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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga Park District

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Tuesday,February 21 at 8:30 am at Big Creek Park Meyer Center, 9160 Robinson Rd, Chardon, OH 44024.  This meeting was held on a Tuesday due to the Monday President ‘s Day holiday.  This meeting was in-person only with no virtual option. This Board does not permit public comment during meetings.

Board Attendance
: Commissioners Howard Bates, Jolene Carnabuci, Ray Guarino, Les LaGatta and  Frank Stein.

Staff Attendance
: John Oros, Director, Sheryl Hatridge, Administrative Service Manager, Dawn Sweeney, Interim Finance Director, Matt McCue, Deputy Director, Paul Piro, Chief Naturalist, and Dennis Sloan, Chief Park Ranger. Bridey Matheny, legal counsel from the firm of Thrasher, Dinsmore & Dolan was also present.

:  Minutes  from the January 17, 2023 meeting were approved without discussion and when available are posted  online.  Reviewer Note: As of February 21, 2023, minutes are posted online through December 12, 2022.

Approved without discussion

Presentation of Financial Statement
– The January 2023 report was received but not approved or submitted for a vote. There was no discussion.

Presentation of Payment Report
:  No discussion.

Old Business

Resolution No. 1-2023 - 2023 Revised Budget Resolution

This is listed under Old Business because it was tabled at the January Meeting.  Mr. Oros explained that several changes had been made to reduce various appropriations in various categories.  Interim Finance Director Dawn Sweeney reviewed the reductions and request for transfer in general terms as follows:

Elimination of $1,405,000 expense for the West Woods Bridge project (Land Improvement Fund) due to reception of a grant. 

There were reductions in General Fund accounts from the previously submitted 2023 Budget of $60,010.  Sweeney stated that these reductions were  in the following accounts: Veterans Legacy Woods Phase II, Land Acquisition, Engineering and Architectural Services, and Legal Expenses.  There was also a reduction in the Canine Fund of $205.66. 

She said there is also a request to transfer from the General Fund to the Land Improvement Fund in the amount of $1,070,802.45. 
Observer Note:  It did not appear that the decreases were in any way related to the amount of the requested transfer, but just that decreases in various funds from the estimated 2023 budget had been made. 

Resolution No. 2-2023 - 2023 Transfer Request: 
This Resolution follows the prior one and transfers $1,070,802.45 from the General Fund to the Land Improvement Fund for projects underway or planned for 2023. 

Mr. Oros thanked and praised interim Finance Director Dawn Sweeney for her excellence in getting finances in order and for establishing a good working relationship with Deputy Auditor Kristin Rine.

It was stated that the next step would be to submit these requests for appropriations to the Budget Commission.  Observer Note:  The Geauga Park District request was listed on the Agenda for the Budget Commission meeting for 2/22/23.  

Reviewer Note: Although the Budget Commission approved amendments to GPD’s Certified Revenue during the January 6, 2023 and February 6, 2023 meetings,  GPD’s 2023 appropriations still exceeded Certified Revenue by $394,412.65. GPD submitted Amendments #3 and #4 to the Budget Commission for consideration at their Feb 22, 2023 meeting. No one from Geauga Park District attended that meeting to answer questions and the requests were tabled.  Mr. Walder noted that he will be sending a letter to GPD outlining the Budget Commission’s concerns about over-appropriations and the potential for not having sufficient reserves to cover first quarter 2024 expenses. He will send a copy of the letter to the State of Ohio Auditor’s office as well.   See
Feb 22, 2023 Budget Commission Observer Report.

New Business

Planning and Operations Update: - Mr. Oros noted there was nothing new to report

2023 Statement of Qualifications - Prequalified List -
Deputy Director McCue mentioned that this list of engineers and architects had been generated after there was an advertisement in the fall for any architectural firms interested to submit qualifications for consideration to be put on this listObserver Note:  In a separate conversation with Mr McCue, this observer was told that this list is used for projects that are less than $50,000.

Strategic Planning Update: 
It was stated that there will be a 5-year plan for 2025 and beyond, but the Plan, the process to arrive at this plan or any details of the plan were not discussed.

Aggregate Stone Materials Bid Award -
This bid was awarded to Arms Trucking and this resolution was approved with Mr. Bates abstaining. Observer Note: At the January  meeting, it was announced that this bid was anticipated to exceed $50,000 in expenditures for the year and according to procedures of the GPD, any contract over $50,000 is required to be bid.  Mr. Bates is the owner and President of Arms Sand and Gravel.

2023 Swine Creek Asphalt Improvements Bid Award -
Bates made a motion to not approve this bid and to re-bid with new specifications.  He stated, in response to a fellow boardmember’s question, that the new specifications would save the Park District money.  Observer Note: It was not clear if further action would be required to advertise for this bid with the new suggested specifications. In materials available through public record request and contained in the Board packet, Chagrin Valley Paving had been the lowest bidder.

Surplus Property - 
The Board approved the list of surplus property.  Mr. Oros stated that it included several mowers from Veterans Legacy Woods.  Observer Note:  The Board packet, obtained through a public record request showed numerous items from Veterans Legacy Woods which included the mowers and many types of large kitchen equipment and appliances.  These items were listed as going to Auction.  There was no indication of where or when this auction would be held or if it would be publicly advertised.  At the January meeting Mr. Guarino had asked to table these Veterans Legacy items for further discussion.  

Commissioner’s Time - Oros reported on the following:

  • The Geauga Park District received an award at the Ohio Parks and Recreation annual convention.  Veterans Legacy Woods received a 3rd place award in capital improvements.  He stated there were 200 parks represented.  See Award.

  • American Fisheries of Society in Columbus - Naturalist Piro presented a program on the Ohio Brook Trout Stream restoration. 

  • GPD was approved by the Ohio EPA for a grant of 1.1 million dollars for the Brook Trout Restoration project at Veterans Legacy Woods.  This grant is in conjunction with the City of Sandusky.  Observer Note:  Mr McCue stated when asked by this observer after the meeting that this is a common practice to offset a sewer project with an equal value stream restoration project and that the two projects do not have to be contiguous.

  • Oros said that GPD is again coordinating with Kent State/Geauga for the earth day tree- planting program which will be for 3 days as part of Earth Day.  GPD would  welcome volunteers.  All information is available on the website under Countdown to Earth Day.  He stated that there will also be the “super popular” native plant giveaway.

Executive Session – Mr. Oros announced that there was no need for an Executive Session, which had been listed on the Agenda.  

Mr. Guarino asked a question about the train derailment in East Palestine.  He wanted to know if our water could be impacted.  Oros explained that all streams in Geauga County are part of the Lake Erie watershed and that where the derailment occurred the streams flow into the Ohio River watershed.

Public Comment
- per Geauga Park District Policy, no public comment permitted.

Next meeting
–Monday March 20th @ 8:30 am

Meeting Date Noted
:  Mr. Oros noted that the June meeting scheduled for June 19th would be moved to June 20th.  Observer Note:  June 19th is now a recognized Federal holiday for Juneteenth.

See the GPD Website for
Additional Information and Minutes

Observer:  Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted 2-22-2023

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga