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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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West Geauga Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

West Geauga Board of Education - April 24, 2023

Meeting Details
: The West Geauga Board of Education met at 7 p.m. in the Board Office Community Room, 8615 Cedar Road in Chester Township.  Meetings are open to the public and media. The meeting agenda and minutes  are available online.  A  recording is available via YouTube.

Public Comment Policy:
permitted at all regular meetings in accordance with Public Policy 169.1

Board Attendance:

  • Ben Kotowski, President

  • Christina Sherwood, Vice President

  • Dr. William Beers

  • Mary-Michelle Coleman Walsh

  • Kathy Leavenworth

Staff Attendance:

  • Richard A. Markwardt, Ph.D., Superintendent  

  • Karen Pavlat, Treasurer

  • Sean Whelan, Director of Technology, Support Operations & School Safety


  • Chief Craig Young, Chester Township Police Department

  • Captain Jeff Sherwood, Chester Township Police Department, 

  • Sergeant Vince Valerio, Russell Township Police Department

  • Tim DelVecchio, Security Advisor for Ohio Schools Council

Minutes: April 3, 2023 and April 11, 2023 minutes approved through the consent agenda.

School/Community Safety Initiative:
  Dr. Markwardt introduced Mr. DelVecchio, who reported that West Geauga has been exemplary in all areas for many years.  Annual review and planning in all emergency areas, bullying, transportation drivers  ability to communicate, police security/presence are some of the present programs that are in place.

Dr. Markwaldt discussed elements that may not be as visible, such as investments in cameras and mental health support from county agencies.  Areas to develop further include internal staff training and increasing police presence all day vs just mornings.  They are presently identifying funds to cover these areas.

Public Announcement System Update
: Mr. Whelan reported the PA system in the High School was not working on the day of the recent event.  They managed alternative systems effectively, but the entire system still needs to be addressed. Board has already approved investment to update this system.  The system is too old to repair effectively.  The new system will be more efficient and will include emergency responsiveness. 

Public Comments

  • April Lakosky shared information from a parents meeting and survey.  Parents feel they need to communicate better during emergency situations as children and parents were receiving mixed communications.  Other areas have been addressed.  She mentioned that her son Casey, and the other children questioned  should not have been sent back to class after reporting the bullet.   The school leaders and police officials did not seem to recognize that and should have. 

  • Katie Lawence said that parents were grateful for West Geauga’s efforts and reputation for keeping students safe.  She asked that the school communicate regarding further safety development.   She pointed out the need for additional safety training for staff and the need for more police presence in the school.  

  • Becky Gierman expressed gratitude for past emergency preparedness and responsiveness.  

  • Kala Flowers questioned why there was no communications to parents that the middle school was sheltered in place - the children received many internal communications through their own cell phones creating rumors and panic and a lack of school initiative to support children's mental health.

Agenda Items: Detailed agenda here. The board took the following actions: 

  • Routine Items:  APPROVED March financial statements, two sets of minutes and classified and certified substitutes. Mrs. Pavlat highlighted the current financial report, which shows a negative $1.2 million in revenues.  She explained that this will be collected in August but she has requested that the county, who is holding the funds, release an advance within the current fiscal year.  The deficit is a result of  taxes owed by utilities (they have a legal grace period that allows the delay). Updates will be forthcoming. 

  • Financial Resolutions:  APPROVED detailed check register, changes in FY 2023 appropriations, $500.00 donation from Kiwanis Club of West Geauga and $18,566 grant from the West Geauga Educational Foundation for Art Department Technology.

  • Personnel Resolutions: APPROVED changes in job description for Gifted Coordinator, appointments, retirements and resignations of certified staff, summer school stipends, appointments of classified staff, a change in contract for some classified staff, supplemental contracts for WGHS Academic Decathlon and WGMS Williamsburg trip, and service contracts for the WGMS Williamsburg trip.

  • Policy and Program Resolutions: APPROVED resolution for student Casey William Orloski’s Commendable Action on April 3, 2023 and second reading of policies addressing State Performance Indicators, College Credit Plus, Homebound Instruction, Health Services and Removal, Suspension, Expulsion and Permanent Exclusion of Students.

  • Business Resolutions: APPROVED service agreement with Education Service Center of the Western Reserve, contract with Two Foundation, Inc. and participation in  BSN Sports Reward Program.

Superintendent Report:  Mentioned dates of  spring concerts.


Board Reports: Ms. Sherwood has been communicating with parents  - the most common issue reported to her was that many parents and some teachers felt that the communications regarding protocols for procedures and expectations needs to be addressed.  Other concerns included phone system failure, deadzone for cell service, only part time police presence, and the need for more consistent on site emergency training.  


Executive Session: entered into executive session for the following listed purposes:  to address appointment/employment of personnel, compensation of personnel, to conference with legal counsel, to address security arrangements, and to address matters required to be kept confidential by state or federal law.  The board invited Superintendent Markwardt, Asst. Superintendent Benincasa, WGMS Principal Meagan Bellam and Attorney Eric Johnson of Walter Haverfield to participate.  


Re-entered Regular Session at 9:52 and immediately adjourned.


Next meetings:  Regular board meeting 5/8/23 and 5/22/23

Observer: KC Henry

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga