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Geauga County Mental Health & Recovery Services

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

March 15, 2023

Meeting Details: Regular monthly meeting, March 15, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Board offices located at 13244 Ravenna Rd., Chardon, OH 44024. In person only, no recording.Who attended: Chair Steve Oluic, Vice Chair Linda Miller, Secretary Alberta Chokshi, Treasurer Michael Petruziello, and board members Ann Bagley, Walter Claypool, Marty Fay, Jimmy Lee Holden, Kathy Johnson, Carolee Lesyk  and Ryan Mekota .    

Not attending:  Board members Greg O’Brien and Mary Ruth Shumway 

Staff members attending: Executive Director Christine Lakomiak, Secretary/Receptionist Teresa Slater and Finance Director Jim Mausser.  

County Representatives: Gerry Morgan, Geauga County Administrator

Service Providers: Representatives  from eight service providers including Ravenwood Health, Lake-Geauga Recovery Center, NAMI, Signature Health, Catholic Charities, and Torchlight VMA

Guests: reporters from local media, this Observer, as well as three individuals (Jonathan Boardbent, Jim MacNeal, Joseph DeBoth) who identified as Central Committee members (Observer Note:  Upon request, one of them clarified that he was on the Geauga Republican Party Central Committee).  One of these members, Mr. Jonathan Broadbent, also identified that he was a regional representative for a non-profit called Protect Ohio Children.  Also present was Chardon School Board member Todd Albright, although when he spoke he said he was not speaking as a Chardon School Board member.

Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance occurred as listed on the Agenda.

Minutes from the January 18, 2023 meeting were approved, with Linda Miller abstaining. 

Chairman’s Report - Board Chair Steve Oluic reviewed the principles of service (below and also found on the website):  He said there would be public comment at the meeting and said that the Board members are volunteers.  

In carrying out this mission, the Board subscribes to the following ideals and service philosophy:

  1. The most effective services are recipient driven and recovery-oriented services that place the person above the organization.

  2. Since community needs change, establishing service and funding priorities is an ongoing process.

  3. Resources shall be applied toward services that are measurably effective.

  4. The Board advocates for the community it serves and demands accountability.

  5. Prevention, education and treatment recovery-oriented services are complementary, not mutually exclusive.

  6. Effective services are accessible services for the community served.

  7. A community worth living in looks after its own, in all its diversity.

Executive Director Report

Ms. Lakomiak introduced herself and stated that she has been on the job only a few days. She said she was familiar with all the services that are expected to be provided and is familiar with what was provided in Lake County.  She said that every county has a board that can plan specific things needed for each county because every county is different.  She said she is looking forward to getting to know all the agencies and specific programs.  She had written to the State Director (Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services) and he had promised any help needed.  She said she is scheduling meetings with all agency representatives. There will be a group meeting next week and then private meetings with each agency.

Committee Reports

  • Agency Relations (Kathy Johnson) spoke about a community event that will happen on June 3 on Burton Square (a family event).  She also mentioned briefly her support for the Resolution that follows on the Agenda regarding Funding Allocations

  • Finance (Mike Petruziello) - will be preparing a report

  • Planning and Policies (Skip Claypool) - will start reviewing policies. Ms. Slater sent out the policy manuals so they can start looking at them.  

  • Capital Planning - no update

  • Opiate HUB - Community and training and outreach met (and has been meeting) with its primary project to recognize first responders.  September 17-23 will be the week to recognize them.  Last year 726 first responders were recognized (not including hospitals and agencies) - mostly police and fire.  

Board Review and Action Items:

Resolution 23-03-1 Allocation of 2023 State Opioid and Stimulant Response Funds - Approved

Total Funds $399,194.60. Allocations were made to the following

  • Ravenwood Health - $329,613.12

  • Lake Geauga Recovery Centers - $27,577.65

  • Family Pride of Northeast Ohio - $18,695.15

  • Red Tulip Project  - $23,308.68

Mr. Claypool asked if there were “strings attached” and Mr. Oluic said there were not.

Resolution 23-03-2 Reimbursement to Geauga Safety Center - Approved

$12,420 will be distributed to the Geauga County Safety Center for reimbursement for distribution of needed psychotropic medications for inmates for the first half of 2023.

Resolution 23-03-3 - Funding Allocations for Board Contract and Grant Agencies for SFY2024 - Approved 9-2 with Mr. Holden and Mr. Claypool voting no.

  • Mr. Oluic and Ms. Lakomiak reviewed the timeline for the RFP’s (Request for Proposals) and Funding Allocations and recommended based on the staff turnover and the fact that Ms. Lakomiak could not make timely recommendations that all the 2023 funding allocations be carried over to 2024.

  • Mr. Claypool felt that the Board was shirking their responsibilities in not doing a thorough review of these allocations.

  • There was also a question about whether the agencies might need additional funds over and above last year's allocation and Mr. Oluic stated that any Agency could always come back to the Board if there was a demonstrated need for additional funds.

Financial Reports - Mr. Mauser reported they are financially on track and will be under budget due to lower expenses in the salary line.  When questioned he acknowledged that utilities were higher than anticipated and they might have to  move some money into that account.  He didn’t see any problems with having sufficient funds. 

Discussion Items - none

Old Business 

Staffing Hiring - It was acknowledged by Mr. Oluic that there was a vacancy due to the resignation of former Associate Director Aimee Martin-D’Arienzo.  It was recommended by Mr. Oluic and Ms. Lakomiak that no actions be taken to fill this vacancy until Ms. Lakomiak is able to assess the needs for staffing.  It was also stated by Mr. Claypool that there was another person on the staff who was  leaving, but that there was no job posting.  Mr. Oluic agreed that was the case. There was no further discussion of staffing needs.

New Business - none

A question was asked about the Housing Committee, but Mr. Oluic said there was nothing new.

Public Comments - public comments are included on the agenda and Mr. Oluic solicited comments. 

  • An individual who stated she was a “volunteer who helps seniors” expressed concerns about the impact of fentanyl and psychological issues impacting children, such as sexualization of young children.  She also questioned what funds came from the Federal Government.

- Mr.  Mauser answered that 31.5% of funds are from the federal government.

  • Mr. Broadbent expressed concern about what he called “ knee jerk reactions” by Board members and advocated questioning everything.  He thought that every vendor should be questioned and that all questioning should be permitted.

  • Mr. DeBoth related a conversation that he overheard in his kitchen when his son (who attends Kenston schools) told another young person that “fentanyl is cool.”  Mr. DeBoth said he then had to tell them the truth about fentanyl.  

  • Mr. Albright, speaking as a private citizen, requested the Board to provide data about depression, suicide and other mental health issues.  He said he was collecting this data.  

- Mr. Oluic stated that Ohio MHAS (Mental Health and Addiction Services) has a wealth of data that is posted online.  

- Ms. Lakomiac stated that Lake County has an SOS (Signs of Suicide)  program.  See general information about this program here:  She offered to talk with Agencies about this program, which is presented in schools.  

Adjournment - at about 6:55 PM

Board Minutes:

Next meeting: The next Board meeting was not announced but it should be on March 15, 2023  (third Wednesday) at 6:00 pm with no virtual option. 

More Information:

Observer: Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga