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Geauga County Mental Health & Recovery Services

Geauga County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board (GC-MHRS) - September 20, 2023

Meeting Details: Regular monthly meeting, September 20, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Board offices located at 13244 Ravenna Rd., Chardon, OH 44024. In person only with no recording. No agenda available in advance on the website or on social media but agenda is available through a request to Teresa Slater by email at

Public Comment Policy:
No formal policy but in practice public comment is permitted at the end of the meeting.

Board members attending
: Chair Steve Oluic; Vice Chair Alberta Chokshi; Secretary Jimmy Lee Holden;  Board members: Ann Bagley, Reba Dykes, Marty Fay, Kathy Johnson, Carolee Lesyk, Douglas Lundblad, and Patricia Varanese. 

Absent members:
  Mike Petruziello, Greg O’Brien, and Mary Ruth Shumway

Staff members attending: Executive Director Christine Lakomiak;  Clinical and Compliance Manager Michelle Maneage; Secretary/Receptionist Teresa Slater, and Finance Director Jim Mausser.

Service Providers: Representatives from approximately 8 service providers including Ravenwood Health and NAMI Geauga. 

Guests: Several members of the general public, including Linda Miller, a previous board member,  and Kathy Franz, LWVG Observer.

Observer Comment: This observer was late to the meeting. Arrived as Item 2 of the Executive Director’s report was being discussed. The items prior to that were reconstructed by speaking with the Board Secretary. 

Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance occurred as listed on the agenda.

Minutes from the July 19, 2023 meeting were approved. Minutes are posted on the Board’s webpage with the July 19th meeting being the most current and available here.

Chairman’s Report: 

Board Chair Oluic welcomed new employee, Ms. Maneage, and encouraged all to become involved in the upcoming Mental Health levy campaign. He also discussed the possibility of rearranging committee assignments. 

Executive Director’s Report: Ms. Lakomiak reported on many activities in the community in the past two months, new initiatives, and upcoming events including but not limited to the following: 

  1. Ms. Maneage was introduced.

  2. Report on recently concluded Week To Celebrate International Drug Awareness Program. Emphasis on resource navigation and commemoration of lives lost and of the survivors left behind. International Overdose Awareness Day included distribution of resources including medication disposal bags. 

  3. The GCMHRS Board received $1,500 for First Responders Recognition. Items were collected, gathered and delivered to about 750 Geauga County First Responders. Former Board member Linda Miller coordinated the effort.

  4. Suicide Prevention. The Board and providers have been asked to come to some local football games, which they have done.  This is the result of a youth-led initiative as it was the students who reached out to the GC-MHRS Board. 

  5. Geauga has a 988 Suicide and Crisis lifeline. Director Lakomiak pointed out that Geauga is one of only 19 out of 88  Ohio counties to achieve this status. The GC-MHRS had to apply to the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services for this certification. 

  6. Efforts are ongoing to expand Forensic Monitoring. Currently, in order to learn what it does, how it works, and how it applies in our community, the team met with judges, hospital staff, and the sheriff’s department. They are exploring how systems work together.  Next event is training on Nov 13, 2023, for judges and court staff provided by Northcoast Behavioral Health. 

  7. Health Officers and In-patient Hospitalization.  There are currently 21 Health Officers in Geauga. GC-MHRS recently received $68,000 for hospital diversion. The GC-MHRS Board  negotiated a per diem with Highland Springs Mental Health Facility, making Geauga’s Board the first MHB to have a contract with them. Highland Springs offers an alternative to Mental Health / Addiction hospitalization. 

  8. Crisis Stabilization.  Sen. Jerry Cirino received  funding for Lake-Geauga to see how to facilitate access to a Crisis Stabilization Facility and to provide help to get linked to services.  This covers stays from several hours to 72 hours.  A Memo of Understanding  (MOU) with Lake, Geauga, and Ashtabula counties was signed by GC-MHRS. Director Lakomiak emphasized that a MOU is not a contract. There is a commitment to continue exploring. 

  9. Next Thursday and Friday, Director Lakomiak will attend a two-day training for MHB directors in Columbus. 

  10. The NAMI Walk will be next Sat, Sept 30th, at Chardon Square.  GC-MHRS Board members are encouraged to attend and support. The walk is around  the Square and how many laps completed is up to participants. The event includes dogs, donuts, and coffee and lasts about 1 ½ hours. 

  11. Board Training.  The October Board meeting (October 18. 2023) will start at 5:00 and then move to two-hour Training on Board Roles and Responsibilities, as provided by the OhioMHAS. 

  12. OhioMHAS passed their budget and that SFY24 budget resulted in annual allocations to all Ohio MH Boards, resulting in many resolutions on today’s agenda. Many of them are a result of the budgeting process. Board members were asked to review these resolutions in advance of today’s meeting in order to move the agenda along. 

Committee Reports

Records Committee: Ms. Chokshi reported that the committee held its annual meeting. Policies regarding the retention and destruction of records that are no longer of administrative value were discussed. They will meet again in August, 2024. 

Agency Relations Committee:  Ms. Johnson stated that the committee met Monday, September 18, 2023. They are looking at the charge of the committee including what they have done in the past. At this point, they have made no changes. The committee is looking at outcomes, how to monitor and measure outcomes, and how the Agency Relations Committee can present to the Board semi-annually. Ms. Johnson stated that the GC-MHRS Board and agencies have a positive and robust presence in the community which is viewed as a good thing. Next meeting is Nov. 13, 2023. 

Finance Committee: Mr. Petruziello was absent.  Mr. Mausser reported.  The recent storm in the area resulted in several trees down on Board Office property and roof damage at another Board property. There was a deductible for both the office (trees)  and the apartments (roof).  Resolution 1 (see below) contains funding for this plus other needed repairs (such as HVAC for the Board offices).  Dr. Oluic offered thanks to Mr. Mausser for his persistence and for handling these unanticipated expenses. 

Planning and Policies Committee - Ms. Chokshi reported the Committee had a meeting in September, but did not have a quorum. Delayed to November. 

Capital Planning / Housing: Ms. Dykes had no report. Meeting planned but there was no quorum. Looking at the charge of their committee. Ms. Dykes reported on a July 20, 2023, meeting at JFS (Job and Family Services) regarding housing issue s/ homelessness.  Several from GC-MHRS attended and there were about 60 people there. A community coordinated response is desired.  Participants asked to name what they can provide as support. She said the response was very encouraging. 

Opiate HUB Committee:  Ms. Miller had no report (Ms. Miller is still the chair even though she is no longer on the board).  She commented on the First Responders recognition (see above). She reported the distribution of 750 gift bags to First Responders and large banners along the main roads to recognize First Responders.  There is a HUB Meeting in mid-November.  Ms. Bagley attends these meetings. The GC-MHRS Board is supposed to have two representatives.  Ms. Johnson volunteered to join the committee to meet this requirement. 

Board Review and Action Items: All approved unanimously .

A. Resolution 23-09-1 Board Facility Maintenance and Repair Allocation 

The Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services allocates $25,000 for repairing and/or replacing mechanical systems, appliances, furnishings and general building maintenance for Board-owned properties. Emergency repairs outside the budget. 

Voted by Roll call. Unanimously approved. 

B. Resolution 23-09-2 Mobile Crisis and Crisis Response Funding Allocation

The Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services allocates $50,000 to Ravenwood Health for SFY2024, for costs related to expanding and enhancing crisis, mobile crisis, and crisis support services to Geauga County residents. (Funding from Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services - OhioMHAS).

Voice vote. Unanimously approved. 

C. Resolution 23-09-3 Access to Wellness Funding

The Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services allocates $30,800.00 for costs related to expanding and enhancing recovery and gap support services to Geauga County adult residents involved in multiple systems who meet the state standards, and who could benefit from such services, as determined by the Multisystem Adult Wellness Council. (Funding from OhioMHAS. Reimburse allowed expenses. Has to be approved prior to reimbursement. 

Voice vote. Unanimously approved. 

D. Resolution 23-09-4 Recovery Housing Allocation to Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers


The allocation of $5,000 is awarded to Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers for costs associated with the operation of and services provided at the Geauga County Recovery House for SFY2024.  For housing (Funding from OhioMHAS)

Voice vote. Unanimously approved. 


E. Resolution 23-09-5 Reimbursement to Geauga Safety Center

The Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services shall distribute to the Geauga County Safety Center $39,789.00 for payment of their reimbursement request for psychotropic medications administered to inmates for the 2nd half of SFY2023. Funds go directly to the Safety Center. Inmates could be seen by a Jail Provider or may already be taking a medication they need to continue receiving with supplies coming from the State-Run Pharmacy.  (Reimbursement provided to GCMHRS Board from OhioMHAS)

Voice vote. Unanimously approved

F. Resolution 23-09-6 Allocation of 2023 State Opioid and Stimulant Response Funds

The Board allocates $15,005.00 to Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers for the provision of recovery housing services. (Funding from OhioMHAS).  Federal funding for housing.

Voice vote. Unanimously approved 

G. Resolution 23-09-7 Evidence-Based Prevention Funding for SFY2024

  • The Board allocates $2,624.00 to Ravenwood Health to provide the Botvin Life Skills Program to Geauga County high school students in SFY2024.

  • The Board allocates $7,176.00 to Catholic Charities Services to provide the Incredible Years Program to youth ages 5-8 in school classrooms in SFY2024.

  • The Board allocates a total of $15,000.00 to Ravenwood Health and Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers to provide the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies Program to youth ages 5-12 at Chagrin Falls Park Community Center.

($24,800 funding from OhioMHAS)

Voice vote. Unanimously approved 

H. Resolution 23-09-8 Permanent Supportive Housing Grant Award

The Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services has received written notice from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that it is the recipient of Permanent Supportive Housing Grant #OH0165L5E072209 in the amount of $160,872.00 for the time period of October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024; and this grant is to be used for operating expenses, support services, and administrative expenses that will be incurred at the Geauga Independent Apartments located at 13230 Aquilla Road; and The Board allocates PSH Grant Award #OH0165L5072209 in the amount of $160,872.00 for operating expenses, support services, and administrative expenses incurred at the Geauga Independent Apartments for the time period of October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024.

The Board allocates $25,000.00 as a portion of the total match requirement for the aforementioned HUD grant. The remaining match will come from In-kind services.

Voice vote. Unanimously approved 

Resolution 23-09-9 Northeast Ohio Collaborative Grant Funding for Short-Term Residential Mental Health Facilities

The OhioMHAS  issued a Request for Proposal for one-time capital funding to be used for short-term mental health facilities in the Northeast Ohio Regional Psychiatric Hospital catchment region; and the NEO Collaborative submitted the following projects: A. Lake County ADAMHS Board (Crossroads Health 16-bed facility); B. Lake County ADAMHS Board (Signature Health 16-bed facility); C. Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services (Ravenwood Health up to a 16-bed facility); D. ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga (Signature Health 16-bed facility); and OhioMHAS proposes to award funding in the amount of $5,969,956.50 for the above projects in the NEO Collaborative catchment region: Lake Board in the amount of $3,035,236.50; B. Lake Board in the amount of $495,000.00; C. Geauga Board in the amount of $1,134,000.00; D. Cuyahoga Board in the amount of $1,305,720.00; and each Board of Directors in the NEO Collaborative shall pass a resolution in support of the above-mentioned projects: and The NEO Collaborative agrees that the beds available within the region will be available to all board partners as needed. While all locations could be utilized, it is likely that the Ashtabula County MHRS Board will prioritize the Geauga and Lake locations to ensure the nearest access for clients and families. Similarly, the MHARS Board of Lorain County and the Summit County ADM Board would utilize the Cuyahoga County location as needed for their clients and families.

Then, therefore, be it resolved that: The Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services supports the above projects in the NEO Collaborative catchment region.

Discussion: Director Lakomiak explained that this is a Collaboration to provide more or expand residential facilities. Each board must pass a resolution that they are willing to collaborate. Actual projects, such as the Transitional Living Center (TLC) may or may not happen.  There are challenges with the utilities, permission to add to the building, and the property. But regardless, the board must pass a resolution that they support this effort. 

Vote by Roll Call:  Unanimously approved 

Resolution 23-09-10 Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Linkages Grant Allocation for SFY2024:

Pays for a full time clinician to be at the jail. 

Geauga County Board of Mental Health and Recovery Services has received an allocation of $83,333.00 from the OhioMHAS and the funds will be used by Ravenwood Health to provide additional clinical services to inmates with mental health and/or substance abuse disabilities housed at the Geauga Safety Center, and to help inmates engage. This funds a provider who has been at the jail full-time for a few years. The funding from OhioMHAS allows this position to continue and there are no additional hours for the position. 

Voice vote. Unanimously approved 

Financial Reports 

Mr. Mausser reviewed balances and stated all items are in the board packet. 

(These items in the packet cover two months of reports. SFY23 has been closed out. First invoices for the current first quarter were recently submitted.)

In SFY23, the GC-MHRS Board spent about 75% of their allocation.  Unspent funds went back into unencumbered funds. It was reported that overall, the GC-MHRS Board’s finances appear to be in good shape.

Discussion Items

November Levy: It is issue number 22 on the ballot and is a renewal.  Board and agencies will be meeting with staff.  Ms. Miller is helping with the levy.  Dr. Oluic reiterated that everyone should help and he believes the GC-MHRS Board has a good relationship with the community with an upward trend, adding that it has been “...a good past couple months in the community.”

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Mr. Lundblad reminded those present that for veterans using the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, if they press 1, the crisis hot line will connect the caller with someone who is trained to work with veterans and their families.  Also, 838255 is a crisis prevention text number for veterans.  For the phone or text, the callers just need to be a veteran or a family member of a veteran. They do not have to be active in the Veteran’s Network. There are 4,500 to 5,000 veterans in Geauga County. 

Old Business 


New Business  

A board member from NAMI, Susan Parker, reported that the NAMI Executive Director, Kim Carter, resigned, after three years in the position.  She predicted a smooth positive transition. Exit interviews with Ms. Carter were held today.  Ms. Parker explained that NAMI is an organization based on peers with lived experience with mental illness providing support.  NAMI provides referrals, advocacy, and peer support groups for families and those who are receiving services. They also have groups for youth, veterans and first responders and 11 volunteer canine teams. They do not provide counseling or other mental health services but instead rely on Geauga’s strong network of providers. 

Public Comments

NAMI walk - Ms. Parker reminded all about the upcoming NAMI Walk.  See item 10 in the Executive Director’s report above. 

Adjournment - at 7:11 PM.   

Board Minutes:

Next meeting:  The next meeting will be on October 18, 2023 at 5:00 pm. This meeting is starting one- hour early and will be followed by a two-hour training for all Board members provided by Ohio MHAS focusing on Board Roles and Responsibilities. 

More Information:

Observer: Kathy Franz

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

Date Submitted: 9/28/23 

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more 00. about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga