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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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ADP Board

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

ADP Board Annual Organizational and Special Meeting - January 8, 2024 

Meeting Details
: The Automatic Data Processing Board (ADP) held its annual organizational meeting at 1:00 pm on January 8, 2024 in the Geauga County Auditor’s Office Appraisal Conference Room at 231 Main St. Chardon, OH 44024 followed immediately by a special meeting. Virtual access was available via MS Teams and the agenda was provided in advance. This observer attended via MS Teams.

Public Comment
: ADP does not have a written policy. In practice, public comment is solicited at the end of the meeting.

Board Attendance:

  • Auditor/Chief Administrator – Charles Walder

  • Clerk of Courts – Sheila Bevington

  • County Commissioner – James Dvorak

  • Engineer – Katie Taylor for Joe Cattell

  • Board of Elections – Nora McGinnis and Michelle Lane

  • County Prosecutor – Kristen Rine for Jim Flaiz (virtual)

  • Recorder – Celesta Mullins, absent

  • Sheriff – Chief Deputy Tom Rowan for Scott Hildenbrand

  • Treasurer – Caroline Mansfield for Christopher Hitchcock

  • Coroner – Dorothy Battles for John Urbancic

  • Common Pleas Court – No representative named

ADP Staff Attendance

  • Frank Antenucci – Chief Deputy Administrator ADP

  • Allen Keener – Chief Technology Officer ADP

  • Josh Widdifield – Server Administrator

  • Corey Thompson – ADP Systems Administrator (virtual)

  • Tracy Rahimi (virtual)

Other Government Representatives:

  • Linda Burhenne – Assistant County Administrator

  • Adrian Gorton – County Finance Manager (virtual)

  • Velta Moiso – Director of IT for Common Pleas Court

  • Ron Leyde – Chief Deputy Auditor

  • Karen Murphy - Records and Archives

  • Pam McMahan – Fiscal Office Manager, Auditor’s Office

  • Kate Jacob – Chief Compliance Officer, Auditor’s Office (virtual)

Others Present:

  • None

The organizational meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by Mr. Antenucci. The board unanimously approved March 12, June 11, September 10 and December 10 for 2024 regular meeting dates. A list of ADP Board alternates was prepared and approved. This observer asked that this information be published, and Mr. Walder agreed to email the final list of alternates. The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 pm. The special meeting was immediately called to order by Frank Antenucci at 1:05 pm.

Minutes: Minutes for the October 25, 2023 special meeting and the December 12, 2023 regular meeting were approved without edits.


The Board took the following actions:

APPROVED - Board of County Commissioners’ (BOCC) Cable Communication quote ($71,170) - Mr. Antenucci explained that this quote was for equipment necessary to bring the new Chase Bank building at 100 Center St., Chardon, online in the event that the lease or purchase of this building is finalized and approved. The quote includes internal cameras and data connectivity. Ms. Burhenne indicated that the lease for the building was still under negotiation. The current plan is for the Law Library currently housed in the basement of the County Courthouse to be relocated to the third floor of this new space before the renovations of the courthouse begin, which is expected to be February 1, 2024. Mr. Antenucci noted that this equipment would likely not be in place by February 1st but that data connectivity would be made available via a temporary solution.

APPROVED - Sheriff’s Office Motorola Solutions ($135,183) - Chief Deputy Rowan explained that this contract was the annual maintenance contract for the system the Sheriff’s Office uses to access necessary data records, such as vehicle license databases, as well as the jail management system.

APPROVED - ADP and Auditor Office Geographic Information (GIS) Employees - For informational purposes, Mr. Walder reviewed a list of all employees of ADP and the Auditor Office GIS as of January 1, 2024. Reflected on the list were the splits of some employees’ time between various functions. Mr. Walder explained that a split represented how an employee’s salary cost was allocated amongst the various departments. Further, Mr. Walder highlighted the five new employees who transferred from the Archive Center to ADP as of January 1, 2024. See the Observer Report from January 3, 2024 meeting for more information. Also included on the list were the 3 students from the Kettering University (Flint, Michigan) Co-Op program that ADP regularly retains for twelve week work increments. These students are employees of ADP and turn over regularly. Historically, ADP has hired some of these students as permanent employees post-graduation. The Board approved the acceptance of this list.


Other Business: Mr. Antenucci asked if there was any other business for the Board to address.  There was none.

Public Comment: Mr. Antenucci asked for any public comments/questions. There were none.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:24 pm.

The next meeting of the ADP Board is the regular meeting that is scheduled for March 12, 2024.

Minutes when posted are available here: Meeting Minutes | Geauga County Automatic Data Processing

Virtual Meeting Information:  Contact Pamela McMahan at 

Observer: Carol Benton

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Submitted 1/9/24

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga