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Geauga County Mental Health & Recovery Services

LWV Geauga Observer Corps


Meeting Details: Regular monthly meeting, January 18, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Board offices located at 13244 Ravenna Rd., Chardon, OH 44024. In person only, no recording.

Who attended: Chair Steve Oluic, Secretary Alberta Chokshi, Treasurer Michael Petruziello, and board members: Walter Claypool, Marty Fay,  Kathy Johnson, Ryan Mekota, Jimmy Lee Holden, and Mary Ruth Shumway

Not attending: Vice Chair Linda Miller, Ann Bagley, Carolee Lesyk, Jennifer Malainey and Greg O’Brien

Staff members attending: Interim Executive Director Leila Vidmar, Associate Director Aimee Martin-D’Arienzo, Finance Director Jim Mausser, Secretary/Receptionist Teresa Slater

Guests: Margret Osborne, Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services Regional Liaison,  Representatives from seven Service Providers including Ravenwood, Womensafe, Signature Health, Torchlight VMA, Lake-Geauga Recovery Center, Catholic Charities, NAMI, a reporter from the Chagrin Valley TImes and this Observer.

Call to Order, Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance occurred as listed on the Agenda.

Minutes from the November 16, 2022 meeting were approved. 

Chairman’s Report - Board Chair Steve Oluic offered the following remarks:

  • In reviewing the past year, accomplishments included the levy, grants received through the efforts of Associate Director Aimee Martin-D’Arienzo and throughout the year, in spite of turmoil, the staff performed well.  He led in clapping for the staff.  

  • He stressed the importance of adhering to the mission statement even though there will be challenges in the coming year for the levy, and the work of identifying a new Director.

Observer Comment: Per the Board’s Statement of Identity & Mission,  “The Mental Health and Recovery Services Board is comprised of volunteer citizens, commissioned under Ohio Law to serve as the local mental health and substance abuse authority for the Geauga County service district.  The Board’s purpose is to assess community needs and to plan, organize and manage public resources so essential services are provided.”  

  • He highlighted the speech of Governor DeWine in which the Governor referred to the new law allocating $175 Million to meet mental health challenges.  Mr. Oluic said that half of this money will be for retention, training, and workforce development and half for mental health challenges. More details reported here

  • He offered his opinion that the biggest challenge in the future will be the result of the new gambling law.

  • He reported that for the Director position, 20 applied, six are potentially qualified and that next week there will be phone interviews with 3 candidates.  He hopes to have a candidate to recommend to the Board at the April meeting.  Mr. Claypool interjected at this point to say that he wants all three of these final candidates to be presented to the Board.

Interim Executive Director Report - Ms. Leila Vidmar reported as follows:

  • Six Board member positions are expiring on June 30, 2023.  The application will be listed on the website but she said that it would be good to start contacting people who might be interested.  It was also stated that Ms. Slater will be mailing out a letter in March to the Board members whose terms are expiring to ask if they want to be reappointed. Reviewer Comment: Ms. Vidmar is referring to expiring terms for Oluic, Miller, Chokshi, Malainey, Claypool and Mekota.

  • She met with staff and several agencies and these were productive meetings.

  • She said there are issues with Ohio Rise (a program funded through Medicaid/Medicare for at risk youth).  There are challenges with housing.

  • There will be training in February on Ethics coming from the Ohio Mental Health Association

  • She mentioned a new Medicare regulation that will make it easier to get marriage counseling.

Associate Director’s Report - Ms. Aimee Martin-D’Arienzo offered the following report:

  • Discussion of the Community Plan- Mr. Oluic stated that they had met with two agencies.  Ms. Aimee Martin-D’Arienzo suggested that the new Executive Director should have input into the Community Plan.

  • She stated that she had been working on a number of reports and grant updates as well as a Criminal Justice Report (with Ravenwood), and that Agency quarterly reports are coming in and were being reviewed.

  • Coalitions - There is a  new Geauga Re-entry Coalition run by Family Pride.  Programs are being developed through an Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) Grant to provide housing and transportation.  They are looking at a voucher process for rent.  There will be a meeting on January 31st (via Zoom).  Mr. Claypool objected to the use of Zoom and said he thought it was a Sunshine Violation.  Ms. Martin-D’Arienzo stated that Family Pride is not subject to the Open Public Meetings Act

  • Another Coalition they are working with is a Faith-based Coalition which will be holding an event on June 3rd at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.  This is a crowd-funded Coalition with 88 churches.  There will be invitations to Agencies to attend to talk about resources available in the community.  There is also a Faith-Based Youth Coalition which is meeting at Berkshire High School

Committee Reports

  • Agency Relations - Board member Ms. Johnson has spoken to Vice Chair Ms. Miller.  They are looking at the Request of Proposal (RFP) processes and also developing relationships with the Agency Directors.

  • Finance - Mr. Petruziello said that they will have a meeting of the Budget Committee soon.

  • Planning and Policies - Mr Claypool stated that he had no report.

  • Opiate HUB - defer to later in Agenda.

  • Capital Planning - Ms. Shumway reported that “we are short” - we need a detox center and University Hospital needs case management.  NorthCoast Behavioral has six regional Behavioral Health in-patient facilities throughout Ohio but none in Geauga County. 

Observer Note:  The closest appears to be in Northfield OH. See Ohio-MHAS Regional Psychiatric Hospitals.

  • Executive Director selection - reviewed by Mr. Oluic earlier in the meeting.

Board Review and Action Items

  • APPROVED by 8-1 vote, Resolution 23-01-1 Acknowledgement of County Budgets for Calendar Year 2023- Ms Shumway voted no as she thought the Board should meet to discuss this item.

  • APPROVED - Resolution 23-01-2 Geauga Board of County Commissioners Capital Plan Funding for the Geauga Youth Center.  There was a discussion of the change in plans for the Geauga Youth Center.  Under the prior approved plan, Ravenwood would have been responsible for the mortgage on the property as well as program responsibilities.  Under this revised plan, the Commissioners will continue to be responsible for the property itself.  Job and Family Services will be the lead county department, with Ravenwood providing services.

Update from Vicki Clark, CEO of Ravenwood Health - She confirmed her request for the new arrangements.  Mr. Petruziello asked for confirmation that the MHRB would no longer be involved in this project.  

  • APPROVED -Resolution 23-01-3 Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities (OACBHA) Grant Funding Allocation.

  • APPROVED - Resolution 23-01-4 Allocation of 2023 State Opioid and Stimulant Response Funds - it was noted that Agencies have been funding on their own in anticipation of these funds.

  • Financial Reports - Mr. Mauser reported that 37.8% has been spent, none in Community Education.  An 8.56 million carryover includes 5.4 million moved to a Reserve Fund. 

Mr. Oluic added that there was a concern from the Budget Commission that the MHRB has too much cash surplus.  

Discussion Items:

Crisis Response Funds Update – Vicki Clark, CEO of Ravenwood Health.  She stated that this team goes to schools, businesses and those experiencing a crisis.  A team of 6-13 therapists will be assigned and will stay as long as necessary.  Last year there were six total but there have been five so far this year already.  Often these are in response to a suicide at a school or a place of business.  Therapists have spent 110 hours so far this year, and it was stated that they still need to provide services for their regular clients and that they have reduced income because they can’t provide those services.  Mary Beth Shumway stated that Geauga has a higher suicide rate than Lake and suggested that their might be some components of wellness that are not being providing in Geauga County.  Mr. Mauser stated that there should be about $50,000 in funds available to compensate the agencies for this work.  There was no motion on this offer.

Ms. Clark also stated that there is another group, called LOSS, that is a non-profit that utilizes volunteers to help out when there has been an overdose or an accident.
Observer Note:  For more information see

Other - Mr. Oluic recognized Margret Osborne, Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services Regional Liaison.  She also talked about Governor DeWine’s initiative and that it was important to have a Governor who advocates for mental health.  She mentioned the roll-out of the 988 line.  She said she is working with her department to get reporting broken down by county that would detail the nature of the calls. She said that there is a chat and text function in the 988 line that has been used.  She recognizes that a lot of counties are interested in the age breakdown of callers, particularly if youth are using this line.

Old Business - none

New Business - none

Public Comments - Ravenwood Director, Vicki Clark, offered a big “Thank You” to the staff.

Adjournment - at 7:07 pm

Board Minutes:

Next meeting: The next Board meeting was not announced but it should be on February 15, 2023  (third Wednesday) at 6:00 pm with no virtual option. 

More Information:

Observer: Gail Roussey

Editor: Anne Ondrey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted  January 21, 2023

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga