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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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West Geauga Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Report

Meeting Details
: The West Geauga Board of Education met on April 4, 2023 at 7 p.m. in the Board Office Community Room, 8615 Cedar Road in Chester Township.  Meetings are open to the public and media. Agenda and minutes are available online.  A  recording of the meeting is available via YouTube.

Board Attendance:

  • Ben Kotowski, President  - absent

  • Christina Sherwood, Vice President

  • Dr. William Beers

  • Mary-Michelle Coleman Walsh

  • Kathy Leavenworth - absent

Staff Attendance:

  • Richard A. Markwardt, Ph.D., Superintendent  

  • Karen Pavlat, Treasurer

Minutes: March 13, 2023 minutes approved through the consent agenda.

Resolution 107 was added to the agenda.

Board Statement on Emergency Event
: Statement read on behalf of the board:  The statement commented on the importance of community safety and thanked the community members for their assistance in a recent school emergency earlier the same morning.

Public Remarks:
Two parents of students spoke regarding the bullet incident in the school. One parent questioned the delayed responsiveness of the school to provide safety for the student who reported having found the bullet and for other students, as well as other questionable procedures that they felt undermined the school’s emergency responsiveness. Other comments focused on gratitude to the student who made the report, the positive action taken by many community members, and a call for the board to approve more stringent safety measures in the school.  

Consent Agenda:
(See Itemized Agenda) Routine items were approved as follows:

5.03/5.04 - Certified and Classified Substitutes List

6.01 - establishment of a new fund 011-Rotary along with a $6,000 appropriation

7.01 to 7.08 - personnel resolutions, including: 

  • retirement of Enrichment Specialist Anna Laubscher (24 years)

  • coaching contracts for Boys’ Tennis and Girls’ Lacrosse

  • various reassignments, terminations and leaves of absence.

8.01 - Marching Band trip to Walt Disney World in March 2024

8.02 - first reading policy additions and updates, including: 

  • Technical Changes to Bylaws

  • Meeting State Performance Indicators

  • College Credit Plus Program

  • Homebound Instruction Program

  • Health Services and Removal

  • Suspension, Expulsion and Permanent Exclusion of Students

Presentations:  none.

Superintendent Report:
Superintendent had no prepared report due to being occupied with events of the day.  He thanked students, police and the sheriff for assistance with the event.  He was questioned about safety plan updates and he assured everyone that safety is reviewed and updated regularly.  There will be a required threat assessment and he will let the board know what he is able to share and will respond with safety updates as well.  

Board Reports:

Facilities Master Plan Update, Section 2 - Presented by Dr. Beers and Abby Rainieri of  the
GPD Group. This committee includes community members, staff, and representatives from the GPD Group.  The detailed report can be found on the school website.  

  • The high school building was built in 1953, with multiple additions over the years. The last addition was 27 years ago.  The middle school was built in 1992. 

  •  Since these buildings were expanded, the student population has diminished and present projections are that student numbers will remain steady.  

  • Cost projections show that it is better to build new than to try to renovate these two aging buildings. 

  • The committee looked at a number of options for planning.  They want a single campus, with the younger grade school space separated from the high school (which is the “flagship” of the campus).  The most cost efficient approach involves renovation of some buildings and demolishing the high school and the middle school.   

Ms. Rainieri reminded people that they are still in planning mode and looking at how to fit everything needed onto the campus and that they are not yet designing.  They are considering the use of building space as well as outdoor practice fields.  Ms. Rainieri also went over some floor plan options.  

Next meeting
:  Regular board meeting 4/24/23

:  approved 

Observer: KC Henry

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Date Submitted: 4/12/23

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League of Women Voters of Geauga