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League of Women Voters of Geauga

News / Articles

Board of Elections

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Meeting Info: Special Meeting on March 6, 2023 called to order at 10:03 AM in BOE Conference Room at 470 Center St, Bldg 6A, Chardon, OH, 44024.  In-person and virtual, via Microsoft Teams.  An agenda, listing of bills and list of Campaign Finance Reports was provided in advance. This observer participated virtually. 


Board Attendance: Present were Dennis Pavella (Chair), Janet Carson, Nancy McArthur and Joan Windnagel. Board Counsel Corey Colombo of McTigue Colombo & Clinger joined virtually around 11:33 AM, just prior to Executive Session. 

Staff Attendance: Director Michelle Lane, Deputy Director Nora McGinnis, and at times Office Administrator Scott Daisher.

County Representatives: Frank Antenucci, Chief Deputy Administrator of ADP participated virtually. 

Public Attendance: 5 members of the public attended in person and one attended virtually.  

Board Reorganization - required following March 1 appointment of board members, per SOS Directive 2022-48, p. 3.  All actions were approved unanimously

  • Mr. Pavella was elected Temporary Chair to oversee this portion of the meeting.

  • Mrs. Lane was reappointed as Director.

  • Mrs. McGinnis was reappointed as Deputy Director.

  • Mr. Pavella was appointed as Chair of the Board.

  • Current full-time staff members were reappointed.

Minutes - reviewed two sets of minutes:

  • Jan 19, 2023 - these minutes were previously approved 4-0 during the February 2 meeting.  As Mrs. McArthur was not a board member on Jan 19, the minutes were reconsidered so that Mrs. McArthur would have the opportunity to abstain. APPROVED 3-0 with Mrs. McArthur abstaining.

  • Feb 2, 2023 - PASSED without corrections or discussion.

Bills - APPROVED bills totaling $2,109.88.


ADP Update  - Mr. Antenucci reported that he and other ADP staff met with a Secretary of State (SOS) team to conduct the required security review of the proposed Board of Elections space at the County Administration Building. The Maintenance Department arranged access to the space. Per Mr. Antenucci, they located pertinent cables but are unsure where they terminate.

Mr. Antenucci reminded the Board that ADP had planned for the 470 Center Street complex to be vacated by the end of 2022.  With the Department on Aging now occupying space and the BOE intending to remain at least through the May primary/special election, they need to install a new switch to ensure that internet access continues.  That cost will be shared by the current occupants.

Mr. Antenucci stated he recently met with Jerrett Parker of NV5, the County Commissioners’ owner's representative for the new County Office Building project. He communicated issues with camera locations in the BOE’s potential Equipment Room, noting that when the shelving is in use, contents will block the camera views. The cameras all need to be moved.  He also noted a security concern with a glass door, which must be replaced with a steel door.

Mrs. Carson inquired whether ADP had received any communication from the County Commissioners regarding the status of the office space at 470 Center Street. Mr. Antenucci indicated ADP had not.

Mr. Antenucci reported that BOE’s website bridge had been successfully launched and his staff and Mr. Daisher are working together on the buildout with ADP’s vendor, Company 119.  He encouraged other members to become familiar with updating the website.  Mrs. Lane commented they are working with the vendor to livestream the camera view of the ballot drop box to the website.  Mrs. McArthur noted that database searches are not functional on the bridge version of the website. Observer Note: Board minutes historically have been presented on the BOE website but are not currently available on the bridge website.

Mr. Antenucci indicated ADP had provided NV5 with security schematics of external cameras for the new County Office Building, as there are several areas where coverage is not sufficient.  He confirmed that ADP is controlling cameras in the County Office Building, in that they set up each agency’s cameras and then turn over control of them to the agency.  In response to Mrs. Carson’s inquiry, he said the Supreme Court mediation between ADP and the County Commissioners over access control systems is on-going. 

Motion to move the Executive Session farther down in the agenda order was approved.

The Board took action on the following items:

  • APPROVED request by Chester Township to withdraw a fire levy from the May 3 election.

  • APPROVED purchase of 8,350 ballots for the May election.

  • APPROVED purchase of voting equipment totaling $97,667 to be paid with remaining grant funds from the 2021 VEAP Program.  Purchase includes 10 DS200 scanners, 8 Express Vote Universal Voting machines, 1 Ballot on Demand Printer, a Ballot on Demand Laptop and all necessary support equipment.

  • APPROVED increase in recount fee from $65 to $70/precinct, per SOS Advisory 2023-2.

  • APPROVED motion to allow reimbursement of board and staff expenses incurred for the June 27-28 SOS Summer Conference.

  • APPROVED motion to reimburse board and staff expenses incurred attending the Academy of Continuing Legal Education. Cost of course is $190/person.

  • APPROVED increase in per diem meal reimbursement rate from $70 to $85.

  • APPROVED purchase of training laptop at a cost of $1,420.00, as recommended by ADP.

  • APPROVED hiring Cole Kornell to create a training video for the new poll pads, at a cost not to exceed $1,000.

The Board discussed the following items:

  • Replacing 13 year old copier - Mrs. Lane wants to begin exploring replacement options.  Mrs. Carson suggested considering alternate vendors, as she feels the copy costs with the present vendor are high. Mrs. Lane will contact ADP to inquire about preferred vendors and equipment.

  • Burton Voting Location - KSU-Geauga location was evaluated and will work well as a voting location, serving Burton Village and the Burton Twp precinct formerly held in the Administration Building. Impacted voters will be notified of the new voting location prior to the November general election.  

  • House Bill 458 - Mrs. Lane reported they are redoing forms to comply with the changes in law but are keeping the numbers low because of uncertainty about their future address as well as concerns about active litigation of the bill.  

Staff sought clarification from the Secretary of State whether an early in-person voter could complete an absentee ballot application and then “hand-carry” the ballot as opposed to having it mailed to the voter.  This scenario is possible if an early in-person voter does not have valid ID and does not wish to vote a provisional ballot. Mrs. McGinnis reported that SOS guidance was for each County Board of Elections to make that determination.  Geauga BOE voted 4-0 to allow the hand-carry option.
Observer Comment: Under Secretary of State Directive 2023-03,  “For absentee voting by mail, a voter may still provide an Ohio driver’s license number or state ID card number, the last four digits of their Social Security Number (“SSN”), or a photocopy of the voter’s photo identification.”


Executive Session - at 11:33 AM the Board voted to enter Executive Session under ORC 121.22(G)(3) for the purpose of conferring with counsel about pending litigation.  Mrs. Lane, Mrs. McGinnis and Mr. Daisher were invited to attend and legal counsel Mr. Colombo participated virtually.  The Board resumed regular session at 1:53 PM.  

The in-person members of the public did not return following the Executive Session.

Poll Pad Replacement under HB 45 - Mr. Daisher reported the 95 poll pads purchased last month had arrived early.  The board discussed potential action on 35 additional poll pads which will be considered at the next meeting.

Director’s Report: Mrs. Lane reported:

  • Finance report was completed and sent to the SOS

  • Working on revised forms

  • Sent about 400 Form 255 A-3 Notices prompting registered voters to confirm or update their information or risk being removed from voting rolls following the May election.

  • Staff performance reviews to begin

  • Updating training manual to reflect HB 458

  • Shared poll worker training schedule for May election.  After much discussion, the number of sessions will be reduced.

  • Shared new religious exemption form.Observer Comment: Under Secretary of State Directive 2023-03 p.5, “If a voter does not have a photo ID because of a religious objection to being photographed, the precinct election official or board staff, as applicable, must provide the voter an affidavit of religious objection on a form that our Office will prescribe. This may occur either when the voter casts the provisional ballot or at the office of the board by the fourth day after Election Day. Election officials must attach the affidavit to the provisional ballot affirmation. The board must transmit the completed affidavit of religious objection to the Secretary’s Office, which then must consult the BMV’s database to determine whether they issued a currently unexpired photo ID to that voter.

The affidavit of religious objection is not valid if the BMV has issued a currently unexpired photo ID or if the last four digits of the voter’s SSN provided on the affidavit do not match those digits in the Statewide Voter Registration Database.”

Chair Pavella administered the Oath of Office to the reappointed office staff.

Deputy Director’s Report - Ms. McGinnis reported she has been updating evaluation forms, reviewing the training manual, ballot proofing and attending website training.

The board voted to cancel the scheduled March 16 meeting.  They may call a special meeting in late March/early April to address changes to voting and elections procedures.  The Voter Registration Deadline for the May 2 Election is April 3, 2023 and the early voting period begins April 4, 2023.


Public Comment - Shelly Lewis of LWV Geauga informed the Board the League is working to contact the 682 formerly registered Geauga voters who were recently removed from the voter rolls due to inactivity.

Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 2:37 PM.

Next Meetings - March 16 CANCELED

Meetings held third Thursdays - next one is April 20

Approved Minutes: temporarily unavailable online.

See BOE social media posts:

Observer: Shelly Lewis

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga