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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Kenston Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Meeting Details
:  Kenston Board of Education met in regular session on March 13, 2023 at Kenston High School, 9500 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023, in the Auburn Bainbridge Room beginning at 7pm.  The agenda is available online.  The meeting was live streamed and a recording is available online: Board Meeting Livestream | Kenston Local Schools Public seating again appeared to be full for this meeting.

Board Attendance
: President Jennifer Troutman,  Dennis Bergansky, Beth Krause, and Tom Manning

Vice President Neysa Gaskins 

Staff Attendance
: Superintendent Steven Sayers, Interim Treasurer Ryan Pendleton

The meeting was called to order by Board President Jennifer Troutman at 7:00 pm.  Roll call and Pledge of Allegiance were conducted.


Minutes: Approved for Regular Meeting on February 21, 2023, Work Session on March 6, 2023 and special meetings on March 8, 2023 without edits or comments. Board minutes can be found online through the Special Meeting on 3/8/2023(scroll to bottom for most recent): Kenston Board of Education Cumulative Minutes for 2023


Report on Anonymous Letters to Board Members and Allegations (Reviewer Comment: see League report from February 21, 2023.)

  • Ms. Troutman read aloud a report about the completed investigations into the issues that were alleged in a series of anonymous letters sent to the board previously. Due to the scope of these allegations, the board felt it was appropriate to engage legal counsel. The investigation is complete; issues were unsubstantiated or actions were taken as noted below:

    • Issues with Human Resources- unsubstantiated.

    • Failure to remediate mold on the middle school roof and ongoing health concerns-unsubstantiated.

    • Hiring of unqualified contractors- unsubstantiated.

    • Accounting concerns- Revised policies and procedures were implemented.

    • Insufficient vetting of district employee before hiring-unsubstantiated.

    • Conflicts of Interest- Revised policies will be implemented.

    • Alcohol and marijuana use by employee on district property- unsubstantiated.

    • Misuse of employees for work unrelated to district employment, and unauthorized and improper use of district equipment and property- both issues were substantiated and all equipment and property was recovered and action was taken to address these matters.

Ms. Troutman continued to read aloud advising that thousands of documents were collected and analyzed, and 20 interviews were conducted over months. While most issues were unsubstantiated and without merit,  the investigation did reveal and the “district has addressed opportunities for corrective action and improved policies and processes”. The board also secured the return of all equipment and property and has“undertaken corrective action to address and resolve all concerns that were substantiated”. Due to confidentiality concerns, no more information about the investigation and its resolution can be provided at this time. She expressed gratitude for the cooperation of district employees and the board during this investigation.


Board Reports 

  • KIS (Kenston Intermediate School) Principal, Julianne Walker, and four KIS Student representatives discussed their plans and initiatives at KIS. Students spoke about the SOAR (Safe, Organized, Acting responsibly, Respect) program, its attributes and how it is incorporated into the daily school program.

Organizational Update

  • Musical Arts Association of Kenston (MAAK) President Suzanne Taber spoke about the accomplishments of this group.

    • March is Music in our Schools month as per NAMU. (National Association for Musical Education)

    • Ms. Taber spoke about music and its benefits for brain health.

    • Most MAAK funds are raised through concession sales. Top sellers are hot dogs, nacho cheese cups, Airhead Extremes, and water bottles.

    • MAAK has provided concessions for 57 fall sports events and will provide for 33 spring sports events. Thousands of volunteer hours will go towards this effort.

    • MAAK supports the music endeavors of 25% of the student body not including the theater student group and alleviates financial burdens that would otherwise be borne by the district or by the students.

  • Ms. Troutman introduced the new Assistant Treasurer, Matthew Hosler.

Board and Administrative Committee Updates 

  • Legislative - No meetings were held. However, Ms. Troutman spoke briefly about the fact that there were “lots of bills bouncing around in the house and senate” currently, and she remarked that they will become “the center of attention” for the Committee in the future.

  • Kenston Inc .- Ms. Troutman advised that there were several presentations about curriculum for the new Incubator class to be launched in the fall. The committee for this class has reached out to community business owners to partner with students in the class.

  • Ms. Troutman advised that various board members attended several interesting events this past month such as the Internet Safety for Parents presentation, the Speech and Debate High School Showcase, the D.A.R.E. graduation, and the Girl Scout high school awards.

Birthday Book

  • A birthday book, The Inheritance Games, was presented to Beth Krause.

Hearing of the Public on Agenda Items

  • No speakers

Financial Items approved as written.

  • Donations of money for KIS for needed supplies and KMS for 7th grade camp.

Certified, Classified, and Supplemental  Personnel Contracts and Items Approved as written.


Exempt Personnel Contracts

  • Board approved a two-year administrative contract for Matthew Hosler as Assistant Treasurer.

Business Operations

  • Motion to approve a resolution for the district to purchase up to three school buses/vans.

Teaching and Learning Contract approved as written.


Old Business

  • The board approved a new course titled: The Superhero: Made in America as an ELA elective high school class.

  • Board Policies were approved with discussion. Ms. Troutman advised that the copies attached to the agenda do not accurately reflect the changes agreed to by the board. Board members had paper copies and Ms. Troutman read aloud the changes. The policies attached to the minutes will reflect the changes correctly.

New Business items approved as Written.

  • Item F reflects a first read on a replacement Health Services Policy for Kenston Active Policy 5310.

Hearing of the Public on Non-Agenda Items

  • A meeting attendee spoke regarding an anonymous letter that was sent to a former Board Member and read at last month’s meeting by Suzanne Regan on behalf of the former board member, who was out of town. The speaker felt it was ill-advised and slanderous for Ms. Regan to read the letter to the board and the public without verifying that its contents were valid. The speaker stated that what was said about him in the letter was inaccurate and untruthful, and that he did not even know the board member mentioned in connection with him. He expressed concern that this type of letter was harmful to the community, especially when read without evidence. He expressed support for the school board and the superintendent. He did not finish his comments as Ms. Troutman stopped him when his three minutes were concluded.

  • Ms. Troutman then read a statement from Superintendent Sayers and Treasurer Pendleton that called for “mutual respect and civil discourse” and a focus on the “issues and not individuals.” Highlights of the letter include statements about the rights of free speech and differing opinions. Members of the public are free to speak, but are not permitted to make personal attacks or defamatory statements about the board, staff or students.  It also states that the anonymous letter read last month contained “numerous false statements” and that “no allegations that were made against Board members or staff members are true.”  

Treasurer’s Report

  • Mr. Pendleton presented the board with a packet of helpful papers. The top two were: a how-to form that provides a “good walk through” of budget planning, and a Permanent Appropriations form which is the final document after planning, iterations and approvals. The other forms were to help the board better understand the nature of district spending.

  • Mr. Pendleton advised that on Tuesday, March 14th, 2023, HB 33 regarding changes in school funding, will be debated. Also, on March 21st, 2023,  there is a legislative day attended by education associations: The Ohio School Board, the Association of School Business Officials, and the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and Superintendents. This meeting will also be attended by the Senate President, the Speaker of the House and possibly Governor DeWine. Board members can also attend or get links to documents afterwards. Mr. Pendleton advised that the majority of bills currently  being discussed and debated have a direct relationship to education.

Superintendent’s Report

  • The first Strategic Planning Committee meeting will occur on Tuesday, March 14th, 2023. There will be 54 staff and community members participating in the process as well as two students. The end result will be a document to present to the board and community.

  • The final Kenston Conversation event will be held at 5pm on Wednesday at Sirna’s.

  • Mr. Sayers gives thanks to the PTO for providing for the Internet Safety Presentation by Jesse Weinberger, an expert in this area, that was very well attended.

  • Mr. Sayers gives thanks to the committee, staff and parents who participated and helped to put on the D.A.R.E. program and graduation.

  • A scheduled commendation for a student for being state champion of the Speech and Debate Team was postponed to the April Board meeting.

  • Lastly, Mr. Sayers wanted to highlight a variety of accomplishments by Kenston students in many areas. He noted that students across grades K-12 are achieving academically, in the arts, in athletics (with athletes competing at the state level), in music at concerts and competitions, in Speech and Debate, Science Olympiad, and many other spheres that he said he simply couldn’t list them all. Mr. Sayers also attended and was amazed by  a 3rd-grade wax museum presentation. “We are very proud,” he concluded.

No Executive Session


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:02pm passed.


Next regular meeting: Monday, April 17, 2023 at 7pm in the Kenston High School in the Auburn Bainbridge Room.


More information here: Board of Education | Kenston Local Schools

Name of Observer: Jacqueline Berger

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer:  Gail Roussey

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga