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League of Women Voters of Geauga Adopts New Empty Chair Policy

Published on 6/29/2023

June 26, 2023


Marla Zwinggi, Communications Chair
League of Women Voters of Geauga

League of Women Voters of Geauga Adopts New Empty Chair Policy 

When LWVG has jurisdiction over a race, invited candidates are allowed to fully participate in the candidate forum, regardless of opponent status

Geauga County, OH - The League of Women Voters of Geauga (LWVG), a nonpartisan, grassroots member organization, recently held its annual meeting, where members elected board leadership, updated the Nonpartisan Policy and adopted a new “Empty Chair” Candidate Forum Policy.  

LWVG’s Board of Directors includes:

  • President, Shelly Lewis - Term Expires 6/24

  • Vice President, Meg Pauken - Term Continuing Through 6/24

  • Treasurer, Andrea Trimmer - Term Continuing Though 6/24

  • Secretary, Carol Benton - Term Expires 6/25

  • Director, Gail Roussey - Term Expires 6/24

Membership has surged from eight members in 2018 to seventy-four members in 2023. This influx of vibrant, talented individuals has enabled LWVG to update and expand services to Geauga voters. To develop our grassroots organization further, the LWVG Nominating Committee recommended downsizing the Board of Directors and broadening our capacity at the Committee level so that members are empowered to more directly execute LWVG’s mission.  Committee chairs and vice chairs have been named for Voter Advocacy, Election Services, Government & Issues Advocacy, Communications, Membership, Administration and Development.

“It is our plan to continue to connect members with opportunities to contribute meaningfully to the important work of the League, and to encourage folks to step into leadership roles,” said League Vice President Meg Pauken. “We feel lucky to be in the midst of an energetic and committed group that is helping Geauga voters evaluate and understand the issues that matter to all of us. We look forward to another year of growth and to continued productive engagement in the community.”

Nonpartisan Policy Update

Areas of LWVG’s Nonpartisan Policy were revised to more clearly convey the constraints necessary to protect the nonpartisan stature of the organization. The core tenets of the policy are unchanged and state, “The purpose of the League of Women Voters of Geauga is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. Accordingly, we may study, comment and take action with respect to governmental issues, measures and policies. However, the League never supports or opposes any political party or any candidate.”

All members must adhere to the Nonpartisan Policy when acting in a League capacity but may participate privately in political and party activities. 

Board members have some constraints on their political and party activities. 

The greatest constraints on political and party activity are placed on the Board President, Voter Service Chair, Government and Issues Chair, and those in “highly visible” positions, who may not:

  • Solicit or make contributions for/to candidates or political parties

  • Advise or work for a candidate or political party, including contacting voters or working in a party or campaign committee, event or office

  • Publicly demonstrate support for a candidate or party, e.g., be named in campaign literature, social media or advertising

  • State preferences for parties or candidates in social media, writing, or speech

  • Serve on a board of directors or in a leadership role in an organization which endorses candidates

  • Host, sponsor or attend campaign events unless all candidates for an office are invited

Empty Chair Candidate Forum Policy

Prior to each election, the LWVG hosts candidate forums to educate voters and enable them to make informed decisions about issues and candidates. As specified in the LWVG ”Empty Chair” Candidate Forum Policy, LWVG has jurisdiction over local school board, village, township and county races. For these races, invited candidates will be permitted to fully participate in the forum regardless of whether their opponents participate. This signals a change from previous practice.

The League of Women of the United States (LWVUS) and League of Women Voters of Ohio (LWVO) have jurisdiction over all other races. Consistent with their policies, if only one invited candidate in a contested race participates, LWVG cannot present that race.

“To be clear, when conducting candidate forums, our objective is always to connect voters with all of the certified candidates competing for an office,” says Shelly Lewis, president of LWVG. “We look forward to applying the new rules during the November election and are proud of the work we have done to create this policy.”

The Empty Chair Candidate Forum Policy also details the measures LWVG will follow to ensure all candidates have the same opportunity to participate in our candidate forums.


About the League of Women Voters of Geauga (LWVG) - 
 LWVG is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga