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Geauga Public Health

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Geauga Public Health District (GPHD) – Special Meeting July 12, 2023

Meeting Details
: The GPHD Board met in a Special Session at the Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite B303, Chardon, OH, on July 12, 2023 at 5 pm.  The agenda was available on the GPHD facebook page.  Geauga County Automated Data Processing (ADP) live streamed this meeting and the recording is available here. At publication, the recording has been viewed 28 times.

Public Comment Policy:
no separate written policy, but in practice, “Citizens’ Remarks” are included on the agenda and permitted as detailed there.

Board Attendance:
(as seated, from L to R).

  • Carolyn Brakey, President

  • Dr. Ashley Jones, Pro Tem (Absent)

  • Lynn Roman

  • Dr. Mark Rood  

  • Dr. Mark Hendrickson

Staff Attendance:

  • Ron Graham - Lake County General Health District Commissioner (Absent)

  • Adam Litke - Administrator

  • Daniel Lark - Environmental Health Director

Legal Counsel: Not present

Others Present:
Henry  Duchscherer, Parkman Township Trustee; 4 members of the public and this Observer.

Call to Order
: Called to order at 5:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. A quorum was declared and a certification of delivery of official notices of meeting.

none presented. Reviewer Comment: As of July 15, 2023, approved GPH minutes are posted online through March 22nd here.  LWVG Observer Reports for April, May and June GPH Board meetings are available online for information purposes but are not substitutes for GPH Minutes.

Old Business

  • Permission to Adopt Change to Home Sewage Treatment Rules, Third and Final Reading

In the June 28 meeting the Board did a reading of these rules which they said was the third reading. However they had previously tabled the second reading, so the June 28 reading was actually the second reading. So tonight was the third reading, which was approved by roll call vote.

New Business

  • Resolution 2023-11 – Geauga Public Health Levy

Mr. Litke read a resolution that he said was approved by the Prosecutor’s office. The resolution is to put on the November ballot a renewal of the GPH 0.2 mil levy that will allow the GPH to maintain sufficient funding for the next five years (2024-2029). Once approved by the board, Mr. Litke will present it to the Commissioners at their next meeting (Tuesday July 18). Then the resolution will be submitted to the Auditor’s office for certification, then back to the Commissioners on July 25, and final approval by the Board at their July 26 meeting. After a motion and second to approve the resolution, the Board discussed the resolution. 

Dr. Rood stated that this is the most taxpayer friendly option for funding that will still maintain enough funds to fulfill the commitments of GPH. He stated that he is in favor of renewing the levy. 

Ms. Brakey said there are three sources of funding for GPH: (1) fees and licenses are the main source and these funds can be used in limited ways; (2) grants, which are more difficult for Geauga County to obtain because the county is wealthy, healthy and small in population size; and (3) the tax levy. A renewal of the existing levy will save taxpayers money because of the Homestead Rollback. 

Ms. Roman mentioned that the amount of tax that individuals pay to support the levy is relatively small, $5.41 per $100,000 of home value. 

Mr. Litke mentioned this is the first of three chances to get the renewal levy on the ballot before the current levy expires. 

Dr. Rood said it will be less expensive to put the renewal levy on the ballot in November in comparison to other elections, since there are several other items on the ballot which will share in the election cost. 

The resolution was passed with a roll call vote. 

  • Permission for Mr. Litke to Award the Parkman Township Well Replacement Project Phase II Bid to the Lowest and Best Bidder

Mr. Litke said the lowest bid did not meet the requirements of the bid, including not submitting the EEO certification and the Delinquent Property Tax form. The second lowest bid ($247,947) was from Donmark, which is the company that did Phase I.  This could increase up to $600,000 if additional wells are added, or if there is anything  unforeseen. The bid is for 7 wells, but 16 additional properties are being tested so more wells may be added. Dr. Hendrickson asked if GPH can have another meeting with homeowners. Mr. Litke said the work has to be done by the end of August, but they can put out press releases etc. Permission granted to Mr. Litke via roll call vote.

  • Permission for Mr. Litke to award  landscape contract to the lowest and best bidder for Parkman Wells Phase I Work.

The company that was going to do the landscaping did not complete the vendor forms so Mr. Litke is getting new bids. This work will fix properties that were completed under Phase I, not to exceed $15,000. Permission granted to Mr. Litke via roll call vote.

  • Permission to Approve Appropriations for Increase/Decrease - Mr. Litke explained that following consultation with the Auditor’s Office, it was agreed that the $1.1 million required for  HB110 program refunds should be paid from the Sewage Treatment Fund and not the General Fund.  To correctly reflect where the refunds will be paid from, it will be necessary to rescind the prior month’s appropriation. Mr. Litke did not have time to prepare that entry for this meeting.

    One line item of the new appropriation transfers out an additional $75,000 from the General Fund.  Mr. Litke stated that this is in addition to the $125,000 from the previous appropriation, which brings the total to $200,000.  There was a line item for a $200,000 transfer-in to the Sewage Treatment Fund.  A third line item increased the Sewage Treatment Fund by $1,100,000.

    Ms. Brakey began to present the individual elements of the motion but Mr. Litke recommended asking for approval as presented. The appropriation was approved by roll call vote.

    Reviewer Comment: with few details from the previous month’s appropriation being provided, we are unable to present to the public a complete picture of the accounting for the HB110 refunds. 


Citizen’s Remarks

A Parkman resident asked about the procedure for getting the wells checked and determining whether they need to be replaced. He was not home when his well was tested and he believes it should be tested again and may need to be replaced. He was advised to speak with Mr. Lark. He asked about a decrease in property taxes for affected well owners. 

Ms. Brakey said the auditor’s office is reappraising those homes because their property values were lowered by having problems with their wells.

Reviewer Comment: In the  July 11, 2023 LWVG Observer Report for  BOCC, we reported on unresolved problems with sewer gasses for some residents served by the Parkman Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Daily hearings before the Board of Revision are scheduled for the week of July 17 from 9-3pm.

A resident asked whether the state is helping pay for the wells, and Mr. Litke said the state EPA is paying 100% of the cost, up to $900,000.

This observer asked for a copy of the documentation of the appropriations increase/decrease. Mr. Litke provided a copy after the meeting was adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:29 PM.

Next regular  meeting: July 26, 2023 at 5 pm. All meetings at Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Suite B303, Chardon, OH.

More Information: Geauga Public Health

Observer: Nina Lalich

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga