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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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ADP Board

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Meeting Details
: The Automatic Data Processing Board (ADP) met in regular session at 10 am on March 14, 2023 in the Appraisal Office, 231 Main Street, Suite 1A, Chardon, OH. Virtual access was available via MS Teams and the agenda was provided in advance. This observer attended virtually.

Board Attendance:

  • Auditor/Chief Admin - Chuck Walder

  • Board of Elections - Nora McGinnis, Deputy Director

  • Clerk of Courts - Sheila Bevington

  • County Commissioner -ABSENT

  • Engineer - Joe Cattell

  • Prosecutor - Jim Flaiz

  • Recorder - Celesta Mullins 

  • Sheriff – Chief Deputy Tom Rowan

  • Treasurer - Christopher Hitchcock - ABSENT

ADP Staff Attendance

  • Frank Antenucci - Chief Deputy Admin ADP

Other Government Representatives:

  • Pam McMahan - Fiscal Office Manager, Auditor’s Office

  • Kate Jacobs - Chief Compliance Officer

  • Ron Leyde – Chief Deputy Auditor. 

  • Scott Daisher - Administrator, Board of Elections 

  • Adam Litke - Administrator, Geauga Public Health District

The meeting was called to order by Frank Antenucci at 10 am

Minutes: Meeting minutes for the 12/20/22 and 2/23/23 meetings were approved.

Observer Comment:  As of Mar 20, 2023, ADP meeting minutes are posted online through February 23, 2023

The following actions were taken:

APPROVED - ADP equipment list from January 1 to February 28, 2023

APPROVED - ADP purchases list from January 1 to February 28, 2023

APPROVED - ADP Spectrum Fiber Circuit - Mr. Antenucci reported that they are switching from Windstream to Spectrum for the offices on Chardon Square.  He also clarified that this does not impact any offices still remaining at 470 Center Street.

APPROVED - Approval of Sheriff Lumen 911 CPE Maintenance Renewal 

APPROVED with modifications - ADP 2022 Annual Report

Several members noticed that there were a few pages missing from the report.  These will be added and so there was approval with that modification.  

Observer Comment:  ORC 307.845 requires that the Annual Report be filed with the ADP Board and the BOCC by the first Monday in April each year.  At the last meeting it was noted that the Annual Report for 2021 was not posted on the ADP website.  It is now available here.  

APPROVED - ADP Updated Pre-approval list - Mr. Antenucci explained that this was a list of readily accessible items that individuals could purchase.  Most requests were for computer monitors.  Mr. Walder asked if there was any thought given to producing a list of approved software applications and Mr. Antenucci said it’s under consideration.  They are considering Adobe software but since Adobe is about to launch a change, they don’t want to select it yet.  He stated that Microsoft will probably be unchanged for a while.

Discussion Items:

Regular Business - Antenucci gave updates on various work that is in progress including website, telephones, Office 365.

Mr. Flaiz said that the new phone system has been fantastic and has increased productivity.  About 50% of offices have transferred to Office 365 and they are in process with the Sheriff’s Department. 

Geauga Transit - it was shared that Geauga County Commissioners entered into an agreement with Laketran, effective July 1, 2023, where Laketran administers and operates paratransit services and public transportation for Geauga County residents.  There seemed to be some general uncertainty about some of the details.  However, as this is a legal separation, ADP discussed impact on providing services.  Effective July 1, 2023, they will no longer be able to:

  • Provide the Geauga domain name

  • Provide or support phone services

  • Provide or support IT services

  • Provide or support website services.  As a courtesy, Geauga will redirect to Lake.

Mr. Flaiz commented that the agreement did not address details about termination and re-hiring of Geauga employees by Laketran. Nor did the agreement cover accounting issues.

Observer Comment: for additional information see Observer Report for March 7, 2023 Geauga County Commissioners meeting. 


Public Comment – This Observer asked for a copy of the 2022 Annual Report.  Observer Note:  The Report was sent and LWVGeauga will post the link when it is available to the public.

Executive session - 
The Board moved into Executive Session pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22 (G) (3) for a conference with an attorney for the ADP Board concerning a dispute involving the ADP Board that is the subject of pending or imminent court action. The Board went into Executive Session for approximately 45 minutes.  When they came out it was reported that there was no action.

Public Comment
- none.

Next regular meeting: June 13, 2023 @ 2 pm

More Information about ADP: Automatic Data Processing

Minutes when posted are available here: Meeting Minutes | Geauga County Automatic Data Processing

Virtual Meeting Information: contact Pamela McMahan at 

Observer: Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted: 3/14/2023 

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga