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Geauga County Mental Health & Recovery Services

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Geauga County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board (GC-MHRS) - June 21, 2023 

Meeting Details:
Regular monthly meeting, June 21 at 6:00 pm at the Board offices located at 13244 Ravenna Rd., Chardon, OH 44024. In person only.  No recording. No agenda available in advance on the website or social media but agenda is available through a request to Teresa Slater by email at

Public Comment Policy:
No formal policy but in practice public comment is permitted at the end of the meeting.

Board members attending
: Chair, Steve Oluic; Vice Chair, Linda Miller; Secretary, Alberta Chokshi, and board members Ann Bagley, Jimmy Lee Holden, Kathy Johnson, Carolee Lesyk, Ryan Mekota, and Mary Ruth Shumway.   Absent members: Treasurer, Michael Petruziello, Walter Claypool, Reba Dykes, Marty Fay and Gregory O’Brien.

Staff members attending: Executive Director Christine Lakomiak, Secretary/Receptionist Teresa Slater.   Finance Director Jim Mausser was absent.

Service Providers: Representatives from service providers including Ravenwood Health, Lake-Geauga Recovery Center, NAMI Geauga, Signature Health, Catholic Charities, Torchlight VMA, and Family Pride.

Guests: Two members of the general public, reporter from Chagrin Valley Times, prior temporary Executive Director Leila Vidmar,  and Gail Roussey, LWVG Observer.

Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance occurred as listed on the agenda.

Minutes from the May 17, 2023 meeting were approved.

Chairman’s Report: 

Board Chair Oluic welcomed participants. He reported on several Board members whose terms are expiring and who will not be continuing. They are: Ryan Mekota, Walter (Skip) Claypool, and Linda Miller.

For each retiring Board member, Dr. Oluic read a proclamation, which he presented to those present (Ryan Mekota and Linda Miller).  He also thanked the outgoing temporary Executive Director Leila Vidmar.  

Executive Director’s Report: Ms. Lakomiak reported on these items:

She stated that this was the last meeting for the fiscal year and she anticipates moving ahead with the Board.  She said she is looking forward to learning from the Board.

Stepping Up

Stepping Up had an initial  ZOOM meeting on May 25. This is the Geauga County initiative to reduce the number of individuals with mental health issues represented at the jail.  Board members and many community stakeholders and agencies attended, as well as all the judges in the County and the County Commissioners. The next process will be a mapping of all resources and a two-day workshop on how people flow through the criminal justice system.  A map will be created that will show all possible resources at different points.


  • The 3 state-appointed positions to the board are not yet filled. A link to the application is available on the website.   

  • Director attended the Fire chief meeting in Bainbridge, in an effort to build bonds with first responders and perhaps peer support.  

  • There is a posting for the Clinical and Compliance manager here.  Started phone interviews yesterday.  

  • Board members and the Director participated in the Geauga Faith based outreach event which was Saturday, June 3rd on Burton Square.

  • The Director has been meeting with in-patient hospitals to try and establish a per diem rate.  Ohio MHAS (Mental Health and Addiction Services)  has given us the opportunity to apply for a grant for those who can’t go to a state hospital, so they will need to establish a per diem rate ahead of time.  

  • A Forensic monitor works at Ravenwood and is retiring. They are onboarding a new person both locally and with the State. Letters were mailed to the judges and will set up face-to-face meetings.  

  • The first step for the .7 mil  renewal levy has been approved by the Commissioners. The paperwork has been started. 

  • The Chair will be appointing people to committee chairs.

  • The Director would like to have a Board training in September for new appointees. There are now three vacancies, all state appointed.  There are no remaining county appointments to be made.  Dr. Oluic, Reba Dykes and Alberta Chokshi were appointed/re-appointed by the County Commissioners. It was noted that Alberta Chokshi had previously held a state appointment which was due to end June 30, 2023. Three state appointed Board member positions will be vacant after June 30th.  

  • Dr. Oluic and Ms. Choshi were sworn in.

Committee Reports

Agency Relations Committee:  Ms. Johnson had no report.

Finance Committee: Since Mr. Petruziello and Finance Director Jim Mauser were both absent, there was no report. 

Capital Planning - There is a meeting planned for August prior to the Board meeting..  

Planning and Policies Committee - no report since Mr. Claypool was absent. 

Opiate HUB Committee:  They are meeting monthly.

Board Review and Action Items
: All approved unanimously

  • Resolution 23-06-1 Shelter Plus Care Funding - Maximum $108,948  to be used by Ravenwood; contingent on receiving HUD Funding.

  • Resolution 23-06-2 Recovery Housing Allocation to Lake-Geauga Recovery Center for SFY2024 - $45,900 to Lake Geauga Recovery for costs for Recovery Houses, contingent on receipt of state allocation. There are two - Water Street, Chardon, and in Munson Twp.

  • Resolution 23-06-3 Problem Gambling and Addiction Services Allocation - $30,747 to Lake Geauga Recovery.  This is for treatment, education and screening. If money is left at the end of the year, it can be spent on other addictive treatment services such as drug and alcohol treatment.

Financial Reports - There was no formal report due to the absence of Mr. Mausser, but Dr. Oluic stated that the Board is in fine shape and has expended 64% of funds which he said was on target for where they want to be at this point.

Discussion Items

Nominating Committee: Ms. Johnson was the chairperson of the Nominating Committee. Their recommendations are:  

  • Chair:  Dr. Steven Oluic

  • Vice Chair - Alberta Chokshi

  • Treasurer - Michael Petruziello

  • Secretary - Jimmy Lee Holden

Ms. Bagley mentioned that in the past there has been an effort to maintain a balance of state and county appointees for these positions but with this slate they will all be county appointees.  It was pointed out that Ms. Chokshi had been a state appointee.  Ms. Bagley concluded that “We should be paying attention.” Observer Note:  This statement by Ms. Bagley appears to be a cautionary statement for the Board to pay attention to ensure that there is balanced decision making and leadership between State of Ohio appointees and County Commissioner appointees.

The slate of officers was approved unanimously.

Old Business 


New Business  

Mary Ruth Shumway shared that she thought there was a lot the Board could and should do to promote Mental Wellness as well as Mental Health.  Dr. Oluic agreed and pointed to the Faith initiative and all the collaborators involved in that effort. Reviewer Note: we believe Dr. Oluic is referring to the “Geauga Faith Coalition” which appears to be a loosely formed collection of  Christ-centered local organizations.  Although they were mentioned during the January 18, February 15 and April 17 Board meetings, it is unclear what, if any, mental health or addiction services are being provided by this group.  As reported in the Feb 15 Observer Corps Report, the group is meeting  in county office buildings.

There was a question raised about how the Board could support their agency partners by contributing to their fundraisers.  Agencies responded with the following information:

  • Lake Geauga Recovery -  June 26th Golf Outing

  • Ravenwood - Golf Outing Sunday June 11th

  • WomenSafe - June 26th

  • Catholic Charities - might do a Bingo bash

  • Signature Health - August 4 - Dancing under the Stars (local celebrities are paired with professional dancers)

  • Torchlight - November - Festival of Trees

  • Nami - already made a contribution to Nami; Walk is coming up September 30th

The Director said they are providing a $200 donation to all Agencies as a payment for an ad in the booklets for Agency fundraisers which would indicate that the Board supports the work of that Agency.  Also trying to get an ad in the Veteran’s event coming up.

Public Comment:

An individual stated that he had sent an email and didn’t get a response. No specifics were shared.  Dr. Oluic said they would do their best to answer.  He suggested sending a note to the Executive Director.

Another related individual also said that respect was important.

This Observer asked a question about which members of the Board are State appointees. The remaining state appointees are Marty Fey, Ann Bagley, and Carolee Lesyk.

Three state appointees will not continue:  Ryan Mekota asked to not be re-appointed, Linda Miller is retiring and Alberta Chokshi is going to be a county appointment.  These are the three positions to be filled by the State.  

Board Appointments and Terms: This is LWV Geauga’s chart prior to the recent appointments, noting those expiring June 30, 2023:

Oluic noted that there is so much going on and that as a Board, we need  to keep moving forward. 

Adjournment - at about 7:00 pm. 

Board Minutes:

Next meeting: The next Board meeting was not announced but it should be on July 19 , 2023  (third Wednesday) at 6:00 pm with no virtual option. 

More Information:

Observer: Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Date Submitted:  June 26, 2023

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more 00. about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga