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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga County Commissioners

Board of County Commissioners - October 3, 2023

Meeting Details: The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met at 9:30 AM on October 3, 2023 at the County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room 8303, Chardon, OH.  BOCC meetings are in-person only and there are no recordings for the public.  An agenda is available in advance via request to the Commissioners’ Clerk.  Observer Comment: At the July 11, 2023 meeting, it was noted that the public had difficulty hearing the discussions between Mr. Morgan, Ms. Blair, and the Commissioners.  At the time it was stated that microphones would be installed.  This issue remains unresolved with no working microphones for the Commissioners, Ms. Blair and Mr. Morgan.

Public Comment Policy: Observer Comment: Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri announced at the end of the April 4, 2023 meeting that public comment would be permitted and that a more formal policy would be forthcoming.  There was no formal policy introduced today.  Public comment was invited today.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a prayer was offered by Commissioner James Dvorak.

Attendance: Present were Commissioners James Dvorak and Timothy Lennon.  Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri was absent.  Also present were Commissioners' Clerk Christine Blair, County Administrator Gerald Morgan, and Finance Manager Adrian Gorton.

County Representatives: Shane Hajjar, Deputy Design/Planning Engineer, Engineer’s Department, Sheriff Scott Hildenbrand, Chief Deputy Sheriff Thomas Rowan, Sergeant Jacob Smith, Carmella Shale, Director/Engineer, Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District, and Linda Burhenne, Assistant County Administrator.

Others in Attendance: Reporters from the Geauga Maple Leaf and Chagrin Valley Times; Carolyn Brakey, Board President, Geauga Public Health Department; Walter (Skip) Claypool, Member of the Geauga Planning Board; Richard Boyson, President, and Gene Killeen, Counsel, The Eliza Jennings Organization; Tom and Diane Jones, several other members of the public, and this observer.

Minutes:  No minutes were presented for approval.  At publication, minutes were posted on the BOCC website through August 31, 2023. Reviewer Comment: Weekly LWVG Observer Reports for BOCC are available online through October 3, 2023 for informational purposes but are not substitutes for approved BOCC minutes.

Report of County Administrator Mr. Morgan -
 Mr. Morgan reported on the following actions taken by him pursuant to authority granted to him by the Commissioners:

Agreed with Chester Township Trustees to not require a hearing on a liquor license for Elements Fitness Studios on Mulberry Road

Agreed with the Department on Aging to reclassify a Recreation Assistant from part-time to full-time.

Financial Report:
Mr. Gorton presented the financial report, which was approved and included the following:

  • Cash transfer to Juvenile Court to reconcile and close out the Ohio Department of Youth Grant

  • Transfer to Metzenbaum for residential expenses

  • Vouchers: $104,105 from the Commissioners to Ravenwood for 4th quarter operations

  • $63,428 from the Engineers Department to Karvo Paving for paving of Fairmount Road

  • $27,585.23 from the Sheriff’s Department to Motorola Solutions for portable radios and equipment.

  • Revenue Certificate from Mental Health in the Addams Board Fund

The Commissioners’ Office requested that the Board approve Revision #2 to the 2024 Budget Hearing Schedule: This was in part a retroactive schedule change.  There was a switch so that the Dog Warden scheduled for Tuesday, October 3 was moved to September 28, 2023, and the Board of Mental Health moved from Thursday, September 28 to Tuesday, October 3, 2023. 

The County Engineer’s Office received approval for the following:

  • To execute Resolution #23-166 to Order the Asphalt Resurfacing of Claridon Troy Road (CH-0003, Sections D-E) in Burton and Claridon Townships. This resolution also requests that the Board approve and execute the Title Sheet of the Specifications for the same. Further, this resolution sets a Bid Opening on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. Notice of this Bid Opening will be advertised on October 5, 2023 and on the County website.

  • To approve and execute Change Order #5 and Final, decreasing the Contract with Marucci and Gaffney Excavating for the Reconstruction of the Bundysburg Road Bridge (#BR-0038-03.080-2021) in Parkman Township by the amount of $1,934.38.

  • To execute Change Order #1 and Final, decreasing the Contract with Ronyak Paving, Inc., for the Asphalt Resurfacing of Brakeman Road,  (CH-0022, Section A) in Hambden Township by the amount of $2,004.90.

  • To approve and execute Change Order #1 and Final, decreasing the Contract with Ronyak Paving, Inc., for the Asphalt Resurfacing of Mumford Road (CH-0024, Sections A-D) in Troy Township by the amount of $2,127.00.

The Sheriff’s Office received approval to execute Resolution #23-167 of Agreement for Sale / Purchase of Geauga County Sheriff’s Retiring K-9 Officer Spirit for the purchase amount of $1.00 by Sergeant Smith.  It was stated that Spirit had worked with Sergeant Smith at the Sheriff’s Department for 12 years, mostly on the midnight shift.

The Soil and Water Conservation District
received approval to execute the Ohio Department of Agriculture – Office of Farmland Preservation Local Sponsor Certification Application for Local Agricultural Easement Purchase Program for 2024, in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding from October 13, 2016, between the Soil and Water Conservation District, the Planning Commission and the Board of Commissioners. 

The Department on Aging
received approval to execute all documents necessary to submit the Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (WRAAA) Grant Proposal for the provision of community based services to Geauga Seniors Age 60 and over, under the Older Americans Act Title IIIB (supportive services), Title IIIC (nutrition services), Title IIID (evidence-based health promotions), and Title IIIE (family – caregiver support program) and State Senior Community Services (SCS) funds for program years 2024 – 2027.

The Prosecutor’s Office
received approval to execute the Application for Appointment of Legal Counsel to represent individuals who have requested counsel relating to Disciplinary Counsel v. Grendell, Board of Professional Conduct Case #22-045, appointing Attorney Todd Raskin to represent those individuals.  The appointment is the result of the Ohio Supreme Court case against Judge Timothy Grendell.  Several county employees have been summoned to appear for depositions, and they have requested counsel to be present during these depositions.

It was stated that the rate will be $250/hour and that there is no cap because these are court ordered.

Discussion regarding a request for Conduit Financing on the Acquisition of “The Weils” by Eliza Jennings. 
The Attorney from Squires Sanders (Bond Counsel) asked that the Commissioners consider approving tax-exempt financing for the renovation of The Weils by Eliza Jennings, a not-for-profit organization providing care and services to older adults (new buyers).  The President of Eliza Jennings, Richard Boyson, was present and explained the work of Eliza Jennings.

The Attorney for Eliza Jennings, Gene Killeen from Tucker Ellis, answered most of the questions posed by the Commissioners. Mr. Killeen went on to say that, in issuing this bond, the County would have no responsibility, but that Eliza Jennings would receive a tax benefit.  He said they were hoping to close by early November.

Mr. Boyson also said that the plan was to retain all employees.

Mr. Dvorak said that he wanted the Prosecutor, Auditor and Treasurer to all review the proposal before agreeing.

Mr. Killeen said that it would go through the Commissioner’s Bond Counsel from Squires Sanders.

There was no decision.

Items not on the Agenda 

Mr. Morgan raised the following issue:

He stated that he received an email from Medina County indicating that they were going to send a letter to The Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) stating that they did not think that NOACA should be involved in Climate Change Planning.

Observer Note:  Before the start of this meeting, Mr. Claypool stood outside the county building with a poster stating that the Commissioners should withdraw from NOACA.  He brought the poster into the meeting and held it during the meeting.

A citizen of Russell Township asked the Commissioners what they were going to do about this

Mr. Dvorak said they would be studying it.  He acknowledged first Mrs. Tiffanie Broadbent and then Mr. Jonathan Broadbent.  They spoke for a total of 8 minutes about their views on NOACA and the way that recent Climate Change meetings were conducted.  They made the assertion that, at the Newbury meeting hosted by NOACA, they felt that the moderator had been rude to them. 

The Commissioners indicated that they would review the request brought up by Mr. Morgan regarding writing a letter to NOACA similar to the Medina letter objecting to NOACA being involved in Climate Change Planning.  Observer Note:  This letter from Medina County was not available or read to the public, but Mr. Morgan said that this letter expressed the opinion that NOACA should not be involved in discussions of Climate Change Planning.

Executive Session: The Commissioners, Mr. Morgan, and Ms. Burhenne all went into the Executive Session to discuss the purchase or sale of property at approximately 10:15 am.

10:44 am: Following Executive Session, the Commissioners authorized Mr. Morgan to continue pursuing purchase/sale of property.

Public Comment

Mrs. Jones asked for the correct spelling of the two presenters regarding Eliza Jennings and The Weils.

More Information and Posted Minutes: Available here

Next Meeting: October 12, 2023 at 9:30 am. (Changed from Tuesday due to the Columbus Day holiday)

Observer: Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Sarah McGlone

Date Submitted:  10/9/2023

The League of Women Voters Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga