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Geauga County Planning Commission

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

February 14, 2023 at 7:30 AM, Geauga County Administration Building, 12611 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon, OH 44024.  This meeting was in person with no virtual option. The agenda was available online one week prior to the meeting.

Board Attendance:
Present were Commissioner James Dvorak, Chair John Oros and  members Dennis Bergansky, Nick Gorris, James McCaskey, Dan Miller and Gary Neola.  Not present:  Geauga County Commissioners Tim Lennon and Ralph Spidalieri, Walter (Skip) Claypool, and Caterina Cocca-Fulton.

Staff Attendance:
  Linda Crombie, Planning Director, Allyson Kobus, Planner II and Pamela Irizarry, Administrative Assistant.

: The minutes from the January 10, 2023 meeting were approved (after noting one typo had been corrected). As of February 14, 2023 minutes are available online through December 13, 2022. 

Change in Agenda
- Mr. Oros announced that because several members had to leave early he wanted to move up two items to this point in the meeting - Public Health resolution and Personnel Policy re: credit cards.  He received verbal agreement to do this.

Geauga Public Health Resolution 2023-2
, Household Lot Evaluation Requirements. Ms. Crombie explained that at the end of 2022, the Planning Commission had agreed that lots of 5-20 acres did not need a septic review since there would always be some place on a lot of this size to put a septic system given the many variations permitted at this time.  Sometimes the buyer does not intend to build right away and the approval is only good for five years, so it was recommended that there be no requirement for this costly step at the point of a lot split.  Buyer could always do this on their own if they had reservations  

At their January meeting, the Geauga Public Health District (GPHD) passed a resolution stating that anything over 5 acres (not just up to 20 acres), would not need the septic review.  Ms. Crombie said that since it says over 5 acres, the lot would need to be at least 5.001 acres to avoid the GPHD regulation. 

Subdivision regulations are the province of the County Commissioners, so Ms. Crombie asked for a resolution to ask the Commissioners to suspend the regulation calling for the septic review until all the subdivision changes contemplated for this year are complete.  Resolution was APPROVED.

Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual (Credit Card) - Ms. Crombie asked for a resolution to approve changing the Policy and Procedures Manual to add webinars to the permitted uses for credit cards.  She noted that job postings are not a permitted use under
ORC 301.27.  Resolution was APPROVED.

Commissioner Dvorak left at 8 AM.  A quorum was maintained, with 6 of 11 board members present.

Financial report and approval of expenses

There is a balance of $183,068.14 as some of the recent expenses were being submitted as carryover expenses from 2022.  Ms. Crombie explained that bills have to be approved by the Commissioners before they can be paid.  Last year the Department used 95.9% of their appropriation.  Mr. Neola wanted to know if they were being asked to spend money just to spend it, but it was explained that Mr. Gorton, the Finance Director for the County, wanted the appropriation to be close to final expenses as a budgeting strategy.  Mr. Gorton said that departments should not ask for more than they are going to spend and to try and spend at least 90% of what is appropriated.  The items the Department ordered and which are carryover expenses were all needed and this was not spending just to spend.  

Director’s Report - the following topics were discussed:

There were 3 minor subdivisions (2 in Newbury and 1 in Auburn Township)

Director attended the Geauga Township Association dinner.  Two speakers:  Geauga Growth Partnership and Destination Geauga.  Destination Geauga mentioned the 2024 solar eclipse and the possibility of Geauga  being a destination for viewing. She also said they reported that there was a feasibility study for a hotel in Middlefield.

The Ohio Township Association put out their priorities for the new General Assembly and Ms. Crombie thought that the following priorities should also be studied for Geauga:

  1. Question of whether a household sewage system can be exempted from tying in if the County builds a new sewage treatment plant that would include that household.  

  2. Funding to modernize Land use planning

  3. Noise pollution (excluding agriculture)

  4. More discretion for cell phone tower placement

  5. Registration of rental properties

Lack of Quorum at 8:07 as Mr. McCaskey leaves

Ms. Crombie continued with her update as information only:

Conservation easements - there was one in January - West Creek Conservancy (Clay St., Montville), transferred to Nature Conservancy.

There was discussion about why Natural History has conservancies in Geauga County.  Mr Oros said it was because of endangered species that needed protection.  Ms. Crombie said that the last one in January (500 acres, Soltis owner) went to Western Reserve Land Conservancy and that Western Reserve has most of the conservation easements in the county.  

Motion to adjourn at 8:08

The rest of the Agenda was suspended but there were no  Major Subdivisions, no Township Zoning Amendments to review and Correspondence listed on the Agenda.

There was discussion among the remaining members of the following:

Old Business

A. Pay Grade Update - This is a continuing discussion and involves whether the Planning Commission will refer to Pay Grades or pay ranges or Salary Schedule.  Changing the language to Salary Schedule involves a lot of changes and Ms. Crombie asked for any comments so that she can present them to the Prosecutor’s office with the request for review..  Any change will need to be part of the Planning Commission Procedure Manual.  So this will be presented at the next meeting.

Ms. Crombie said that at the next meeting they will also have 2 plats to review,

Quorum and Alternates Discussion
- There were comments about how to ensure that there is a quorum, including suggestions that alternates be chosen for the Commissioners (as provided for by Ohio Revised Code) and potentially for Planning Commission members.  Alternates for Planning Commission members would need to be approved by the Commissioners. Mr. Oros and Ms. Crombie will discuss options with either Mr. Morgan or one of the Commissioners.  Ms. Crombie stated that she had written to the Clerk, Christine Blair, several times about the appointment of alternates for the Commissioners.  Mr. Adam Litke, who was at the meeting volunteered to be an alternate since his office is on the same floor and he could come by if there wasn’t a quorum.  This item to be on the Agenda for the next meeting.

Public Commen
t - not on the Agenda, none solicited or given.

Next meeting
:  March 14, 2023 at 7:30 am.

More Information about the Geauga Planning Commission is available online.

Name of Observer:  Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted: 2-14-2023

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga