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Kenston Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Kenston Board of Education –May 15, 2023 

Meeting Details
:  Kenston Board of Education met in regular session on May 15th, 2023 at Kenston High School, 9500 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023, in the Robert E. Lee Auditorium beginning at 7:00 pm.  The meeting was live streamed and is available here. View the agenda online here by selecting the meeting tab and meeting date.

Public Comment Policy
: available at two points of each meeting as detailed in 165.1 Regular Meetings and 165.2 Special Meetings.

Board Attendance
: President Jennifer Troutman, Vice President Neysa Gaskins, Dennis Bergansky, Beth Krause, and Tom Manning. 

Staff Attendance: Superintendent Steven Sayers and Interim Treasurer Ryan Pendleton.

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Troutman at 7:01 pm. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dr. Krause and Kenston TES student River Trimmer.


Minutes: The Kenston Board of Education is being asked to approve that the reading of these minutes be waived and to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 17, 2023, and the Work Session of May 1, 2023 as recorded or corrected.  


Commendations - APPROVED motion for the following commendations:

  • Dave Rogaliner, Principal of Timmons Elementary School (TES), on behalf of TES receiving the Ohio Department of Education's 2023 Purple Star designation, which acknowledges schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military.

  • Kenston's 2022-2023 retirees, acknowledged for their years of service to the district:

    • Renee Ebelender, Bus Driver

    • Susan Matsko, KHS Nutrition Services Kitchen Manager

    • Janet Austen, KIS 5th Grade Teacher

    • Ellen Larkin, KHS Intervention Specialist

    • Daryl Major, KHS Educational Aide

    • Terry Markoff, KHS Intervention Specialist

  • Recognition of KHS seniors receiving post-secondary degrees:

    • Victor Como - Bachelor's Degree

    • Allen Studer - Associate's Degree

    • Ella Worrell - Associate's Degree

  • Steve Voudris, Speech and Debate Coach, on behalf of the KMS Speech and Debate Team for being recognized with the McCandless Award for Cleveland's Outstanding Middle School Program of the Year.

  • KMS/KHS Speech and Debate State Champions:

    • Eden Truax, KHS student

    • Brooke Carlson, KMS student (Congressional Debate)

    • Reagan Carnes, KMS student (Public Forum Debate; partner event )

    • Pearl Johnson, KMS student (Declamation) 

    • Jillian Ragsdale, KMS student (Public Forum Debate; partner event) 

    • Katherine Tobin, KMS student (Interpretation)

  • Kenston High School Art Program, and Janus Literary and Art Magazine - Tom Gabram, KHS Principal

    • Received the Realm Award from the National Council of English Teachers

Board Reports and Informational Items

  • Kenston Alumni Association - Drew Tewksbury, Chairperson, spoke about the accomplishments of this organization:

    • Kenston Alumni Association was established in 2017 with the help of Katie McGrath, Jennifer Miller, Neysa Gaskins, Drew Tewksbury and Matt English.

    • Kenston Alumni Hall of Fame open to eligible students, former students and former faculty if nominated.

    • New retirees are eligible for membership in the Association.

    • Military Honors Wall for Kenston alumni who have served.

    • An active presence on social media.

    • Working to accumulate artifacts for placement in a future Museum.

    • Scholarships awarded from the Friedman Family in honor and memory of their daughter, Kari.

    • Legacy graduates.

    • All class reunions will be resuming.

Board Committee Updates:

  • Policy met on April 11, 2023. Thirty policies were reviewed and a variety of changes and updates due to technical changes and new laws were made on the advice of NEOLA (Northeast Ohio Learning Associates). These policies will appear at the next meeting for a first reading.

  • KCAC (Kenston Citizens Advisory Committee) Superintendent Sayers and Katie McGrath spoke with the group about school funding in light of the upcoming resolution for a PI (Permanent Improvement) levy to be placed on the November ballot.

  • Curriculum met on April 11, 2023 and reviewed the highlights of the Strategic Plan overview, career readiness initiatives, the gifted program placement, and numbers and curriculum materials ready for the first reading, etc.

  • Technology met for discussion. Numerous updates were made including to the Wi-Fi network and to a new batch of Chromebooks. There was much discussion among teachers about new and changing technology, what is working and what is not and the possible impact of AI.

  • Kenston Inc., met and received a presentation regarding the career readiness program. Ms. Troutman stated that there was good discussion among present community members.

A Birthday Book selected by Ms. Katie Poe was presented to Dennis Bergansky.


Hearing of the Public on Agenda Items - none


Financial Items - APPROVED and included donations, notification and explanation by Mr. Pendleton of the 7% increase in healthcare cost (2nd largest expense for district) for the district, and the introduction  of Delta Dental as a new Dental Plan provider. Mr. Pendleton advises that this increase down from a 10% requested one involves a significant amount of work on the part of the team. The five-year financial projection document to be presented in May was also approved. This last document is the district’s primary financial planning tool, according to Mr. Pendleton. This document is available.


Permanent Improvement (PI) Levy Resolution - APPROVED “resolution declaring it necessary to levy an additional 1.35-Mill Tax Levy for 5 years for the purpose of General Permanent Improvements and requesting the Geauga County Auditor to make certain certifications, pursuant to Sections 5705.03 and 5705.21 of the Revised Code.”

  • Superintendent Sayers noted that only 13% of Ohio school districts do not have a permanent improvement levy and that Kenston is included in that group.

  • He explained with examples why the additional funds for the district are necessary.  

  • Mr. Sayers advised that the team felt that a five year term levy rather than a continuous one as originally proposed would allow the district to better demonstrate accountability and good stewardship of the funds to the community. 

  • Mr. Pendleton advised that this resolution is the first of two required resolutions. This first resolution is the declaration of necessity on the part of the district. The district will seek the county auditor’s certification on the need for the estimated amounts put together by the district and its legal team. This certification then helps the team to put forward resolution number two over the next couple of months.

Certified, Classified, Supplemental, Exempt, and Special Education Personnel Items - APPROVED as presented and included various teacher, tutor, and substitute contracts, contract changes, non-teaching contracts, supplemental contracts, administrator contracts, and Crisis Prevention Intervention Training.

  • A Grievance Settlement Agreement was approved that provides payment to teachers who covered classes for absent colleagues. The agreement was based on a grievance filed when teachers were denied payment for this coverage. This grievance was advanced to arbitration in January of 2023 and settled as presented here.

  • Mr. Bergansky stated that he did not agree with the grievance and voted no on the motion for certified personnel items A through D.

  • A memorandum of agreement was approved that provides for a one-year increase of payment rate to specific bus drivers due to the current shortage. Contract agreement is presented here.

New Business Items - APPROVED as presented and included a contract with SC Strategic Solutions and:

  • The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approves the Resolution authorizing the Execution and Delivery of a Renewal Agreement to the Master Electric Energy Sales Agreement Between the District and Power4Schools endorsed Electric Supplier, ENGIE Resources, LLC to provide Electric Energy for an 18-month term, effective January 2024 through June 2025, at an energy only fixed rate of $.05635 per KWH, down 30-40% lower than rates starting in June. 

Teaching and Learning - APPROVED  a contract with LEAF ( Lake Geauga Educational Assistance Foundation) to provide financial aid advisory services.


New Business Items - APPROVED the Strategic Planning Document, a change to the 2023-2024 calendar, the 2024-2025 calendar, new volunteers, professional trips, a district wellness plan, and the class of 2023 graduates. 

  • Superintendent Sayer wished to thank the planning committee including 50+ persons for their diligent work.

  • Also presented here for a first reading were new policies, name changes to two courses, and new curriculum.

Hearing of the Public on Non-Agenda Items  None.


Treasurer’s Report No additional comments.


Superintendent’s Report - Mr. Sayers reported:

  • With regards to school safety, Kenston has received a $227,000 grant from Ohio School Safety Grant Program to upgrade security cameras. Kenston also received a $20,000 grant for block cameras. Thanks go to Mr. Mr. McDevitt for his leadership pursuing these grants.

  • Kenston’s Academic Challenge group can be seen on Saturday, May 20th at 11:30 am on channel 5.

  • May is a busy month that is a lot of fun with many things happening including commencement.


Executive Session: At 8:14 pm, the Board voted to enter executive session under R.C.121.22(G)(8)(a) to consider confidential information related to the marketing plans, specific business strategy, production techniques, trade secrets, or personal financial statements of an applicant for economic development assistance, or to negotiations with other political subdivisions respecting requests for economic development assistance.  The information is directly related to a request for economic development assistance that is to be provided under R.C. 5709.73 to R.C. 5709.75 or that involves public infrastructure improvements or the extension of utility services that are directly related to an economic development project.


Mrs. Troutman advised that no action will be taken upon their return and the recording ended.


Next regular meeting: Monday, June 26th at 7pm in the Kenston High School Bainbridge Auburn Room.


More information here: Board of Education | Kenston Local Schools

Observer: Jacqueline Berger

Editor: Shelly Lewis

Reviewer:  Anne Ondrey

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga