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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga County Commissioners

Board of County Commissioners - September 12, 2023

Meeting Details: The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met at 9:30 AM on September 12, 2023 at the County Administration building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room 8303, Chardon, OH.. BOCC meetings are in-person only and there are no recordings for the public. An agenda is available in advance via request to the Commissioners Clerk. At the July 11, 2023 meeting, it was noted that the public had difficulty hearing the discussions between Mr. Morgan, Ms. Blair and the Commissioners. There were no working microphones at this meeting.

Public Comment Policy: Observer Comment: Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri announced at the end of the April 4, 2023 meeting that public comment would be permitted and that a more formal policy would be forthcoming. There was no formal policy introduced today and there was no invitation for  public comment.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a prayer was offered by Commissioner James Dvorak.

Attendance: Present were Commissioners Ralph Spidalieri, Mr. Dvorak, and Timothy Lennon.  Also present were Commissioners' Clerk Christine Blair, County Administrator Gerald Morgan, and Finance Manager Adrian Gorton.

County Representatives: Kathleen Miller, Fiscal Specialist Water Resources; Linda Burhenne, Assistant County Administrator; Gina Hofstetter, Director, Community and Economic Development, and Kathy Hostutler, Benefits Specialist.

Others in Attendance: Reporter from the Geauga Maple Leaf, Carolyn Brakey, Board President, Geauga Public Health Department; Adam Litke, Geauga Public Health Administrator; Representatives from Vision Development (Developers of Geauga Lake property), Tom and Diane Jones and several other members of the public and this observer.

County Administrator Report:: Mr. Morgan reported on the following actions taken by him pursuant to authority granted to him by the Commissioners:

  • New Hire appointment, concurred with the  Executive Director for Job and Family Services, for a replacement position for Social Worker III, effective 7/10/2023.

  • Supplemental Appropriations in the Commissioners’ General Fund to cover various cash transfers, operating transfers out, capital and reimbursement transfers.

  • Supplemental in the Board of Elections Election Revenue Fund for the purchase of poll pads.

  • Cash transfers:

    • From General Fund to Court Technologies for a portion of 2023 funding.

    • From General Fund to Family First Council for July-Sept commitment, fiscal 2024, 1st quarter.

  • Travel:

    • Job and Family Services

    • Juvenile Court

  • Vouchers: 

    • Total of 5 payments for $51,950.00 from Auditor's office to TJ Smith Excavating for the sewer service installation in Berkshire Heights.

Minutes: Minutes were approved for July 18, July 25 and August 1, 2023.  At publication, minutes were posted on the BOCC website through June 27, 2023. Reviewer Comment: Weekly LWVG Observer Reports for BOCC are available online through August 31, 2023 for information purposes but are not substitutes for approved BOCC minutes.

Financial Report: Mr. Gorton presented the financial report, which was approved and included the following:

  • Cash transfer from Clerk of Courts Certificate of Title Admin Fund for the Commissioners’ Capital Reserve Fund, Phase 2.

  • Travel:

    • Job and Family Services

    • Probate Court

Cash Transfers:

$239, 451.99 from the Engineers office to Parvo Paving for the Asphalt resurfacing of Washington St., Sections A-B

$138,559.15 from the Engineers office to Ronyak Paving for the Asphalt resurfacing of Washington St., Sections C-D.

The Commissioners office: received approval for the 2024 Budget Hearing Schedule with dates included as Tuesday, September 26, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 4:30 pm, Thursday, September 28, 2023 from 8:15 am to 4:30 pm and on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 8:45 am to 9:15 am and 12:00pm to 4:30 pm.

Mr. Gorton suggested for 2024, moving the hearings up to before the budget commission meeting.  The Commissioners must sign the tax  budget by July 15th and deliver it to the Auditor by July 20th. The time table will be moved up in 2024 so that the budget requests are delivered in March, submitted in April with meetings  to start in May. Some departments will then submit their budgets in May.

The Archive and Records Center received approval for unpaid personal leave for Jeffrey Fajim,  Archives and Records clerk during the period September 25- September 29, 2023. 

The Department of Community and Economic Development received approval for the regrade of Program Coordinator position from Grade 9 to Grade 10 and for a regrade of  the current program coordinator from Grade 9 step 1 to Grade 10, step 3. No change in title. Ms Gina Hofstetter stated that this was long overdue as the department is on the lower side of grades. Kathy Hostutler said they will be taking a look at grades in general across the board.

The Department of Water Resources received approval for:

  • Execution of change order #1 increasing the contract with Cleveland Tree and Stump from $34,000 up to but not to exceed $49,000 and an additional 16 months to January 9, 2025. This is due, in part, to the recent storm damage.

  • Promotion of current mechanic to position of Assistant Water Supervisor.

  • The advertisement for the replacement position of mechanic internally for 5 days. If no qualified candidate is found, then advertise externally until the position is filled.

  • The advertisement for the position of McFarland Wastewater Plant Chief Operator internally for 5 days. If no qualified candidate is found, then advertise externally until the position is filled.

  • Award bid to Quasar Energy Group for the sludge, biosolids and filter bed sand disposal in the amount of $409,318.00 for a three year period.

  • Execution of resolution approving The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 for Berkshire Heights sewer connection increase for certain properties in the amount of $4,000.00.

The Commissioners office requested and approved the 2024 Health and Dental renewal plans and rates and further authorized the President of the Board to execute the CEBCO Geauga County plan summary of benefits effective January 1, 2024. These plans constituted  a 8.9% renewal increase.

Executive Session: At 9:50, The Commissioners went into executive session for discussion of the discipline and/or termination of a public employee in the Department of Water Resources. They were joined by Mr. Morgan and Ms. Hostutler, Benefits Specialists. They returned at 10:05. The action was to accept the disciplinary recommendation of the hearing office, Marc Fishel, to terminate employment for Michael Kurzinger, Network Administrator, Water Resources for violation of the Geauga County Personnel policy and procedure manual by:

Accepting money from Mr. Camino and CSJ.

Failing to cooperate in the investigation regarding the violation.

Executive Session
: At 10:10,  The Commissioners went into Executive Session for the purpose of considering the purchase of property for public purposes and the sale of property at competitive bidding, pursuant to O.R.C. 121.22 (G)(2).  They were joined by Mr. Morgan and Ms. Burhenne. They returned at 10:55. There was no action and  no update at this time.

Not on Agenda:

Representatives from Blanchard Valley Port Authority and Vision Development presented a Cooperative Agreement to the Board.  They are developing 19 acres of residential use in the Geauga Lake area development. See news article on this development here. This agreement would allow them to be tax exempt for materials purchased for the development. This agreement is legally necessary for them to move forward on their financing.

The county would be reimbursed for the county part of the exempted sales tax so there would be no cost/lost revenue to the county. 

The total cost of the project is $71,000,000.  The total savings to the developer would be between $1.2 million and $1.4 million with the county portion approximately $200,000. Mr. Spidalieri questioned the success of the project if Geauga County does not enter into the agreement.

Mr. Lennon requested that the representatives send them information from previous agreements that they have entered into with other cities so they may see the outcome of those projects.

The Commissioners will review.

Meeting adjourned 11:50

More Information and Posted Minutes: Available here

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 9:30 am.

Observer:  Mary Heintzelman

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer:  Gail Roussey

Date Submitted:  9/17/ 2023

The League of Women Voters Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga