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Geauga County Mental Health & Recovery Services

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Geauga County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board (GC-MHRS) - October 18, 2023

Meeting Details:
GC-MHRS held its regular monthly meeting on October 18, 2023, with the time changed to 7:00 pm, at the Board offices located at 13244 Ravenna Rd., Chardon, OH 44024. This meeting was in person only with no recording available. No agenda was available in advance on the website or on social media, but the agenda is available through a request to Office Manager Teresa Slater by email at For the October meeting, the usual start time of 6:00 was moved back one hour to 7:00 due to training for the GC-MHRS Board members which took place prior to the meeting.

Public Comment Policy:
No formal policy, but in practice public comment is permitted at the end of the meeting.

Board Members Attending
: Chair Steve Oluic; Vice Chair Alberta Chokshi; Secretary Jimmy Lee Holden;  Board members Ann Bagley, Reba Dykes, Marty Fay, Kathy Johnson, Carolee Lesyk, Douglas Lundblad, Greg O’Brien, Mary Ruth Shumwy and Patricia Varanese. Board Member Mike Petruziello was absent. 

Staff Members Attending: Executive Director Christine Lakomiak and Finance Director Jim Mausser 

Service Providers: Kristine Frankenberry, new Executive Director of NAMI Geauga. 

Guests: Linda Miller, a previous board member, Kathy Franz, LWVG Observer,  a reporter from the Chagrin Valley Times and one other community member. 

Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance occurred as listed on the agenda. The meeting was called to order at 7:11. 

Minutes from the September 20, 2023 meeting were approved. Minutes are posted on the Board’s webpage, with the September 20th meeting being the most current minutes available.

Chairman’s Report: 

Board Chair Dr. Oluic reported that the just-completed two-hour training was great. He stated that the plan for this meeting is to keep discussion to a minimum since the Board just completed the Board Development training conducted by OH-MAS.

Executive Director’s Report:

  1. Ms. Lakomiak thanked the Board members for participating in the training. She stated that things are always changing and that the training was great.

  2. She stated that staff are starting a review of the agencies they fund and that an audit tool has been developed to aid in this process. Ms. Lakomiak wondered if the Board needed to review the audit tool.  Board Vice Chair Roberta Choksi said that Ms. Lakomiak could present the audit tool, but that it does not need board approval to go forward since it is not a policy.

  3. Ms. Lakomiak said they are starting medical necessity reviews next month. 

Committee Reports

Agency Relations Committee:  Ms. Johnson stated this committee has not met.  However, they will be working on reviewing new service specs that staff are writing for Agencies.  The committee’s next meeting will be November 14th at 5:00.

Finance Committee: Mr. Petruziello was not present, so there was no report.

Planning and Policies Committee: Ms. Chokshi reported that the next committee meeting will be November 14th at 1:00. 

Capital Planning/Housing Committee: Ms. Dykes reported that the committee meeting on October 12 was well-attended. They looked at the committee charge draft and made minor revisions.  Observer Note:  The Committee Charge includes the tasks, scope and mission (charge) of each committee.  The committee will present these at the next Board Meeting. The Committee also reviewed where MHRS is with housing concerns and what is needed, such as developing housing stock, additional beds, TLC for those needing housing, and stabilization so that when folks are housed they don't have to keep moving. The next committee meeting will be on November 8th. 

Ms. Dykes attended the FEMA meeting. This meeting happens twice a year. FEMA brings together many agencies such as Next Step, Women’s Safe, and others who provide emergency services. 

Ms. Dykes also attended the October 6th Geauga County Housing Coalition meeting. The Coalition began in 1999 and is an active group with about 40 members and 25 agencies. The Housing Coalition gives mini grants to local agencies to aid in efforts to address housing needs. Ms. Dykes shared that there will be a fundraising chili cook off to support the Housing Coalition on November 23 at Metzenbaum.  

Opiate HUB Committee:  Ms. Miller had no report. She is still the chair of this committee even though she is no longer on the Board. 

Board Review and Action Items

The Board considered Resolution 23-10-1: Ravenwood Health Capital Plan Funding for the Geauga Youth Center. The text of this Resolution reads:

Whereas, the Geauga County Commissioners are applying for an ODMH/OHFA Capital Improvement Grant, Project Number MH1316, and

Whereas, the Geauga County Commissioners own the land and units designated for providing residential and respite care for children with severe and persistent mental illness, and

Whereas, the Capital Improvement Grant dollars will provide up to $1,000,000 for needed construction or renovation of the residential care facility, and

Whereas, a major part of the Grant application involves completing a Full Capital Application which must be done in coordination with the Geauga County Commissioners’ Office, Job and Family Services, Ravenwood Health, and our Board. Then, therefore be it resolved that:

1. The Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services approves this project with an assurance of intent to support and to fund the Applicant's program consistent with the application and, in addition, to annually monitor the program and operations of the facility to assure compliance.

2. The Board's Executive Director is authorized to expend funds and enter into agreements in accordance with this Resolution. 

This Resolution was passed by a vote of 11 Ayes, 0 Nays, and 1 Abstention (Mary Ruth Shumway).

Director Lakomiak reiterated that this wording updates a Resolution that was passed in 2022. This Resolution makes it clear that it is the County Commissioners who are applying for this funding. 

Financial Reports 

Mr. Mausser stated that there were some August figures inadvertently included in the financial report.  

Mr. Mausser reviewed balances and stated all items are in the board packet. He reiterated that the voucher recap is also included in the board packet for review. 

Discussion Items

  1. The MHRS renewal levy on the ballot in November provides funding for the GC-MHRS Board. Dr. Oluic stated that it is important to have conversations to clear up misconceptions since some people don’t understand what the GC-MHRS Board does. Dr. Oluic said even a single conversation providing information on what MHRS does may be like a ripple in a pond in spreading the word to Geauga citizens about the work of MHRS. He also noted that it is important that agencies that receive funding from MHRS understand that they are permitted to support the levy with signs and advocacy and indicated that support for the levy is not political.  

  2. It was noted that there is concern among Geauga citizens about the impact of increased property valuations. Mr. Mausser explained that renewal levies are at a fixed tax rate and do not go up when property valuations rise. Ms. Johnson said that there is an Auditor’s meeting tomorrow (10/19/23) to inform the public about property taxes and the impact of property revaluations on tax bills.  

  3. There was a discussion about Issue 2 with concern voiced about the impact on Mental Health and Addiction Services in Geauga County and the entire State of Ohio if recreational marijuana is legalized. The proposed amendment does have language about having to increase these services if Issue 2 passes. If it passes, there could be an increased role for OH-MAS. The language of the amendment would require the new Division of Cannabis Control to: “Require the Division to enter into an agreement with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to create a program for cannabis addiction services.” GC-MHRS Board Members discussed that marijuana is not the same as it was years ago, as it is much more potent now. They noted the need to be proactive in educating kids about this fact. Reviewer Note:  This comment appears to be concerning marijuana that is now and could in the future be purchased from non-licensed sellers. 

Old Business 


New Business  


Public Comments

  1. Kristine Frankenberry introduced herself as the new Executive Director of NAMI Geauga. She was previously with Geauga Growth Partners.

  2. Board Member Doug Lundblad discussed the new phone help line 988 and asked how it works in the community.  He had learned of a veteran who called 988, pressed the appropriate number, but did not get help.  He wondered how to get the word out about 988 and also if someone calls, how do we know if they will really get help? Mr. Lundblad noted that there was a suicide in Chardon the day before. Reviewer Note: Information about the suicide and mental health hotline 988 is available here.

            Ms. Lakomiak explained that the State has a role in improving the 988 response. Ohio has nineteen 988
            call centers, and Geauga is one of those 19. There is concern about whether or not there is enough
            capacity to answer 988 calls if the state does a big push. The Geauga 988 service is located in
            Ravenwood, and Ravenwood has capacity and a back-up plan. Ms. Lakomiak said that the State of Ohio
            plans to push 988 out there but also plans to make sure the response is there. She noted that Geauga
            County has pushed the 988 info out after making sure they have the capacity. 

Adjournment occurred at 7:53 PM.   

Board Minutes: Available at

Next meeting:  The next meeting will be on November 15th at 6:00 pm. 

More Information:

Observer: Kathy Franz

Editor: Sarah McGlone

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

Date Submitted: 10/24/23 

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more 00. about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga