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Geauga County Commissioners

LWV Geauga Observer Corps


Board of County Commissioners - Special Meeting November 17, 2023 

Meeting Details:
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met for a Special Meeting at 10:00 AM on November 17, 2023 at the County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH.  BOCC meetings are in-person only and there are no recordings for the public.  An agenda is available in advance via request to the Commissioners’ Clerk.  

The Agenda available in advance stated that this Special Meeting was a meeting of a Statutory Group required pursuant to Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 153.36 due to the nature of the work being discussed for the Geauga County Courthouse. A quorum of the following was required:  Commissioners (voting individually), Sheriff, Probate Judge, Clerk of Courts and a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.

The Pledge of Allegiance 

Present were Commissioners James Dvorak and Timothy Lennon, with Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri absent;  Sheriff Scott Hildenbrand; the Honorable Carolyn Paschke, Court of Common Pleas General Division Judge, and Sheila Bevington, Clerk of Courts.

Mr. Morgan stated that the Honorable Timothy Grendell, Probate Judge, was invited, but they had received notice that Judge Grendell would not be present.

Also present were Commissioners' Clerk Christine Blair, County Administrator Gerald Morgan, Assistant County Administrator Linda Burhenne, Finance Manager Adrian Gorton, and Prosecutor James Flaiz.

Others in Attendance:
Brad Gellert and Lee Hribar of Then Design Architecture; Eric R. Melkerson, Cost Estimator, and Brett Bestgen, Project Manager, of Infinity Construction; Randy Sharpe, City of Chardon Administrator; Geauga County Assistant Prosecutor Laura LaChapelle; Tom and Diane Jones; several other members of the public; reporters from the Geauga Maple Leaf and Chagrin Valley Times, and this observer.


Mr. Brad Gellert of Then Design Architecture took the lead in presenting the plans.  There was a PowerPoint presentation which showed the visual details of the proposed design.  He discussed several aspects of the design, which he stated was a cooperative process with all those who will utilize the revised building, including the judges, staff, Clerk of Courts, Sheriff’s office and Prosecutor’s office.  

  • Security system on the ground floor

  • Easy access to the Courts

  • Drug testing and probation will be in a secure area with a backdoor for prisoner transport access

  • More functional layout for Judges and staff including conference rooms

  • Secure parking for Judges by the addition of a screening wall

  • ADA access for both sides of the courtroom at ground level

  • Italianate architecture to match current buildings around the Square

  • Two means of egress from existing offices

  • Secure elevator for Judges

Points of Discussion:

Mr. Lennon asked about the sidewalk and was concerned about who would be paying for the sidewalk.

It was stated by Mr. Gellert that the City of Chardon was contributing $2 million towards the cost of the project. Observer Note:  The contributions of the City of Chardon and the County were decided through a mediated settlement that resulted from a lawsuit filed by the City of Chardon when the County offices were moved out of the City of Chardon. 

The Security Wall was discussed. This wall will be along the eastern side of the courthouse and will be a solid 9’ wall.  There is an increased cost for this item, which was originally designed to be a secure fence. The cost of the wall was stated to now be $592,000, as opposed to the original cost of $250,000.

Sheriff Hildenbrand asked about whether the security system was included. Mr. Gellert said that would not be included and would need to be obtained separately.

There was a question about whether the heated sidewalk and lightning rod were included in the design, and Mr. Gellert said that they are included.  Observer Note:  These items were added to the Geauga County office building following completion of construction.

County Clerk Sheila Bevington asked about whether the generator will run the entire building and she was told that it would.

Prosecutor Flaiz asked if the generator has the capacity to run the HVAC system and was told that it would.  Observer Note: The generator at the new County office building does not have the capacity to run the HVAC system.

Mr. Lennon also inquired about why work has started when they haven’t signed the contract. Mr. Morgan said it was preliminary work such as site investigation.

Mr. Lennon brought up the fact that Infinity was chosen because of their ability to deliver the project at $14 Million and now it will be about $18 Million.  Infinity answered that several new items had been added such as different floor plans, additional sitework, stormwater retention, etc.  Infinity Construction’s cost estimator,  Mr. Melkerson, said that in his estimate the cost will be $600 per square foot. Mr. Lennon stated his belief that the cost should be brought down to the original $14 million.

Another item of increased cost to which Mr. Lennon objected was the change from brick quoins (corners) to stone. 
Observer Note:  Quoin, which means "corner" in French, is a feature, usually decorative, found on the corner of a structure's exterior. More information about quoins is provided here.

Observer Note:  None of these questions about cost and how to bring down the costs were addressed during the public session.

Geauga County Assistant Prosecutor LaChapelle advised that there be an individual roll call vote.  All voted in favor of the proposal.

Public Comment: None

Next Regular Meeting of the BOCC: November 21, 2023 at 9:30 am.

Observers: Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone 

Date Submitted:  November 28, 2023

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League of Women Voters of Geauga