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Chardon Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps


Chardon Board of Education – January 16, 2024

Meeting Details:
Meetings are held at the Chardon Board of Education building adjacent to the Chardon Middle School at 428 North Street, Chardon.  Here is the link to the available Meeting Agendas and Minutes.  Click on the meetings tab on the right to access the Agendas and Minutes.  Board meeting videos are also available through Chardon Geauga TV (GTV). Topics discussed will be noted by the time that they appear in the GTV video for easy reference.

Board President Karen Blakenship, Vice President Todd Albright, Board Members Andrea Clark, James Midyette, and C.J. Paterniti

Staff Attendance:
Superintendent Michael Hanlon (appeared virtually) and Treasurer Deb Armbrewster

2:30 min 1.2 Adoption of Agenda - All Approved

3:17 min 1.3
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by two students and certificates were presented to the students.

4:45 min 1.4 Mission Statement -
Read by Superintendent Hanlon

4:54 min 2.1 Hearing of the Public on Agenda Items: No public comments.

Reviewer Note: In order to comment at Chardon Board of Education meetings, members of the public must sign up to do so before the meeting starts. There are two opportunities for public comment.  The first one on Agenda items and the second one not restricted to the Agenda.

5:12 min Consent Agenda - 3.1 Approval of Minutes - All Approved

3.2 Approval of Warrant List (checks) Report - All Approved

3.3 Approval of Interagency Agreement Between Riverside Local School District And Chardon Local School District – Notre Dame Elementary School - All Approved

3.4 Approval of Agreement with Educational Service Center (ESC) of Northeast Ohio for Student Services - All Approved

3.5 Approval of College Credit Plus Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Chardon Schools and Kent State University -  All Approved

3.6 Approval of College Credit Plus Partnership Agreement between Chardon Local Schools and Lakeland Community College - All Approved

6:09 min 3.7 Consent Agenda Approval - All Approved

6:52 min 4.1 CHS Student Liaison Report-
Student liaisons Madison Primc and Jennifer Kogovsek delivered the student report and shared updates on the following: the French and Spanish field trip, Santa themed candy-gram program, student art projects, the National Honor Society hosted a successful canned goods drive and donated proceeds to the Cleveland Food Bank, the Ski-Club has returned and no experience is needed to participate, the Swim Team recently placed in the top 3 at the Western Reserve Conference Championships 1/12-13 at Cleveland State University, the CHS Choir recently sang the National Anthem at a Cavs game, CHS has a One Acts and Talent Show coming up and, for National Board Member Recognition Month, the students recognized the Chardon BOE.

9:57 min 5.1 Superintendent’s Report and Recommendations-
Superintendent Hanlon provided the  report virtually. Dr. Hanlon stated that January is Board Member Recognition Month, so he took a moment to recognize the Board Members, and presented them with gifts from the schools and students. Dr. Hanlon stated that the school had received a $30,000 grant for surveillance camera software.  He noted that the software will be used to improve safety and increase access for law enforcement and administration. Dr. Hanlon said that the total cost of the project will  be $135,000 and he added that the current construction management projects of the Transportation Compound, Security Vestibule, Restrooms, Concessions, and New CHS Parking Lot are now up for bid. He  advised that he and Armbrewster  issued public notice (as required) for a Request for Qualifications for a Construction Manager at Risk (CMR)  for several proposed projects in the district.  His report states that they use CMR (Construction Manager at Risk), which  is an alternative to traditional competitive bidding of packages for capital improvements. As stated in the Superintendent's report:  “CMR delivery provides for a construction manager to offer a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) to deliver the intended scope of work”.  The next step will be to schedule interviews with construction management firms once the posting period has passed.  Dr. Hanlon stated they would follow a 30-day notice period for the work requested, and then will conduct interviews to choose the contractor.    

13:28 min Presentation by Munson Principal postponed due to technical error (occurs later in the meeting)

13:47 min 5.3 Administrative, Certified / Licensed, Classified, Supplemental, and Non-Contractual 
Personnel Compensation - All Approved 

14:49 min 5.4 Resolution 2024-02: Fair School Funding Plan - All Approved;
Mr. Albright asked if Dr.         Hanlon had received notice that committees in the Ohio House have been seeking comment from qualified people. Dr. Hanlon asked if Mr. Albright was referring to deals with property tax. Mr. Albright stated no. Dr. Hanlon responded that he has not seen that yet. Mr. Albright responded that Dr. Hanlon will probably be in Columbus again. Observer Note:  It was not clear which bill to which Mr. Albright was referring, but Ohio House Bill 339 is in committee now.

16:34 min 5.5 Resolution 2024-03: Membership to the Ohio School Athletic Association - All Approved

17:18 min 5.6 Approval of CHS Athletics Out of State / Overnight Field Trips - All Approved

18:05 min 5.7 Approval of Agreement with CommServ for Video Management System - All Approved

18:30 min 5.8 Board Policies - First Reading

20.17 min 5.2 Building Showcase Munson Elementary -
Munson Elementary School Principal Matt                       Prezioso provided the report. Mr. Prezioso stated that Munson has been focused on supporting the staff so that they can focus on their students. Mr. Prezioso stated that the bus drivers, volunteers, and others are involved and the kids know they care. Mr. Prezioso explained that Munson currently has 264 students, 14 classrooms, 12 teachers including arts and languages, 5 intervention specialists, 6 aides, 4 tutors, and 3 volunteers.  He said that Munson utilizes professional learning communities to increase knowledge and help teachers be consistent. He highlighted Munson’s use of the Wit and Wisdom Curriculum to help students with language arts. Mr. Prezioso also said that results of the 3rd grade proficiency testing show that Munson scored 76% proficient compared to the 48% statewide average. Mr. Prezioso explained that kids who do not pass are supported through multiple options including a RIMP (reading improvement and monitoring plan), “high dosage” tutoring groups, an intervention team and specialist, and time with volunteers. Mr. Prezioso discussed the “Topper Ticket” program which recognizes students for their achievements, and he said  that Munson’s priorities include Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), standards-based report cards, foreign language programs, and Munson Moves. Mr. Prezioso explained that Munson Moves was created in partnership with a physician to help pair movement with learning which in turn improves focus.  Observer Note:  See more information here.

36:34 mins 6.1 Treasurer Ms. Armbrewster / CFO Report-from December 2023,

Balance of $31,028,112.08. Collected $130,000 more than anticipated. Average monthly expenditures at $3.2 million. True Days at 122.5;  Mr. Armbrewster stated, “...if the True Days get to 75, we may need to consider a Levy.”  Reviewer Note:  See Financial Report - True Days equals days of operating cash.  In State budget reviews, this exceeds the standard required.  See Ohio School Measurement .  Total expenses are $1.6 million higher than the same period last year. The Self-Insurance Fund is stable. Ms. Clark asked if there was a tentative date for the budget hearing.   Ms. Armbrewster stated that the tentative date is February 27th at 10:00 am. Reviewer Note:  This is the date when the Board will meet with the Geauga Budget Commission.

48:36 min 6.2 Donations-  Mr. Paterniti Abstains, All Others Approve.
Mr. Albright thanked the Paterniti family for their generous donation. Mrs. Blakenship thanked all donors.

49:50 min 6.3 Equipment Disposal - All Approved.
Mr. Paterniti asked where the schools were selling the used wrestling mats? A member of the audience stated that the mats are in good condition and           some may be sold at auction. 

51:40 min 6.4 Transfer from 022-9300 (Athletic Tournament) to 300-9001 (Athletics High School) -
Ms.             Armbrewster stated that this fund collects revenue from all sports and auditors have recommended                  moving these funds to an athletic fund. Mr. Midyette asked if there was a downside to this? Ms. Armbrewster replied that no there is no downside and that this move will just help the Board be compliant with recommendations. - All Approved

53:40 min 7.1 Chardon Schools Board Report-
Andrea Clark reported that the cafeterias will get new      television sets. Todd Albright stated that the legislature has been busy; there have been 77 proposed and            15 passed measures. Albright stated that some of the measures passed will impact what the Board does. Albright stated that he would give a more thorough report once he talks with Dr. Hanlon. Andrea Clark asked if the “A-Team” would help them update their policies. Dr. Hanlon replied that yes, they would. Ms. Armbrewster stated that the Educational Service Center (ESC) has new members and that the Auburn Career Center is about to begin taking bids for a new Public Safety Facility. James Midyette provided a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Midyette reported the following: there is a new Food Service Director, the Tiny Toppers put on a program that contributed to an animal shelter, and the PTO has funded a sensory path. Mr. Midyette discussed an event at Munson Elementary School where a Mime performed stories that students requested, and he said that Chardon Middle School has raised over $1,900 to be given to a village in Uganda for a water well. Mr. Midyette played an animated video compilation from CHS students, and he played a video of CHS choir students singing the National Anthem at a Cavs game. Mr. Midyette then showcased CHS student Haidyn Bunker for competing in South Korea for the Junior Olympics.

1:17:21 min 7.2 – 7.4 Approval of BOE Members Mr. Albright, Ms. Clark, and Mr. Midyette to attend conferences.
Dr. Hanlon added that it has been determined that board members can vote for themselves to attend the conferences. - All Approved

1:20:50 mins 8.1 New Business- none

1:21:01 min 9.1 Hearing of the Public on Non-Agenda Items -
Pam Crawford, Chardon Township,                        spoke. Ms. Crawford feels there is the perception that there is division among the BOE members and she encouraged unity and integrity. She asked that the BOE stay on task to strengthen all students academically, to consider the safety of all students, and to protect students in bathrooms, and on field trips. Ms. Crawford stated that history is not to be re-written but learned from. She said she feels the BOE should keep in mind not to bring in things that confuse children and added she feels it’s important to monitor books, stating, “...there's a group of us that have been monitoring the public library and we have great concern.”  She urged fiscal accountability. See video for complete statement.

1:25:19 min 10.1 Meeting Adjournment - All Approved

The meeting ended at 7:56 pm.

agendas and minutes are available online.

Next regular meeting is scheduled for: February 20, 2024

Name of Observer: Jessica Martin 

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

Date submitted: 1/26/2024

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga