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League of Women Voters of Geauga

News / Articles

Cardinal Board of Education

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Meeting Details
:  Cardinal Board of Education met in regular session at Cardinal High School, 14785 Thompson Avenue, Middlefield, OH 44062, on Feb 8, 2023 at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria.  The agenda is available online. The meeting location was changed to accommodate public attendance. 

Board Attendance
: President Linda Smallwood, Vice President Barb Rayburn and members Wendy Anderson, Kristen Klepper and Katie Thomas.

Staff Attendance: Superintendent Jack Cunningham and Treasurer Seth Cales.  Also in attendance Board counsel Dan McIntyre of Brindza, McIntyre & Seed

Announcements: President Smallwood made two announcements:  First, that G-TV ( would be live streaming and that a replay of the meeting would be available on Thursday.  See video

Second, she stated  that there would be two opportunities for public comment for those who signed up to comment, the first would be on Agenda issues and the second would be on the play.


The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Roll call was taken.


Student Recognition: none


Presentation: none


Hearing of the Public on Agenda items

President Smallwood stated that each speaker would have 3 minutes and that the Board would not comment.  There would be no back and forth.


All five speakers were in opposition to the Resolution to be considered by the Board opposing changes to Title IX.

  • A resident of Burton spoke in opposition to the Title IX resolution the Board was proposing.  Her opinion was that passage would provide a hostile atmosphere for LGBTQ students at the school.  She urged the Board to consider a Title IX resolution presented by Cuyahoga Falls to the State Board of Education on December 7th.  She urged the Cardinal Board to adopt the Cuyahoga Falls resolution and oppose actions by the State Board of Education that discriminate against LGVTQ+ students.  

  • The next speaker, who identified as a parent, also spoke against the Resolution under consideration.  She stated, “LGBTQ students exist.”   She said that all parents want their children to be happy, healthy and safe. . .    It is a fundamental requirement that students have a safe environment.”  She said that it  doesn’t matter if the student is in a conservative or liberal district.  Each and every student deserves to be safe. She started to say that “ along with canceling the musical, this resolution . . .” (interruption from the President as the musical was not on the Agenda).  The speaker then pointed to research about the mental health struggles of those who identify as LGBTQ.

  • A Middlefield resident also spoke to urge the Board to adopt the Resolution of Cuyahoga Falls. He said,   “ I just want to say that the LGBTQ community has never been very prominent in Middlefield, Geauga County but it has been here.  I am proud to say that I am part of that community and I do know a lot of young people in that community and I can see how they are affected by everything, everyday things we take for granted, going to school and being safe, being able to enjoy their lives.  I ask that this Resolution be considered strongly.. .” 

  • The last three speakers all mentioned the Cuyahoga Falls resolution and asked the Board to consider this instead of the one on the Agenda.  Several also mentioned mental health struggles, issues of suicide for LGBTQ students and high rates of attempted suicide.

Discussion Items: Mrs. Smallwood announced that this item would be moved to just before public comment on non-agenda items. There was no vote on the change to agenda. Reviewer Comment: the Superintendent appeared to be visibly surprised by Mrs. Smallwood’s announcement.


Superintendent’s Report - Action Items (see agenda for details)

  1. Personnel - APPROVED

  2. MOU for College Credit Plus - APPROVED

  3. Ohio High School Athletic Association - APPROVED

  4. Ohio Schools Council Governance Policy - APPROVED

  5. Oppose Changes to Title IX  (Resolution to oppose the proposed changes to Title IX and to affirm parental rights and local control of Ohio K-12 education)- APPROVED.  Before this vote was taken Smallwood stated that “Cardinal Schools has a policy that we do not discriminate so we’re covered there and also the Ohio Athletic Association has the same policy. So, we don’t discriminate here.”

  6. Donations - APPROVED  Mrs. Klepper thanked the Peters family, whose efforts have raised over $300,000 for pay to participate opportunities in the arts and sports.

  7. Bus Usage - APPROVED

Treasurer’s Report

  1. Minutes for January 11, 2023 organizational meeting and the January 11th regular meeting and January 23, 2023 regular session - APPROVED

  2. Bills - APPROVED

  3. Financial Reports - APPROVED

Discussion - Mrs. Smallwood announced she would be asking for Board consensus on the following statement, which she read aloud: 

“Cardinal Board Policy does not require board approval of specific productions chosen by the performing arts department, but the board is nonetheless required to uphold standards set by board policy for the common good of all students in the school district.


Cardinal’s chain of communication with the performing arts department is such that the board had no knowledge of the specific, controversial spring musical production chosen by the Cardinal Music Director, until the board received the first complaint about the musical on January 11, 2023.  


Initially, the board was informed that the script could not be revised, but that changed when Music Theatre International, the publishing company, contacted the Cardinal theater department to confirm revisions could be made, with the help of their authors. 


At this time, the board wishes to thank Music Theatre International and its authors for assisting the Cardinal board and music director with the 23 requested  revisions required to create a script that finally complies with Cardinal Board Policy. 


Production will resume immediately. Cardinal High School Theater’s public performance of the approved, revised version of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee will be at Cardinal Middle School Cafetorium on March 10th, 11th and 12th.”


(Clapping from the audience.)


Smallwood then asked, “Does everyone on the board agree with this statement?”  Voices said yes.  Observer Note:  There was no roll call vote. Smallwood then stated, “We now have a consensus that the musical can go on with the revisions.”


(Clapping from the audience.) 


Public Comment - Non agenda items - Mrs. Smallwood asked for a motion to extend the time for public comment to 60 minutes from 30 minutes - Motion Approved.


President Smallwood read sections from the Board policy (Bylaw 0169.1) regarding public participation in meetings which limits comments to 3 minutes,  prohibits disrespectful, obscene comments, etc.  She also stated that statements could not address or question a particular board member. Observer Note: Due to the Board’s change in policy a few people who signed up did not get up to speak when their names were called. Please see G-TV video for the complete public comments that are paraphrased below.


Twelve people spoke to the Board.  The following are highlights of what each person said:

  • Former employee, graduate, parent and grandparent. “Thank you to the Board for making the right decision.”  She objected to the manner in which the original decision was made, citing Board policies that were not followed: 5880, 5780, 2240.  She pointed to a January 25 Executive Session and stated that she understood there was a problem with this in regards to the Open Public Meetings Act and Executive Session.  She stated that this was a public session and Ohio Revised Code (ORC dictates topics discussed in an Executive session are limited and discussing a play is not in the category of exceptions to the Open Public Meetings Act and should not have been discussed there.  She thought that Cardinal schools had been humiliated around the district, state,  country and internationally.  She said “Do you know how many kids in this district relate to these issues?” She said that the musical helps to support students. She urged the Board to set up a Citizens’ Advisory Committee as permitted by Board policy 9140 “to study the issue of alienated students and to save students' lives in our little corner of the world.”  She asked the Board to extend an apology to Mrs. Allen (play director) and to the students.

  • A parent said that she did a lot of research about the play and its adaptations.   “This could have been prevented . . .  personal feelings, contracts and agendas have gotten in the way.”   She continued to say that there was a need to respectfully collaborate.  She mentioned changes to the play that have been made and thanked the writers who worked with the school.  She offered her thanks to the Board for making it clear to the community that this was not about two Dads.  She continued,  “What a turn out tonight.  Please continue to show your support for our theater students by signing up now to help, to bring meals during Show Week, and by coming to the musical.”  She concluded: “Cardinal, as we move out of the news media, this is the time to heal, improve procedures and come together to display our Husky pride.. .  “ Do not let this define us. . .  Go Huskies.”

  • Another parent stated that she was glad the Board changed, but there are bigger issues like school safety and communications.  She cited a recent threat in one of the schools and said that parents were either not informed or not informed of which school was impacted.  

  • An Alum, parent and local business owner said, “The cancellation of the  play has caused a global exposure of the ugly underbelly in this community of racism, of homophobia and racism, religious and cultural discrimination…”   She went to state that many LGBTQ alums have shared the hatred they were shown and said that current LGBTQ students have been marginalized.  She said that a fellow alum, a PhD, had emailed the board a plan to address issues of making sure that all Cardinal students feel safe. There has not been a response.   She said that one board member posted on Facebook, “Can’t wait until the Pilgrims start using these sidewalks.”  The speaker thought this was mocking the Amish and was unacceptable.  After this statement she was cautioned and then the mic cut out.  She tried to keep talking, but was not permitted.   

  • A graduate from Cardinal described why she thought the musical was chosen.  Her opinion was that it was chosen because of actual musicality and the message and overall theme.  She also stated that the senior class had their 2020 musical taken away and the next one was virtual so they have only had one live performance.  She was thankful that this play would go on.  She also thanked the Directors of the play.

  • A Resident who is also  involved in Community Theatre said, “ I want to thank the Board for making the right decision.“  He cited the importance of the issues.  He stated there is a value of theater in people’s lives (more than fun and resume builder).  Theatre, in his opinion, is an act of building camaraderie and cooperation and learning to work together with other people to accomplish something more than any person could do alone.  He stated that “as an actor, you learn, in the most intimate way,  how to be like someone you’re not.  Fundamentally this is the strongest thing you can do to learn to empathize with others.”  He also cited the great potential for growth for actors.  

  • A Parent complained of the lack of information given to parents and students. He thought this was a disgrace.  Everything he learned was from the newspapers and social media.   His daughter is on crew.   He took her to rehearsal and ”there were students waiting outside in the rain and snow because the doors were locked.  No one knew the rehearsal was canceled.”  He said there was so little information, and that people were left in the dark. He thought that all the kids deserve an apology.  He then said he would donate the rest of his time to the woman who was rudely cut off (she didn’t come back up.)

  • A Freshman member of  the cast said that she played a 12 year old girl, with a rough childhood.  She said, “It is a very sad story, but it is important to tell these types of stories with theater.”  She thought that  when they are censored “it makes things seem shameful to talk about even if they happen to people.”  She said, “It is important for everyone to know that people have different family dynamics or different dynamics in their own lives”.  She said that “With censorship around theater it almost creates a discrimination between different types of family groups or types of people…  also, with this show being considered problematic it goes against how previous shows have been considered fine such as the Adams family, that we had produced, which mentions homicide, had swearing and several  innuendos.  It was odd that this show was the one that had a problem.“

  • A parent of a cast member thanked the Board for the reconsideration.  He very much appreciated that they found middle ground.  He had done research from different groups that put on this play –from Broadway, high school, college, even a Christian school.  He said he had found that there were a lot of ways to approach and he was quite thankful that Cardinal can do their version.  He stated that “There is tremendous community support for this show happening.”  He cited a petition that had been circulating and had 3,266 signatures on it.  He had a request for the Board, to take concerns from the public and investigate, but don’t be so scared of a few vocal opponents but talk with all the stakeholders. He also expressed a hope that the theater program would succeed.  

  • A resident of Middlefield and parent of 2 Cardinal alums said she was glad that the Board decided to reconsider. She thought that “canceling play with no specifics was a great injustice.”  She stated that Geauga County Forum did surveys of Cardinal and Berkshire students from middle through 12th grade. Students identified the need to have a positive sense of self, a range of supportive adults, to feel a sense of purpose and feel valued and respected and to have a school that cares about them. She thought that the decision of the Board did not give the students these supports.   She thought that theater could help with all of these issues.  She also thought the decision was hasty and that didn’t respect the students.  

  • Another parent stated that  “the Board  is out of touch with the students and your job of the board is to carry out the vision of the community, not your own vision.”  She also felt that the decision was irrational, hasty and poorly done.  She thought the Board should revise how they conduct meetings, and the way they communicate with the public.  

  • The final speaker, a parent, again thanked the Board for reversing their decision.  She said she is an older parent, and conservative.  She had thought the play would have been reviewed before the decision to go forward with it.  When she read about it in the newspaper she thought the play as portrayed didn’t represent the school well.  She wonders if the school was overstepping parental authority to put on the play.  Now that she has had a chance to see that revisions could be made she said she felt more comfortable.  She is thankful now that there would be modification and allow the play to go on.  She thanked the Board for working with writers so that now everyone can feel comfortable.

Meeting was adjourned


Next meeting:  February 22, 2023, 6:30 PM, Board Offices, 15982 E. High Street, Middlefield, OH 

More information here:

Name of Observer: Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga