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West Geauga Board of Education

West Geauga Board of Education - Aug 28, 2023

Meeting Details: The West Geauga Board of Education met at 7 p.m. in the Board Office Community Room, 8615 Cedar Road in Chester Township.  Meetings are open to the public and media. The meeting agenda and minutes are available online.  Look for the Meeting tab in the right hand corner.  Pick the meeting you want to review and then click on Agenda.  A  recording  is available here.

Public Comment Policy: permitted at all regular meetings in accordance with Public Policy 169.1

Board Attendance:

  • Ben Kotowski, President

  • Christina Sherwood, Vice President

  • Dr. William Beers 

  • Mary-Michelle Coleman Walsh

  • Kathy Leavenworth  -  ABSENT 

Staff Attendance:

  • Richard A. Markwardt, Ph.D., Superintendent  

  • Karen Pavlat, Treasurer

Regular Meeting

Observer Note:  There are notations at the beginning of important discussion areas and this corresponds to the minutes on the video when that discussion began.

Call to Order - The meeting was called to order, attendance was taken and a quorum was established. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Additions/Changes to the Agenda -  Agenda found here   Changes include additions of  resolutions 279A (Resolution to Approve Certified Stipends for Work Outside of the 2023-2024 School Year) and 294A (Resolution to Declare Urgent Necessity to Waive Multiple Readings and Revise Board Policies 1422, 1520, 1622, 2260, 2266, 3122, 3362, 4122, 4362, and 5517 on the First and Final Reading)

Approved by the Board

2.03 Minutes - Presentation by assistant superintendent Dr Nancy  Benincasa.  She spoke about Career Pathways and workforce readiness.  General objectives: 1) Engage community and build relationships with companies   2) Create access, awareness and understanding of career pathways for students, parents and teachers and 3) Provide a variety of work based opportunities.

18.00 Minutes - Presentation by Mrs. Meagan Bellan, WGMS Principal - 7th and 8th Grade Trips for Spring 2024 - 6th grades do overnight camp.  7th grade will do a day trip in Pittsburg. 8th graders will do 2 nights in DC and will also see Gettysburg.

23.00 Minutes - Temporary Adjournment - There was a 10 minute “cupcake Break” so that the Board could meet with the students who were present for the meeting.

32.31 Minutes - Public Remarks

Ms. Erica  Saffiro had suggestions related to student policies and safety:  she thought it was not fair that kids have to buy sports tickets online and pay a credit card fee on top of the cost of ticket cost.  A safety issue she raised is that teachers ask students for cell numbers and share their cell numbers with the kids.  She feels that this is inappropriate.  She said she feels  the education for children should include what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior from an adult.  She also feels that any adult supervising a child should not be alone with the child, that another adult should be required to be present and that personal interactions should be single sex (female teacher with female student).

37.00 Minutes - Routine Matters - All Approved

Ms Pavlat reviewed investments and investment strategy.  They received the first delinquent utility property tax payment from the county of $1.2 million. They hope to receive the final payment soon.

Resolutions included approving warrants, transfer funds (for teacher retirement payments) and to accept donations.  

Observer Note: the Minutes from August 7, 2023 Regular Meeting and Aug. 19, 2023  Special Meeting, were approved through the consent agenda.

Personnel Resolutions and Policies -  included approval of areas such as certified salary movement, exempt staff appointments, changes to staff contracts, classified staff resignation.

Policy and Program Resolutions included areas such as student internship placement and bus routes and to waive multiple readings and board policies; approve services from Applewood Centers.  

46.05 Minutes - Two field trips were also approved.

46.50 Minutes - Business resolutions included approving agreement with Applewood Centers (special education); an agreement with Educational Service Center, LakeTran Geauga Transit, Suburban School Transportation Company, Inc., Palmer Express, Inc. dba Willo Transportation, Delta-T Group, Facilities use with Beachwood City Schools.

50.53 Minutes - Superintendent Report - first week of school was just completed.  WG worked with the Chamber of Commerce to host Unity Day which was on Sunday.  There was a steady stream of people and there were many vendors and games for kids.  WG will also be participating in the County Fair.  Thursday will be the annual chicken flying contest. After the Fair, Rock the Block will be coming up on September 8th.

56.10 Minutes - Board Reports - Christina Sherwood said that Mr. Demonkus of Russell volunteered to be considered as a member of the Joint Rec Council. There was further discussion regarding focused efforts to get Newbury representatives on the joint Recreational Council as well.  Ben Katowski feels this group should consider changing bylaws to include Newbury as well.  It was decided to publicize this and interview individuals after they get some names.

1.00 Executive Session - entered into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. 

1.35 minutes - Returned to regular session at 8:47 pm.  No further action was taken.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 pm. 

Next Board Meeting- 9/11/23

Observer: KC Henry

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

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League of Women Voters of Geauga