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Geauga Park District

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Geauga Park District Board - January 16, 2024

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 (change due to Martin Luther King Holiday on Monday) at 8:30 am at Big Creek Park Meyer Center, 9160 Robinson Rd, Chardon, OH 44024.  This meeting was in-person only with no virtual option.

Public Comment Policy: The Park District Board does not have a formal policy and in practice never permits public comment.

Board Attendance
: Commissioners Howard Bates, Ray Guarino, and Les LaGatta were present. Jolene Carnabuci and Frank Stein were absent.

Staff Attendance
: John Oros, Executive Director; Dawn Sweeney, Finance Director; Matt McCue, Deputy Director, and Jessica Alpers, Administrative Assistant.  Also in attendance were Park Ranger Chief Dennis Sloan, Marketing Coordinator Sandy Ward, Events HR Manager Christine Ward, Chief Naturalist Paul Pira, Park Planner Daniel McConnaughy, Land Seward Matt Kneitel, and Todd Hicks, who is Legal Counsel from the firm of Thrasher, Dinsmore & Dolan 

Public Attendance
- Members of Protect Geauga Parks, a Reporter from the Maple Leaf, and this observer.

Approval of Agenda/Addendum Items -
At this point in the meeting, there were no items added to the Agenda; however, read further to see the addition of an item later: Job Performance of Mr. Oros. 

Election of Officers -
The Board Unanimously elected Mr. Ray Guarino as President and Mr. Howard Bates as Vice President.

Minutes: Minutes from the December 18, 2023 meeting were approved without discussion and are now posted online.

Financial Report: Dawn Sweeney, Finance Director, verbally reported these individual fund balances as of December 31, 2023:

  • Beginning balance as of 12/1/23 in the General Fund: $4,292,396

  • Ending balance as of 12/31/23 in the General Fund:  $3,725,729

  • Beginning balance as of 12/1/23 in the Land Improvement Fund: $1,849,120 

  • Ending balance as of 12/31/23 in the Land Improvement Fund: $2,035,190

  • All Funds beginning balance on 12/1/23: $6,327,586

  • All Funds ending balance on 12/31/23: $5,583,968

Observer Note:  The General Fund beginning balance for 1/1/24 would then be $3,725,729, which will be listed on next month’s end of month Budget report.  This compares closely with the estimate submitted for the 2024 Budget, which was $3,358,143.24 for the beginning balance on 1/1/24.  What caused this balance to be $367,585.75 higher than estimated is not known to the public.

There were no questions and no discussion.

Presentation of Payment Report for December 2023 -
There was no discussion and no questions.  

Observer Note: There was no vote on this payment report as the payments have already occurred.

Old Business - None

New Business

Planning Update
. Mr. McCue reported on several items: 

  • The Veterans Legacy Woods Cold Water Stream Restoration Project will be starting soon.  The majority of the work will be done in 2024.  

  • Other upcoming projects were not mentioned specifically, but Mr. McCue said they will be ready to bid in a few months.  

  • This Observer reached out to Mr. Oros and he emailed this list of upcoming projects, which includes: 

    • The Rookery - Asphalt improvements

    • The West Woods - Entry bridge replacement

    • Orchard Hills - Asphalt improvements

    • Veterans Legacy Woods - Cuyahoga River reforestation

    • The West Woods - Trail improvements

    • Orchard Hills -Trail improvements

    • Swine Creek -Trail and Shelter improvements

    • Big Creek - Camping improvements

    • Claridon Woodlands -Upper Dam and Site improvements

Surplus Property - Board voted to send to auction a quantity (not specified) of tables and chairs.

Commissioner’s Time

Report on Survey
- Mr. Daniel McConnaughy, Park Planner

A survey was made available to the public last summer through the Geauga Park District website.  Also listed on the website were three public meetings in an effort to provide the public with input in the planning process for the 2025 Strategic Plan.  Mr. McConnaughy said that 1,200 people participated in the survey from every Geauga County township and city, with the majority of replies coming from Bainbridge, Chardon and Chesterland.  There were 24 questions which covered topics such as why individuals (and families) visited the parks and their evaluation of park facilities and programs.  The majority of respondents said they valued the parks for hiking, trails and walking.  The priorities for the future were stated as maintaining the parks and providing nature programs.  Copies of the survey are available by emailing a request to Mr. John Oros (

Land Steward Report
- Mr. Matt Kneitel discussed the benefits of volunteer activities and the principal activities of volunteers.

Mr. Kneitel said that the volunteers assist in managing invasive plants and woody invasives.  With 10,500 acres in the Geauga Park District, this would be difficult if only staff were tasked with this activity.  He stated that invasive plants such as Garlic Mustard and Danes Rocket can be pulled by volunteers, as well as woody invasives such as Thorny Buckhorn, Honeysuckle, Privet, Autumn Olive and Multiflora Rose.  Volunteers also assist with seed head collection for invasive Phragmites.

Volunteers have helped plant 700 trees since Earth Day 2022, chiefly in Veterans Legacy Woods.  Volunteers also help to spot several infestations of the Hemlock Tree, including the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid and the Elongate Hemlock Scale.

There is a volunteer brunch once a year to recognize the efforts of these volunteers.

Report on use of Facilities
- Mr. Oros reported the following:

  • In 2023 there were 3,855 shelter reservations used by 129,000 patrons.

  • There were 1,337 Camping reservations

  • 21,850 visitors came to the West Woods Nature Center

  • During the Winter Solstice program on December 21, 2023, there were 750 people who visited the West Woods during the two hours of programming.

  • In December there were 72 programs, attended by 2,139 patrons

There were no comments from the Board members.

Item added to the Agenda

Performance Evaluation for Director John Oros

Mr. Guarino stated that he wanted to deal with an email they had received.  Mr. LaGatta was surprised that “we are doing this now.” Guarno said, “Yes, we’re doing it now.”

Observer Note:  It was not stated who sent the email and not clear why this assessment was conducted in open session with Mr. Oros present. There had been an Executive Session listed on the Agenda and Attorney Todd Hicks was present. There was no Executive Session, but that is not uncommon 

President Ray Guarino read from the paper (presumably the email)  the scale that would be used (1-3, with 3 being the highest).  Mr. Guarino read each question and responded that he thought Mr. Oros should get a 3 on each item. For each item, the other Commissioners either concurred verbally or said nothing.  The questions had to do with the following:

  • Knowledge of the job

  • Quality of work

  • Quantity of work

  • Interpersonal work relationships

  • Teamwork

  • Initiative and Innovation

  • Judgment and problem solving

  • Planning and organization

  • Support of mission and core values

  • Support for the Annual Plan

  • Willing to learn and enhance skills

  • Attendance and timeliness

  • Dependability

  • Safety

  • Responsiveness to Public and outside relationships

  • Dress and appearance

  • Leadership potential

Mr. Oros thanked the staff for assisting with the work of the Park District.  He stated that his family originally came from Hungary and that he was instilled with a work ethic growing up.

Executive Session - None

Reviewer Comment: Without discussion or the opportunity for the public to comment/ask questions, the ability of the public to fully understand the business of the Geauga Park District may be hindered. For example, it is difficult to totally comprehend the financial report and the 2024 projects as presented at this meeting.  In his evaluation, Mr. Oros received a 3 (the highest rating) in regard to his “Responsiveness to Public and outside relationships.” However, numerous requests have been made for many years by the public and by the Budget Commission to permit public comment at Geauga Park District Board meetings, but to date these requests have not resulted in a change in policy regarding public comment.

Next meeting
– Tuesday, February 20 @ 8:30 am (Change due to President’s Day Holiday)

See the GPD Website for
Additional Information and Minutes

Observer: Gail Roussey

Editor & Reviewer: Sarah McGlone 

Date Submitted: January 17, 2024

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga