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Geauga County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board

Geauga County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board (GC-MHRS) - November 15, 2023

Meeting Details: GC-MHRS held its regular monthly meeting on November 15, 2023 at 6:00 pm, at the Board offices located at 13244 Ravenna Rd., Chardon, OH 44024. This meeting was in person only with no recording available. No agenda was available in advance on the website or on social media, but the agenda is available through a request to Office Manager Teresa Slater by email at

Public Comment Policy: No formal policy, but in practice public comment is permitted at the end of the meeting.

Board Members Attending: Chair Steve Oluic; Vice Chair Alberta Chokshi; Secretary Jimmy Lee Holden; Treasurer Michael Petruziello. Board members Ann Bagley, Reba Dykes, Marty Fay, Kathy Johnson, Carolee Lesyk, Douglas Lundblad, Greg O’Brien, Mary Ruth Shumway and Patricia Varanese.

Staff Members Attending: Executive Director Christine Lakomiak, Clinical and 

Compliance Manager Michelle Maneage, Finance Director Jim Mausser, and Secretary Theresa Slater. 

Service Providers: Kristine Frankenberry, new Executive Director of NAMI Geauga; Vicky Clark, Ravenwood Health, and several other providers. 

Guests: Linda Miller, a previous board member, Kathy Franz, LWVG Observer, Rooney Moy, LWVG,  and one or two other community members. 

Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance occurred as listed on the agenda. The meeting was called to order at 6:01.

Minutes from the October 18, 2023 meeting were approved. Minutes are posted on the Board’s webpage, with the September, 20, 2023, meeting being the most current minutes available.

Chairman’s Report: 

Board Chair Dr. Oluic recognized that all are very happy about the levy passing. With 69% of voters approving, it is the highest approval rate in the history of the MHRS-Geauga Board. 

There will be a three-year break before a levy needs to be on the ballot again. Dr. Oluic gave a big thank you to all who posted yard signs, wrote letters to the editor, talked to friends, or put up big banners, which all added up to success.  He particularly thanked Linda Miller for her great effort on behalf of the levy, and everyone else as well. A distinction seemed to be made between the Health and the MH levy. People did realize the difference. The Health levy got 65% yes votes. Mental Health 69%. 

Executive Director’s Report: 

  1. Ms. Lakomiak sincerely appreciated efforts for levy. A bit of fundraising from the past was utilized, staff did design work in house and, as a result, little was spent on this effort. Ms. Lakomiak said she feels proud to work and live in Geauga County.

  2. Director Lori Criss is leaving the Dept. State MHAS-OH. A search for her replacement will begin soon. 

  3. Director Lakomiak will be in Columbus on November 30 for MH Board training.

  4. Ms. Lakomiak took a few minutes to explain that Board members are allowed to be reimbursed for mileage even though Board member position is voluntary.  The process to claim reimbursement was explained. Quarterly would be preferred and reimbursement will only go back to mileage from July 1, 2023, the start of the SFY.  Board members do not have to do this, but it is available and voluntary. 

  5. The Stepping Up Program is an initiative aimed to reduce the number of people with mental health diagnoses housed in jails. In Geauga County there is great collaboration with the Mental Health, Recovery and Criminal Justice systems working together. Led by former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton, judges, forensic monitors, law enforcement, case managers and others are learning from one another. In Geauga, forensic staff from Northcoast Behavioral Health presented to judges, magistrates, and others.  There was a great turn out. The Geauga judges had requested the training, requesting information about “Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity,” policies, best practices, resources and procedures. All learned about strategies and services/needs for the Mental Health population in jail. 

  6. First quarter meetings with contract agencies are completed. These were for the first quarter of the State Fiscal Year (SFY) which begins July 1st.   Providers brought outcomes and Board and provider staff went over what is being funded, line by line.  Meetings were very productive and there were no worrisome discoveries. Ms. Lakomiak has spoken with Ms. Johnson regarding the role of the agency relations committee.  Ms. Lakomiak and Ms. Johnson will be coming up with a simple and easy to read form to summarize quarterly meetings so the Board can be brought up to date, as this is something board members have requested. 

  7. Clinical and Compliance meetings will begin soon. A tool has been developed to use for these audits. 

  8. The second Health Officer Training took place. At the first session, 10 individuals were trained and this time 70 were trained. Health officers are able to initiate the process for involuntary psychological assessments.  Law enforcement and other professionals, once certified as health officers, can expedite possible inpatient services  for an individual in crisis.  Not all of the 70 trained  will become Health Officers.  Some just wanted to learn from the offered training. Ms. Lakiomiak worked with Ravenwood to develop and deliver this training. 

  9. Torchlight Festival of Trees is this weekend.  MHRS-G Board Sponsored this event by making a donation. 

Committee Reports

Agency Relations Committee:  Ms. Johnson stated this committee met on November 14th at 5:00 pm.  They discussed their Charge of Committee which needs updating as it was last done in 2011. Staff will review and align with Ohio Revised Code and present at the next meeting set for January.  Michelle Maneage gave a report to the committee regarding service specifications and definitions. The Transitional Living Center (TLC) audit was shared. They were found compliant. Board staff worked with TLC staff and it was reported to be a wonderful collaborative experience. They are working on a tool to evaluate Class 1 facilities and TLC was the first. Reviewer Note: A Class 1 facility is a residential mental health facility.  More information is available hereMs Johnson says she was encouraged because with the audit tool, the process was clear, consistent, concise and represents progress.

Finance Committee: Mr. Petruziello had no report. Next meeting in January

Planning and Policies Committee - Ms. Chokshi reported the committee met on November 14th at 1:00 for a first meeting where they reviewed:

1. The Charge of the Committee. 

2. The succession policy, which needs to be updated. 

3. The Policy manual, which they will review collaboratively with staff.  The committee will present updates to the board as they go section by section. 

Capital Planning/Housing Committee: Ms. Dykes reported that the committee met on November 8th. 

They reviewed for the second time their draft revision for the Charge of Committee. It was included in the board packet with a recommendation to move forward as the document has been reviewed twice. Comment was invited. (See approval in New Business)

The committee is developing a housing inventory and looking at different funding opportunities for housing, as well as exploring ways to collaborate with community partners. They looked at  the housing portion of the Geauga Housing general plan from 2021 and asked how the need for Mental Health (MH) housing fits? The committee also looked at the history of MH housing and best practices in Geauga and were updated on TLC. 

Ms. Lakomiak reviewed where the Board is with the Residential Type One expansion as discussed last March and April. The Board looked at Metzenbaum homes, but ruled it out as not a good fit. With TLC there are 9 beds and staff asked if funding could be used to add 7 beds. It was decided that these beds can be added. The County owns the property around TLC. They are working on the request for qualifications and aligning partners. 

Dr. Oluic and Mr. Lundblad made the point that there may be interest from others in addressing the housing issues in Geauga County. Dr. Oluic  mentioned he has had very early conversations with a private citizen who might have an interest in addressing housing needs. Dr. Oluic stated that all Board members can be looking for solutions from a variety of potential sources.

Ms. Johnson mentioned that there is a meeting tomorrow (11/16/23) of the Geauga County Housing Coalition. 

Opiate HUB Committee:  Ms. Miller reported having a conversation today as a result of the passing of Issue 2, which is statutory. Ms. Miller distributed a handout from Smart Approach to Marijuana (SAM).  Thirty-five people from Ohio were on the call today with a second call scheduled for Tuesday. She distributed a list of recommendations from SAM, which is working to choose which of the suggested recommendations they will focus on first.  Ms. Miller will then send the recommendations to every legislator.

HUB Meeting with Director Lakomiak will be rescheduled. 

Ms. Shumway asked a question about Independent growers of marijuana and if there would be any control over them?  Mr. Petruziello asked if it is illegal under Federal law  to smoke marijuana? 

Dr. Oluic expressed his displeasure that the amendment passed but as it has, the Board will address the aftermath.

Board Review and Action Items

  1. Resolution 23-11-1

Northeast Ohio Collaborative Grant Funding Allocation

Whereas, the Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services has received additional funding in the amount of $85,000 from the Northeast Ohio Collaborative for programs targeting crisis and community response, outreach, treatment, and supports, and

Whereas, funding may be used to provide mental health and substance abuse support services, treatment services, psychiatric treatment and medical materials, telehealth and support costs, and administrative development which are not covered by Medicaid within the criminal justice system, and

Whereas, these funds will allow for the implementation and/or expansion of telehealth, outreach, crisis response and stabilization, housing and residential supports, and additional treatment and support services to adults, children, and families interacting with the criminal justice systems throughout Geauga County.

Then, therefore, be it resolved that:

  1. The Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services allocates $85,000 to Ravenwood Health for costs related to crisis response treatment and support services, mental health and substance abuse support services, psychiatric and medically assisted treatment, medication, and medical materials, telehealth and telehealth support costs, and administrative development costs which are not covered by Medicaid in the criminal justice system for a licensed therapist.

  2. The Executive Director of the Board is authorized to disburse funds in accordance with this resolution 

This Resolution was passed by a vote of unanimous. 13 Ayes

To clarify, Ms. Lakomiak explained that this funds a person (employed by Ravenwood) stationed in the jail full-time. This person provides Mental Health and Addiction Services to inmates. There are other agencies that provide services in the jail as well.  Family Pride (ReEntry) and Lake Geauga Recovery Services also provide services to inmates on a part-time basis.  Ms. Lakomiak has and is reviewing to make sure that there is no overlap. 

  1. Resolution 23-11-2

Allocation of 2023-2024 State Opioid and Stimulant Response Funds

Whereas,the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) has awarded $1,411,243.46 to the Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services in State Opioid and Stimulant Response (SOS 3.0 Year 2) Project funds to be used for the provision of medication assisted treatment (MAT), and other services designed to reduce opioid/stimulant addiction and enhance recovery, and

Whereas, the grant application and award specified services to be provided by Ravenwood Health, Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers, Family Pride of Northeast Ohio, and Red Tulip Project, and

Whereas, each funded agency must abide by the requirements set forth in the grant application guidelines including: 

  1. “Funds must be used for adults with a diagnosis of opioid/stimulant use disorder and those at risk for misuse of opioids/stimulants”.

  2.  “All programs must support access to all FDA approved forms of MAT(Medication Assisted Treatment)”.

  3. “All programs must report data elements as specified in the grant application or by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services”.

  4. “All agencies must participate in performance reviews and/or required meetings with SAMHSA, OhioMHAS, and/or Board staff, when specified”, and

Whereas,the grant award in the amount of $1,411,243.46 from OhioMHAS will be allocated as outlined below. 

The allocations can be used for services provided from September 30, 2023 through September 29, 2024.


Then, therefore be it resolved that:


  1. The Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services allocates $1,165,675.20 to Ravenwood Health for the provision of residential, housing, transitional, treatment, support, medication assisted treatment services, individual and group peer to peer recovery support services.

  2. .The Board allocates $97,322.00 to Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers for the provision of support, group services, residential and outpatient peer recovery services. 

  3. The Board allocated $65,989.54 to Family Pride of Northeast Ohio for the provision of transitional jail to home treatment and support services.

  4. The Board allocates $82,256.72 to the Red Tulip Project of Geauga for the provision of housing and support services.

  5. The Board Executive Director is authorized to expend funds and reallocate dollars between agencies upon the approval of OhioMHAS and in accordance with this Resolution once final State award is received.

 ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 13. Nays: 0

Financial Reports 

Mr. Mausser stated figures in the Board packet are through October 31.  Through October, 28.9% of the budget has currently been expended. The State Fiscal Year (SFY) begins on July 1.  Through the County Calendar Year, the Board has expended $6.07 million. The unencumbered funds with the auditor are just over $2.44 million. Cash balances look good.  Carry over from previous year is finalized in the Board packet. No issues of concern were reported.

Old Business 


New Business 

  1. The Charge of Committee for the Capital Planning Committee as included in the Board packet was accepted unanimously. See attached. 

  1. Closing comments. Dr. Oluic reminded all that everyone can make a difference. He noted that the Board is looking for housing and he encouraged everyone to network and to let citizens know  “what we are doing” by engaging in conversations. He noted that the Board feels better informed with new reporting systems. 

  1. Ms. Lakomiak stated that it’s been “an incredible year” and she thanked the staff for all their hard work.

  1. Ms. Bagley stated that Board meetings have improved greatly and it is appreciated. 

Public Comments


Adjournment occurred at 6:55

Board Minutes: Available at

Next meeting:  The next meeting will be on January 17, 2024  at 6:00 pm. 

More Information:

Observer: Kathy Franz

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

Date Submitted: November 21, 2023

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more 00. about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga