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Geauga County Planning Commission

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Planning Commission – 04-11-2023

The Geauga Planning Commission met in regular session on April 11, 2023 at 7:30 AM at the Geauga County Office Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon, OH 44024.  This meeting was in person with no virtual option. The agenda was available online one week prior to the meeting.

Public Comment Policy:  no formal policy but in practice, typically allows public comment or questions throughout the meeting at the Chair’s prerogative.

Board Attendance:
Present were Commissioners James Dvorak and Timothy Lennon (who arrived at 7:40 am), and members Nick Gorris, James McCaskey, Gary Neola,  Walter (Skip) Claypool, and Caterina Cocca-Fulton (who left at 8:30 am).  Chair John Oros was absent as were Dennis Bergansky, Commissioner Ralph Spidalieri,  and Dan Miller.  

Staff Attendance:
  Linda Crombie, Planning Director, Allyson Kobus, Planner II, and Pamela Irizarry, Administrative Assistant.

: The minutes from the March 14, 2023 meeting were approved.  As of April 18, 2023 minutes are available online through March 14, 2023.

President pro tem: Mr. Gorris was acting President in the absence of Mr. Oros.

Change in Agenda
- Mr. Gorris announced that because several members had to leave early he wanted to move up two items to this point in the meeting including The Derchar Subdivision and the Logo discussion. He received verbal agreement to do this.

Major Subdivisions -Derchar Subdivision
- Sublots 1 and 2, Hambden Township, Final Plat (map).

This Subdivision has been on the Agenda for almost a year as the owner worked to get a permit from the Health Department.  It was submitted in 2021.  It is considered a major subdivision because  with these two lot splits there are a total of 5 lot splits, which constitutes a major subdivision.  APPROVED.

Discussion of the Planning Commission logo -
Mr. Oros had been taking the lead on this, and had consulted with a graphic designer.  The element of a Maple Leaf was deemed to make the design too busy.  Everyone liked the outline of cities and townships.  They voted to approve the most simple of the designs submitted.

Executive Session -
The Board held an Executive Session to discuss wage and salary adjustments.

Following Executive Session - Pay Grade Update -
There will be increases in three ranges:  Intern - top range of $15.00; Planner II - increase of $1,806; Administrative Assistant - $.29 increase in hourly pay.  All changes retroactive to April 2, 2023.  

Financial report and approval of expenses - APPROVED

The total remaining in the General Fund is $151,626.92.  Minor expenses were noted.

Director’s Report

Lot Splits - 7 in March; 9 year-to-date.  There were 5 minor subdivisions year-to-date There was one informal review and the General Plan was referred to two times.

Legislative Updates

HB23 passed.  This was a Transportation budget law but very soon before passage an Aggregate Mining section was added which will require Townships to allow mining as a permitted or conditional use when the request is related to existing mining.  Ms. Crombie said she has notified townships and stated that she knew that Munson, Thompson, Auburn and Claridon would be impacted.  She indicated that Auburn has been asked to expand operations at Munn Road.  The Ohio Township Association had objected to this being put into the Transportation Budget bill and they asked the Governor to use his line item veto power, but the Governor signed it as it was passed.  

HB64 introduced (like HB198 last year).  This change prohibits the use of eminent domain to acquire property for the purpose of providing recreational trails. Public agencies engaged in trail building could incur higher costs to acquire property for trails as a result.

H.R. 1241 - Broadband Incentives for Communities Act:  This law, if passed, would require grants for local governments for reviewing and permitting Broadband.

HB 501 - Small solar - Townships can now regulate solar.  Ms. Crombie said they will need to add language to Model Zoning and she will be looking at the Model Zoning developed by Ohio Township Association.  The zoning authority was included in this bill about school resource officers.  See explanation

2024 Total Eclipse Event
- Ms Allyson Kobus, Planner II, gave a presentation on what to expect from the solar eclipse, which will pass directly through Northeast Ohio on April 8, 2024. The eclipse will run from 1:59 pm - 4 pm, with the total eclipse occurring at 3:15pm.  She stated that Ohio is within one day of driving for 70% of the country and it is to be expected that there will be a lot of people traveling here to see the eclipse.  It was stated that Geauga Park District will be using the Fairgrounds for viewing.

Construction Activity
- Between January and March the only thing to report is a 1.5 million renovation in Bainbridge.  It was noted that Newbury Township Fire Station will be starting a major renovation.

  • There were no demolitions

  • There was one commercial addition to a warehouse

  • No large alterations.

At the end of the year they will do a map with all the construction.

Emergency Planning
- Maintenance is heading up Emergency Planning for the new county building.  The evacuation plan is posted.

Township Zoning Amendments
- none


There was correspondence with Claridon Township.  They requested help with revising their Land Use Plan. They still need to get a resident committee together and do a survey.  Ms. Crombie will be assisting by attending meetings.

There was discussion about whether the Townshiops should be charged if there is a large project that takes a substantial amount of time. Ms. Crombie said that a serious update to a Land Use Plan by a Township could take 8-10 months.  During that time she would be attending meetings and offering guidance.  It was stated that a lot of the townships on the east side of the county will need assistance.  Ms. Crombie suggested that she track her time on this update as a test case. Mr. Claypool suggested that this update could serve as a template.

Old Business

2024 Budget - Ms. Crombie stated that this is due at the beginning of May. The wage adjustments made at this meeting will need to be incorporated into the budget.  There will be an increase in capital outlay as both laptops need to be replaced at a cost of $1,500 each.

New Business

Model Zoning Resolution - Items to Prioritize and Research

Ms. Crombie stated that Ms. Cocca-Fulton  was interested in working on this.

Ms. Crombie said that they will need to update those areas impacted by changes in the Ohio Revised Code (ORC), which include those discussed at this meeting, such as the ability of townships to regulate solar, and Aggregate Mining changes.  She also said that others of importance would be electric vehicles, the definition of family, water management, and revoking a conditional use (regarding whether a zoning inspector has the authority to revoke a conditional use).

Mr. Claypool asked if the Geauga Planning Commission should take a stand on the Aggregate Mining change if it is determined that this will have a negative impact on townships.  Since the Ohio Township Association already did this and the law was passed, it was unclear what the Planning Commission could do and no strategy was discussed.

Mr. Dvorak left at 9:27 am

Meeting adjourned at 9:31 am

Public Commen
t - not on the Agenda, none solicited or given.

Next meeting
:  May 9, 2023 at 7:30 am.

More Information about the Geauga Planning Commission is available online.

Name of Observer:  Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted: 4/16/2023

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga