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Geauga County Commissioners

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Board of County Commissioners - June 27, 2023

Meeting Details: The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) met at 9:30 AM on June 27, 2023 at the County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH. BOCC meetings are in-person only and there are no recordings for the public. An agenda is available in advance via request to the Commissioners Clerk.

Public Comment Policy: Observer Comment: Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri announced at the end of the April 4, 2023 meeting that public comment would be permitted and that a more formal policy would be forthcoming. There was no formal policy introduced today.  

Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a prayer was offered by Mr. Dvorak

Attendance: Present were Commissioners James Dvorak, Timothy Lennon and Ralph Spidalieri; Commissioners’ Clerk Christine Blair, and County Administrator Gerard Morgan.  Deborah Ashburn, Senior Fiscal Specialist for Finance Manager Adrian Gorton, who was absent.

County Representatives (having issues on the agenda)

  • Kelly Bidlack, BOCC Human Resources Specialist

  • Joanne Santilli, Transit Dept.

Others in Attendance: Carolyn Brakey, Geauga Public Health Board President, Adam Litke, Geauga Public Health Administrator, Allyson Korbus, Geauga Planning Dept., members of the press from the Geauga Maple Leaf and Chagrin Valley Times and Tom and Diane Jones, as well as several other members of the public.

County Administrator Report
: Mr. Morgan reported that he accepted a retire/resign of a custodian.

Financial Report
: Ms. Ashburn commented that Mr. Gorton was “doing well” then presented the Financial Report, which was approved and included the following:

  • Supplemental appropriation for the Treasurer’s office to pay for hospitalization for the remainder of the year.

  • Supplemental appropriation for the Commissioners office for a potential encumbrance from the Opioid funds for the Lake Geauga Recovery Center (see discussion below).

  • Supplemental appropriation from the Mental Health Board for the first half of the Family First payment.

  • Several de-appropriations in the payroll accounts connected to shutting down the personnel functions for Geauga Transit.

  • Cash Transfer from the Revolving Loan Fund to Community Development for the administrative draw for last quarter 2022 and the first half of 2023.

  • Then and Now from Common Pleas Court to Attorney John Lustin for indigent defense services.

  • Two travel requests to Job and Family Services and to the Planning Department.


  • $92,800 from the Auditor out of ARPA funds to TJ Smith Excavating for work done in connection with the Berkshire Heights sewer tie-ins.

  • $30,220.12 to the State of Ohio for services - treatment of medically handicapped children.

  • $42,875 from Water Resources for a pump

Revenue Certification from the Board of Developmental Disabilities for additional unbudgeted revenue

Discussion: Opioid Funds for Lake/Geauga Recovery Center
- Mr. Spidalieri asked for clarification about the item concerning Opioid funds for the Lake Geauga Recovery Center.  Ms. Ashburn reported that, due to Mr. Gorton’s anticipated absence, he had asked for a supplemental as a place holder should the Commissioners determine Opioid funds could be utilized for the request received last week from Lake/Geauga Recovery (see report from June 22 meeting) and should the Commissioners choose to use the funds in this way.  

Mr. Dvorak said that “It gives us time for research and details.”

Mr. Morgan said they had received two settlement amounts and a third is expected. The amounts were not mentioned.

Mr. Lennon said he would like a total of what is/will be received and how they will be used.

Mr. Spidalieri stated that he wanted to use Opioid funds for the Coroner’s office so that the part-time person can transition to full time. 

The Commissioners approved the financial report but took no action on Mr. Spidalieri’s suggestion for using these funds for personnel in the Coroner’s office. 

2024 Annual Tax Budget
- the BOCC approved and executed Resolution #23-115 Adopting the 2024 Annual Tax Budget in Accordance with O.R.C. Sections 5705.28, and 5705.29. See report from June 22 meeting detailing the 2024 Tax Budget. There was no discussion.

ADP Board
requested the BOCC to approve and execute the State of Ohio Services Quotation with Spectrum Business under the terms of the State of Ohio, Master Services Agreement Spectrum Service Attachment #4, Fiber Internet Access for services to the County Office Building located at 12611 Ravenwood Drive for a term of sixty (60) months that includes a $250.00 installation fee and monthly service fees of $1,100.00 for a total not to exceed amount of $66,250.00.  Christine Blair said that she had originally not gotten all the information but when she asked, ADP sent all the information for the State bid list and the contract.  There was no one from ADP at the meeting.  

Mr. Spidealieri opened the discussion by asking clarifying questions about cost and the placement of cable. Mr. Morgan stated that the contract was to produce better service and that the $250 installation fee was to run cable from the street to the building, but that otherwise the cable was in place in the building.  Mr. Lennon confirmed that the ADP Board had approved this because it was going to provide better, faster service at no additional cost.
Observer Note:  For 2023 Mr. Lennon is the Commissioner who is designated to attend the ADP Board.

Mr. Spidalieri moved to table this to next week as he didn’t feel he had enough information. The motion to table passed unanimously.  

The Transit Department
received approval to execute the Lease Agreement between the Geauga County Board of Commissioners and Laketran for the Transit facility, located at 12555 Merritt Road, Chardon which includes driveways, parking areas, landscaped areas, pedestrian ways, stairs, ramps, sidewalks, entrances, lobbies and vestibules for a period of five years commencing July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2028, with automatic renewal for a total of five additional, five-year terms in the amount of $1.00.

The Commissioners’ Office
received approval for an Agreement with Carhops Burger Sauce, LLC (aka Carhops Diner Dogs) to provide parking lot service with their catering food truck for sale of food and beverages to the public at the Geauga County Office Building located at 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon, Ohio throughout the Year 2023, based on availability.

Donley’s Independence, LLC: Commissioners approved the following:

  • To execute the Certificate of Substantial Completion with Donley’s Independence, LLC, for Phase #1 and Phase #2 of the Geauga County Office Building through May 27, 2022.

  • For Change Order #19, increasing the Contract with Donley’s Independence, LLC, for changes to the Board of Elections area of the County Office Building not covered in the original contract in the amount of $120,856.00.  Mr.Morgan stated that this amount is slightly higher than it was 6-9 months ago when the plan was developed. Reviewer Comment:  Construction changes were agreed to in a May 8, 2023 Mediated Settlement Agreement to comply with Secretary of State directives.  Additional mediation may be required if parties are unable to agree upon storage provisions for voting equipment.  Both parties retained the right to pursue litigation should mediation fail.  Board of Elections (BOE) Chair Dennis Pavella indicated during the June 15 BOE meeting, that between the construction requirements and the August 8 and November 7 elections, they do not anticipate moving into the new space before 2024.

River City Furniture (RCF Group) - Commissioners approved the following:

  • To execute Contract Maintenance Form #1 (Change Order), decreasing the Contract with River City Furniture (RCF Group) for changes to the scope of work and removing the Board of Elections move in the amount of $20,639.00 since they did not move yet.  Mr. Morgan stated that there will need to be another contract once there is a move date for the Board of Elections.

Environments 4 Business - Commissioners approved three separate motions:

  • To execute Change Order #2, increasing the Contract with Environments 4 Business in the amount of $1,464.70.  This is for changes to the JFS cubicles

  • To execute Change Order #3, increasing the Contract with Environments 4 Business in the amount of $2,644.30 

  • To execute Change Order #4, decreasing the Contract with Environments 4 Business in the amount of $11,389.35.

The net of these changes is a decrease of $7,280 according to Mr. Morgan.

Executive Session
: At 9:54 am, Commissioner Spidalieri announced they would be going into Executive Session to discuss “employment of a public employee.”  He said the other two Commissioners and County Administrator Mr. Morgan would be going into the session with him.  He said, “We will be back shortly.”   Observer Note:  This was not on either the Agenda provided in advance or the Agenda handed out the morning of the meeting.

They returned from Executive Session at 10:56 and announced that there would be no action.  

July 3rd BOCC Offices Open
- There had been one additional item on the agenda that was mailed out that did not appear on the amended agenda. That item regarded designating July 3rd as a holiday and closing the county offices. This was not discussed.  Per Christine Blair, in email correspondence after the meeting, “offices under the Commissioners’ Hiring Authority will be open on Monday. Other Offices will be closed that day so I suggest to anyone needing services to check with the office if they will be open or not.”

Public Comment:

: The meeting adjourned at 10:56 am and was to be followed at 11 am with a meeting of the Portage Geauga Juvenile Detention Center Board of Directors (which includes the Commissioners).  At 1:30 pm there was a scheduled meeting with the Commissioners as part of the Geauga Trumbull Solid Waste Management District Board.

More Information and Posted Minutes
: Available here

Next Meeting
: Thursday (due to July 4 holiday) July 6, 2023 at 9:30 am

Observer:  Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer:  Shelly Lewis

Date Submitted:  June 28, 2023

The League of Women Voters Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga