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Geauga County Planning Commission

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Planning Commission – December 12

The Geauga Planning Commission met in Regular Session on December 12, 2023 at 7:30 AM at the Geauga County Office Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon, OH 44024.  This meeting was in person with no virtual option. The agenda was available online one week prior to the meeting. Observer Note:  The website presents the minutes and meeting dates, and the agenda is included in that section.

Public Comment Policy:  No formal policy but in practice, public comment could be permitted at the Chair’s prerogative. However, this does not happen.  No public comment is offered.

Board Attendance:
Present were Chair John Oros, as well as Members Dennis Bergansky, Caterina Cocca-Fulton, Walter (Skip) Claypool, Jim McCaskey, Dan Miller, Gary Neola and Nick Gorris.  Commissioners Timothy Lennon, James Dvorak and Ralph Spidalieri were all absent.

Staff Attendance:
  Linda Crombie, Planning Director, Allyson Kobus, Planner II, and Pamela Irizarry, Administrative Assistant.

Others Attending
:  Shortly before the meeting ended, one member of the public came in.  No members of the press were present.

- Minutes are available online here.

Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call

Approval of Minutes -
Minutes for November 14, 2023 were approved.

Approval of Agenda/Addendum Items
- Approved, no additional items added.

Financial Report and Approval of Expenses
- Approved

Expenditures YTD (year to date) were $191,071.60

Funds remaining - $21,478.40

Fees received in November - $500.00; YTD $22,620

Expenses for the month included mileage and several dinners;  Copy usage was $23

It was noted by Ms. Irizarry that there would be some bills carried over.

Director’s Report

There was one buildable lot in Troy in November

YTD 15 lots splits plus 36 large lots and 12 over 20 acres

Claridon Land Use Plan - Staff met with Claridon in November and assisted with an analysis of the core commercial districts.  Staff time from May through November was 102 hours.

Loss Prevention Safety Team Committee met.  There was a presentation on Fire Safety.
Observer Note: This is a group composed of representatives of departments in the new county office building.

Staff are meeting regarding goals for next year and will go over them with the Commission at the January meeting.

Director Crombie attended the Township Association meeting where there was a presentation on what townships can do regarding the new marijuana legislation.  The Prosecutor said that townships can pass a resolution to prohibit sales, but it would not be through zoning.

            Mr. Claypool noted his opposition to the commercial growing of marijuana.  

Interoffice - Microsoft Teams can be utilized for lot split reviews. Staff is working on implementing this approach.

ADP is migrating to One Drive.

            Mr. Claypool asked if multifactor authentication (MFA) was being used and staff said that it was.
            Ms. Korbus also confirmed that she can access the GIS program at home.

Director reported that Reba Dykes (Dept. of Aging) inquired about the housing inventory.  The Senate Select Committee on Housing has not scheduled a meeting regarding Geauga County. 
Observer Note:  This Ohio Senate Committee was tasked with studying how to provide affordable housing.  See link.

There are two building projects in commercial construction.  One is in Middlefield (9000 sq ft) and the second is in Auburn Township (6900 sq ft).

Legislative update:  

  • HB 257 has passed the House.  It will permit public bodies to meet virtually, although it excludes county commissioners and township trustees.  Ms. Cocca-Fulton said that “Even if permitted,  any significant votes have to be taken in person.”  She further stated that it has to be adopted as a bylaw.  

  • House Bill 315 _ Township Omnibus Bill is in committee.

  • Several marijuana bills have been introduced which will impact ORC 3780 if passed.  

  • There was a discussion about large grow operations.  There is currently one in Middlefield for medical marijuana.

  • HB 354 would change the way the tax money from marijuana use would be used, with a larger portion going to police officers.

  • Mr. Bergansky talked about the difficulties of establishing that someone was driving impaired due to marijuana use.

  • Mr.Claypool stated that “ will test positive if you walk into a room where there is marijuana smoke.”

Lot Splits and easements this year - 42

Staff referred to the Land Use Plan four times

This month, the staff assisted Claridon (Land Use Plan), and Burton Township (they asked for the guide to updating a land use plan that is under review right now by staff)

Staff attended two webinars - one on the Census and one on cyber security

Other Business:  None

Major subdivisions to be Reviewed

Nottingham Woods Subdivision, Replate of Sublot 17-R, Munson Towp, Final Plat - Approved (Mr. McCaskey abstained) subject to signature of the Zoning Inspector.

This was a consolidation with an adjacent property and there were no issues raised by Geauga Soil & Water, Geauga Public Health or the Tax Map Department. 

Township Zoning Amendments to be Reviewed:

Hambden Township Text Amendment ZC 2023-02, initiated November 6, 2023 by the Zoning Commission.  This amendment concerns Accessory Buildings.  The proposal is to increase the allowable square footage of accessory building from the current 1600 sq feet to 2,500 square feet or 500 sq feet/acre.  Ms. Crombie suggested wording that would make it clear that it was 500 sq ft/acre with a
maximum of 2,500. It could have been read as 500 sq.ft/acre with no maximum but it is actually a 2500 maximum. 

Approved with the suggested wording.

Correspondence - None

Old Business - None

New Business

  • Intern Job description - This position will be for summer 2024 but Ms. Cromie wanted to be able to send the description to Lakeland now as this is the time that students are looking for internships  The Tasks for the intern will be:

    • Work on the housing inventory

    • Review census data and create profiles for each township

    • Buildings by type analysis. Currently, the Map doesn’t have buildings color coded by type.

            The Budgeted amount was $14/hour.  This is a seasonal position and it will end in time to not trigger a             possible unemployment claim.

  • Subdivision Regulations Update (Article II and III) - All of these were discussed, but no vote was taken.  The process will be to vote on all changes once discussed in a public hearing.  Then the County Commissioners will need to hold a public hearing to vote on the changes.

  • They included the following:

    • Changes in definitions.  Mr. Claypool said that Ms. Crombie should consult Black’s Law Dictionary.  Ms. Crombie said she would review with the Prosecutor’s office.

    • Under Article III, it was proposed to have one application for both minor and major subdivisions

    • Change to not require a survey of an entire parcel for a lot split.

    • Permit electronic signatures for the map for a lot split.

    • Suspend requirement for septic inspection for transfer of ownership except if it is a multifamily property.

Observer Note:  This observer left the meeting at 9:30 before the discussion of Bylaw changes which was on the Agenda.  The following information on bylaws was provided by the Director Crombie:

Bylaws Change -
There was an approved change.  It was a correction to the current bylaws which state any citizen member missing more than 75% of the regularly scheduled meetings shall be referred to the County Commissioners for review.  It should state “any citizen member who attends less than 75% of the regularly scheduled meetings will be referred to the County Commissioners”. Observer Note:  The Planning Commission consists of citizen members and each of the County Commissioners.  In practice only Commissioner Dvorak attends meetings of the Planning Commission.

Meeting adjourned (After 9:30 am)

Next meeting
:  January 9 , 2024 at 7:30 am.

More Information about the Geauga Planning Commission is available online.

Observer:  Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Anne Ondrey

Submitted: 12/16/2023

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga