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League of Women Voters of Geauga

News / Articles

Board of Elections

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Meeting Info: Special Meeting on February 2, 2023 called to order at 9:02 AM in BOE Conference Room at 470 Center St, Bldg 6A, Chardon, OH, 44024.  In-person and virtual, via Microsoft Teams.  An agenda and listing of bills was provided in advance. This observer participated virtually. 


Board Attendance: Present were Dennis Pavella (Chair), Janet Carson, Nancy McArthur and Joan Windnagel. Board Counsel Corey Colombo of McTigue Colombo & Clinger joined virtually around 10:50 am, just prior to Executive Session.  Observer Note: Nancy McArthur was recently appointed by the Secretary of State to replace Ed Ryder, who retired from the Board effective December 7, 2022. She will complete the remainder of his term through Feb 28, 2023 and then will begin a four year term commencing March 1, 2023.

Staff Attendance: Director Michelle Lane, Deputy Director Nora McGinnis, and at times Office Administrator Scott Daisher.

County Representatives: Frank Antenucci, Chief Deputy Administrator of ADP participated virtually. 

Public Attendance: members of the public included one individual attending in-person and another attending virtually.

Minutes - APPROVED for Jan 19, 2023

Bills - APPROVED bills totaling $21,618.77, including $19,675 for annual software fees.


ADP Update  - Mr. Antenucci reported that a “bridge” website is now operational and that ADP will continue to update content until the full website migration and update is complete.  Observer Note: Board minutes historically have been presented on the BOE website but are not currently available on the bridge website.

Mr. Pavella inquired whether ADP has access to the planned BOE space in the basement of the County Administration Building.  The Secretary of State’s office needs to conduct security testing and no one from Maintenance or the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has responded to BOE’s request for access.  Per Mrs. Lane, the legal counsel for BOE has communicated with the legal counsel for BOCC about this multiple times.

Mrs. Carson inquired about the status of ADP’s mediation with the County Commissioners regarding access controls.  Per Mr. Antenucci, a mediation session took place last week and another session is expected to be scheduled in the near future. Observer Note: ADP and BOCC are currently pursuing mediation through the Supreme Court of Ohio to resolve a dispute over access control systems in the new County Office Building.

Public Comment Policy - in response to an email inquiry from LWV Geauga, Dennis Pavella clarified that BOE does not have a written public comment policy, nor is there a specific place on the agenda for public comment.  He stated that public comment is typically permitted for 2 minutes and is heard as items are covered on the agenda. He noted further that the Board will often move items up on the agenda so that individuals do not have to remain for the entire meeting.

VEAP Program Wrap-up - staff was informed by the Secretary of State’s office about a $90,000 balance of available funds from a 2021 grant.  They have until June 30 to acquire voting equipment from an approved list.  Scott Daisher is finalizing a recommendation for a Balotar Printer, additional DS-200 ballot scanners and Express Vote universal voting units, and memory sticks for the DS-200’s.  The purchase must be approved by the Board, ADP and legal counsel.

Secretary of State Summer Conference (Jun 27-28) - lengthy discussion about difficulty finding accommodations.

Voting Booths - Mrs. Lane reported that the sample model received is flimsy.  Board exited the conference room to examine in person.  Lengthy discussion about alternatives.  Current equipment is older and replacement cost is expected to be around $100,000.  Goal is to replace it prior to the November, 2023 General Election. 

Burton Voting Location - On Feb 9, staff to assess suitability of  Kent State - Geauga location.

House Bill 458 - Board and staff discussed how HB 458, a voting and elections bill that goes into effect on April 7, 2023 may impact Geauga BOE, voters and upcoming elections. For details of this bill see HB 458 Final Analysis by Ohio Legislative Service Commission.

  • Mrs. Lane commented they received an email from the Secretary of State’s office stating that a new directive should be available in the next week or so.

  • Mrs. McGinnis indicated they are receiving applications for absentee ballots and that their forms have not been updated to reflect HB 458.  Clarification is needed.


Poll Pad Replacement - reviewed proposal from KNOWiNK to replace 95 older Air2 model iPads that are unable to be updated with the latest IOS Operating System as required by the Secretary of State, plus stands with integrated printers for 35 of the BOE’s newer iPads.  

  • APPROVED motion to purchase 95 poll pad set-ups, each including an iPad, tilting stand and integrated printer. Total cost $90,725, with 85% covered by state funding sources.

  • Action on the remaining 35 poll pads will be taken at a later date after more information is gathered.

Campaign Finance Reports - Reports were previously audited by staff.

  • Mr. Daisher stated that all reports examined were compliant.  He noted that the report for one trustee was a day late and advised the Board of past decisions to extend the deadline.  The Board indicated the late report would be accepted.

  • APPROVED motion to accept campaign finance reports as presented by staff.

Petitions and Issues -Petitions were previously reviewed by staff. 

  • APPROVED local levy petitions for Bainbridge Township, Chardon Township, Chester Township and Thompson Township.  Noted that Lake County BOE informed Geauga that a Kirtland School levy will appear on the ballot.  Certain Chardon Township precincts are in the Kirtland school district.  

  •  APPROVED  Terri Stupica’s petition for Chardon Municipal Judge.  No other candidates filed.

  • REJECTED Madrick’s Tavern petition for Sunday Sales of alcohol, citing failure to collect required number of valid signatures and incomplete Circulator Statements. 

  • APPROVED motion to declare “no primary” for the May election as there are no contested races.  The May 2023 election will be designated as a Special Election.

Public Comment - Shelly Lewis of LWV Geauga inquired whether there was action taken to request reappropriation of unused legal funds. Observer Note: see discussion in Jan 19, 2023 Observer Report.  Per Mr. Pavella, Commissioners have not responded to their request.


Executive Session - at 10:51 AM  the Board voted to enter Executive Session under ORC 121.22(G)(3) for the purpose of conferring with counsel about pending litigation.  Mrs. Lane, Mrs. McGinnis and Mr. Daisher were invited to attend and legal counsel Corey Colombo participated virtually.  The Board resumed regular session at 1:21 PM.

Director’s Report: Michelle Lane reported:

  • New mail machine will be needed prior to 2024

  • Working on expense reports for the Secretary of State’s office

  • Chargebacks for November 2022 election are being calculated by the BOE’s outside vendor.

  • Currently scheduled to test equipment on Feb 10 at the proposed BOE basement offices of the County Administration Building. 

  • 3,769 NCOA (National Change of Address) notices were sent

Observer Comment: Per Directive 2022-46, as part of the Secretary of State’s Voter Records Maintenance Program, Boards of Elections must send a notice to voters flagged by the USPS data base as likely needing to update their voting address.  If after 4 years the voter takes no action to update their records or otherwise demonstrate voter activity, the voter will be removed from the voter rolls.

Deputy Director’s Report - Ms. McGinnis reported she has been updating personnel policies and procedures, reviewing ORC updates for HB 458, and replenishing supplies. 

Reorganization Meeting

  • APPROVED March 6, 2023 special meeting at 10:00 AM.

Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 1:33 PM.

Next Meetings - Special Meeting/Reorganization of Board on March 6, 2023 at 10 AM

Approved Minutes: temporarily unavailable online.

See BOE social media posts:

Observer: Shelly Lewis

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga