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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Budget Commission

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Budget Commission Regular Meeting – May 15, 2023

Meeting Details
: The Geauga County Budget Commission met in Regular Session on Monday, May 15, 2023 at 10:00 am in the Auditor’s Conference Room at 215 Main Street, Chardon, Ohio. This meeting was in person with a virtual option via MS Teams.

Meeting Attendance
: Auditor Chuck Walder, Prosecutor Jim Flaiz, and Chief Deputy Treasurer Caroline Mansfield (substituting for Treasurer Chris Hitchcock).

Staff Attendance
: Chief Deputy Auditor Ron Leyde, Deputy Auditors Tammy Most and Kristen Sinatra,  Fiscal Office Manager Pam McMahan, and Budget Coordinator Paul Pestello.

County/School/Township/Village Representatives
: ADP Chief Deputy Administrator Frank Antenucci and Geauga County Commissioners Budget and Finance Manager Adrian Gorton (via MS Teams).

Minutes: Minutes from the Regular Meeting on 5/1/23 were approved.     

Revenue Certification Requests

The following Revenue Certifications were approved:

  • West Geauga Local School District - Amendment #5 - $51,149,853.19 in the general fund, $9,534,842.39 in special revenue funds, $3,275,050.32 in capital project funds, $1,351,914.37 in enterprise funds, $681,856.11 in internal service funds, and $306,498.19 in fiduciary funds for a total of $66,300,014.57.

  • Auburn Township - Amendment #3 - $1,006,491.20 in the general fund, $4,854,232.74 in special revenue funds, $212,200.00 in debt service funds, and $29,919.65 in capital project funds for a total of $6,102,843.59.

  • Bainbridge Township - Amendment #5 - $3,582,291.06 in the general fund, $20,180,821.15 in special revenue funds, $2,517,027.18 in debt service funds, $809,796.35 in capital project funds, $10,798.02 in special assessment funds, and $537.99 in fiduciary funds for a total of $27,101,271.75

  • South Russell Village - Amendment #3 - $1,731,401.96 in the general fund, $7,171,205.38 in special revenue funds, $2,159,494.35 in capital project funds, and $266,036.53 in fiduciary funds for a total of $11,328,138.22.

  • Geauga County - Amendment #6 - $46,242,857.46 in the general fund, $129,096,498.53 in special revenue funds, $6,279,092.87 in debt service funds, $1,254,159.50 in special assessment funds, $28,193,204.47 in capital project funds, $18,063,060.25 in enterprise funds, $1,206,807.93 in internal service funds, and $3,757,550.66 in fiduciary funds for a total of $234,093,231.67. 

Mr. Flaiz asked Mr. Gorton to explain what was going on with the approximately half million dollars of funding to water resources in this amendment. Mr. Gorton answered that it was a grant from U.S. Representative Dave Joyce’s office to be used for making improvements to the county’s water system at the county campus on Ravenwood Drive. Mr. Flaiz also asked Mr. Gorton about economic development funding in this amendment. Mr. Gorton explained that the money is for demolition at the old Geauga Lake property and confirmed that the county is serving as a pass-through entity here, as the money will go to the developers from the State of Ohio.    

Regular Business:

  • Re-signing of Certificates: Due to a clerical error on their beginning balance amount, Russell Citizen’s Park Amendments #1 & #2 were re-signed. No vote was required.

Discussion Items:    

  • Automatic Data Processing Board (ADP) Help with Levy Forms: As discussed at the last Budget Commission meeting, new ballot forms in compliance with the language required by HB140 are needed for levies on the ballot in the November election. The Budget Commission stated that the fillable PDF forms are nearly ready, but drop down menus still need to be added. Mr. Walder noted that ADP is extraordinarily busy right now, and requested giving them more time to complete this task. Mr. Walder asked to be notified if ADP had not completed it in a week’s time. The Budget Commissioners discussed a draft letter that will go out to county entities along with the new ballot forms when they are completed; this letter will direct the entities to refer to their counsel for legal questions.    

  • Geauga Park District (GPD) Public Records Request: Mr. Walder stated that GPD’s counsel submitted a public records request to the Budget Commission’s counsel, Geauga County Assistant Prosecutor Kristen Rine. GPD’s counsel requested any research/work completed by Chief Deputy Auditor Ron Leyde to determine the quantitative values associated with calculating the cost of GPD’s levies. Mr. Walder stated that this request has been satisfied. Observer Note: The Auditor’s Office later forwarded email communications to LWV Geauga showing that GPD was provided with detailed information on their existing levies, such as their millages and when they were passed, renewed, and/or replaced by the voters.

Public Comment: 

This observer clarified that the public records request came from GPD’s counsel, confirmed that the next Budget Commission meeting will be June 5, and asked if the Budget Commission had received any responses to the letters dated May 1 that they sent to Geauga Public Health (GPH) and GPD. Mr. Walder stated that there has been no response from either GPD or GPH, other than the public records request from GPD’s counsel. Reviewer Note: It was later clarified that earlier in the day, during their regular monthly Board meeting, GPD had 1) rescinded a previous motion that had established Capital Reserve Fund 4901 and 2) approved a response to the Budget Commission’s May 1, 2023 letter to GPD concerning the impact of OAG Opinion No. 2022-17. See LWVG Observer Report for May 15, 2023 GPD meeting

More Information and Posted Minutes:
Available on Auditor website

Next Meeting
: June 5, 2023 at 10:00 am in the Auditor’s Conference Room at 215 Main Street, Chardon, Ohio.

Name of Observer:  Sarah McGlone

Name of Editor: Anne Ondrey

Name of Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted 5/15/2023

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga