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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga County Commissioners

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Meeting Details: The Board of County Commissioners met in person at 9:30 AM on February 23, 2023 (on a Thursday due to the President’s Day holiday on Monday).  The meeting was held at the Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Room B303, Chardon, OH. This meeting was in person only and there was no link to a recording. 

Attendance: Commissioners James Dvorak, Timothy Lennon and Ralph Spidalieri were present, as were Commissioner’s Clerk Christine Blair, County Administrator Gerard Morgan and Finance Director Adrian Gorton.  

County Representatives: Shane Hajir, Engineer’s Dept., Scott Hildenbrand, Sheriff, Gina Hofstetter, Director, Department of Community and Economic Development, and Steven Oluic, Water Resources. 

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer led by Mr. Dvorak.

Minutes for January 5, 2023 and January 10, 2023 were approved.  Reviewer Comment: As of February 25, 2023, minutes are posted on the BOCC website through December 29, 2022.

Report from County Administrator -
Mr. Morgan reported that he agreed with Bainbridge Township not to intervene in a liquor license request for two separate requests in Bainbridge.  

Finance Report: 
Mr. Gorton reported the following:

  • Encumbrances for travel for Common Pleas, Emergency Services, and Job and Family Services (JFS) and Probate.

  • Purchase orders - both to Junction Buick - one from JFS for a 2023 vehicle (replacement) and Transit to purchase a new 2023 vehicle (replacement service vehicle).

  • Voucher for $116,797.35 to Portage County for the Geauga share for the Portage Geauga Juvenile Detention Center.

  • Revenue Certification for additional funds received for the Sheriff’s 911 fund.

The County Engineer’s Office received approval for the following:

  • To execute Change Order #1, increasing the Contract with Grade Line, Incorporated for the Replacement of the Rolling Brook Drive Bridge in Bainbridge Township in the amount of $1,080.00. 

  • To award the Bid to Woodford Excavating, LLC for the Replacement of the Washington Street Bridge (Structure #BR-0606-F-05.310-2023) in Auburn Township in the amount of $312,416.00 as they represented the lowest and best bid. The Bid Bond submitted shall be held to serve as the Performance Bond for this project.

The Sheriff’s Office received approval to execute the Annual Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification of FY ending December 31, 2022.

Not on the Agenda - Security Officer
:  At this point Mr. Morgan was asked by Clerk Christine Blair to discuss a proposed resolution regarding creation of a new Sheriff’s Deputy position to provide a security officer for the new County Office Building.  This was approved, creating a position for an officer to be in the building from 7 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday.  

  • It was noted that there needed to be a computer, monitor, phone and access to calendar information for the deputy at the desk.  Commissioner Lennon said he looked and it appears there are outlets, etc. and just the equipment would be needed.  Chief Deputy Thomas Rowan confirmed that this was the case.  

  • There was a discussion of the calendar and Clerk Blair stated that the Maintenance Department controlled the calendar for the building, except for the Commissioner’s conference room but that this would be shared with the Deputy.  It was also stated that the Board of Health used the Commissioner's conference room for an after hours meeting every month and Chief Deputy Rowan said they would figure out how to cover that night.  

  • The resolution stated an amount up to $150,000, which would be salary and benefits for 1-½ positions to allow for different circumstances, the extra daily hours (normal hours would be 8:30 - 4:30) and vacations. 

  •  Mr. Dvorak stated that with all the workers in the building (240) and for the safety of the public that he feels safer going forward with this position.  

  • There will be a Safety Committee for the building that will work on such things as emergency drills and other building safety protocols.  

The Department of Development (Community & Economic) received approval for the following:

  • To execute the First Amendment to Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program Grant Agreement for the Section 1 Award of Grant Funds in the amount of $4,140,641.00.  They also received approval to extend the date of completion through June 30, 2024. In response to questions from the Commissioners, Director Gina Hofstetter said that these funds were for the demolition project at Geauga Lake and for a small demolition project in Chester Township ($20,000).  Due to the time delay with the funding, the application from West Geauga for a  grant for the demolition of the school in Newbury was withdrawn from consideration.  The demotion of the school in Newbury proceeded.   There had been a general notification and request for proposals over a year ago. Observer Note:  The BOCC previously approved the Subrecipient Agreement between the Geauga County Commissioners and ICP Geauga Lake, LLC   for the Geauga Lake  project on January 31, 2023.  See report.

  • To execute the Contract Agreement with Kangas Realty Investors, LLC for the Camp Ho Mita Koda Cabin Winterization Project under CDBG Grant #B-F-21-1AZ-1 in the amount of $58,800.00 and to accept the performance bond.  Observer Note:  This bid award was approved at the February 14 BOCC meeting.

The Department of Water Resources received approval for the following:

  • For credit card authorization for several employees.

  • To execute the service Contract Agreement with C.U.E. Excavating Contractors, LLC to perform General Excavating Services as needed at various Water locations within the Department for a period of one-year, effective February 23, 2023 in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 

  • To execute Change Order #1, increasing the Contract with HDR Engineering, Incorporated for the McFarland Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and Renovation Project for additional work performed outside the original scope of work, in the amount of $147,500.00.  

  • To execute the Ohio Water Development Authority Application for Release of Retainer Funds for TRAX Construction Company for the Chardon Township Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewer Project in the amount of $49,324.55. Mr. Oluic stated that they are nearing  the end of this project and that the next payment should be the last.  Mr. Dvorak questioned Oluic regarding moisture on the masonry walls and Oluic stated that it was mostly remedied and they will ensure that this is completed.  Dvorak asked to be updated on the status of this.

Archives and Records Center - BOCC approved an unpaid personal leave of absence for Linda Burhenne, Temporary Director, for the period February 21, 2023 through March 3, 2023 due to a previously scheduled vacation (before being employed).

Kenston Girl Scout Troops honored
:  BOCC approved resolutions honoring several Kenston Service Unit Troops 71307, 71522, 71279, 71484, 70822 and 71487.  All received awards for their projects which included the following:  Working with various agencies such as One Step at a Time (providing a how-to library), Geauga Park District (providing nesting boxes), Chagrin Falls Community Center (donation of supplies and banners) ,building an emergency cat shelter and building bird houses, Homeless Hook-up (providing kits and a free library) and Kenston Middle School (improving gardens).  The Commissioners were invited to attend the presentation of these awards which will be held on February 26th at 1 pm.  

Credit Card Payments
-There was an explanation of the bids for credit card processing from Mr. Adrian Gorton.   BOCC also acknowledged receipt of a letter of recommendation from Treasurer Christopher Hitchcock as Administrative Agent in regard to the acceptance of Payments by Financial Transaction Device (credit cards).  This was not read, but it appeared that Mr. Hitchcock recommended Sturgis, as that is the one Treasury is using.  BOCC approved the recommendation of Mr.  Gorton which was to approve three of the companies that submitted bids and allow departments to choose from among those three.  These were:  Gila LLC d.b.a. Municipal Services Bureau (MSB Payment Processing), Sturgis powered by PayPal, a Catalis Company and CSG Forte.  Also, as recommended, BOCC rejected the financial transaction device payment proposal of FiNet Paya, because the terms and conditions of its proposal were considered to be unacceptably high.

Public Comment
- Not on the Agenda and none offered.

Executive Session
- The Board went into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation from 10:20 until 11:47 am with no action taken after the session.  BOCC invited Mr. Steven Funk, attorney for ADP to attend this session.  

More Information and Posted Minutes
: Available on BOCC website

Next Meeting: Tuesday  February 28, 2023 at 9:30 am 

Observer:  Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted 2/24/2023

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga