 Min. Business Resolutions - The Board approved a service agreement with Red Line Advocacy for the current school year.

46:23 Min. Board Resolutions - The Board discussed the 2 options of the Master Facilities Plan. President Sherwood described the Planning/Facilities Committee’s preference to have the majority of the students in one place for the sake of efficiency. Ms. Sherwood and Dr. Beers reminded the Board that the community will ultimately decide if the plan moves forward by voting for or against the proposed plan in the November election. Ms. Sherwood and Dr. Markwardt described the makeup and process of the Planning/Facilities Committee. Dr. Markwardt clarified issues in traffic flow and the preference for the separation of middle and high school students, even when under one roof. He also noted that the 6-12 model would cause less physical disruption, as the students would remain in their current buildings until new construction is completed. Plans for the empty school buildings were discussed. Issues with transportation lines and parking were further clarified. The separation of like-aged students in the 6-12 model was further explored. Next steps leading up to the Bond Issue for the November Ballot were laid out. Ms. Pavlat described what happens if the School District doesn’t use all of the money requested for the project. Issues with the current buildings were explained: though all of the structures have been very well maintained and look good from the outside, updates to the infrastructure are necessary, especially the HVAC system, plumbing, and technological improvements for the students. 

1:11:06 Min. - The board voted to accept and approve the Master Facilities Plan for the 6-12 Model.

1:12:25 Min. Resolution to Adjourn and Announcement of Next Regular Board Meeting: 2/26/24 @ 7:00 pm

Observer: Dina Dean

Editor: Sarah McGlone

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

Date Submitted: 2/5/24

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga