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League of Women Voters of Geauga

News / Articles

Board of Elections



Meeting Info: Regular Meeting on January 19, 2023 at 9:00 am in BOE Conference Room at 470 Center St, Bldg 6A, Chardon, OH, 44024.  In-person and virtual, via Microsoft Teams.  This observer participated virtually. 


Agenda: an agenda and listing of bills was provided in advance.

Board Attendance: Present were Board members Dennis Pavella, Joan Windnagel and Janet Carson.  Board Counsel Corey Colombo of McTigue Colombo & Clinger joined virtually around 11:00 am, just prior to Executive Session.  As of the meeting date, no interim appointment to replace retired member Ed Ryder was announced.

Staff Attendance: Director Michelle Lane, Deputy Director Nora McGinnis, and at times Office Administrator Scott Daisher.

County Representatives: Charles E. Walder, Auditor and Chief Administrator of ADP (Automatic Data Processing) and Frank Antenucci, Chief Deputy Administrator of ADP participated virtually. 

Vendor:  Keith Cunningham from KNOWiNK

Public Attendance: none in person, Nancy McArthur and Sharon Gingerich participated virtually.

Call to Order - 9:08 am

Minutes - approved for 12/13/2022

Discussion/Information Items:

Loss of Unused Legal Fees - Mrs. Lane reported that at year end,  BOE had used $22,000 of the $30,000 previously appropriated by BOCC for legal fees.  Instead of carrying over the unused balance into the new year, the $8,000 balance reverted to the general fund.  To restore the funds to their budget, BOCC must re-appropriate the funds.  When Mrs. Lane contacted BOCC staff, she was advised to pay legal fees from their contracted services fund instead.  Observer Note: it is unclear whether the funds will be re-appropriated.

  • Auditor Walder explained that by statute, and unlike most other county departments, BOE is unable to use encumbrances to commit funds for future expenses or services.

  • Mrs. Lane stated she was told by BOCC staff “the answer person cannot be found.” It was later clarified that this reference was to Gerry Morgan, the County Administrator.

  • Mr. Walder noted these are not new appropriations and offered to have Ron Leyde, Chief Deputy Auditor, write up an analysis to support BOE’s request to have the funds reappropriated by BOCC.

Website Update  - Mr. Antenucci reported the initial planning meeting for BOE’s new website was very productive. 

  • Mr. Walder complimented Scott Daisher’s  preparation and knowledge

  • Mr. Pavella noted they are looking forward to being in control of sharing information

  • Build out will take a few months

Healthcare Benefits - Mrs. Carson asked whether the Auditor’s office had a record of county employees by department who currently receive health benefits.  Mr. Walder will consult with his staff to determine what information can be provided. Observer Note: the BOCC recently eliminated health benefits for the Geauga Board members.

Poll Pad Replacement - Keith Cunningham from KNOWiNK updated the Board on options to replace 95 older Air2 model iPads that are unable to be updated with the latest IOS Operating System as required by the Secretary of State.  Geauga BOE is waiting for information about funds approved by the legislature for purchase of voting equipment.  Mr. Cunningham to demo new models with staff on Feb 9.

Winter Conference - Board and several members of staff attended the Ohio Association of Election Officials (OAEO) Winter Conference.  Board members felt the content was substantive and feedback from staff was positive.

Secretary of State Summer Conference (Jun 27-28) - General views about this mandated training for board and leadership were negative.

Voting Booths - Mrs. Lane is having a model shipped to BOE for consideration

Burton Voting Location - staff to assess suitability of  Kent State - Geauga

Training Location - BOE lost a polling location and training facility, as Department of Aging is now occupying building 8 at the Center Street site.  Alternate spaces at the Center Street complex will be used. 

House Bill 458 - Board and staff discussed how HB 458, a voting and elections bill that goes into effect on April 1, 2023 may impact Geauga BOE, voters and upcoming elections. For details of this bill see HB 458 Final Analysis by Ohio Legislative Service Commission.

  • Mrs. Lane stated they would need to update their manual and find a way to cover over rules and instructions that are pre-printed on their current provisional and absentee envelopes. 

  • Mrs. Carson pointed out that the new law is already being litigated which means BOE is stuck in a holding pattern until details get sorted out.

  •  Mrs. Carson generally questioned elements of the new law that shortened processing time for election workers and voters. 

  • Mr. Pavella noted they may see an increase in provisional voting, as Amish voters claiming a religious exemption to the new photo ID requirement would only be able to vote using a provisional ballot.

  • Mrs. Lane is concerned about educating voters about the changes and would like the Secretary of State to send information to every registered voter in Ohio.

Petitions and Issues -Deadline for filing paperwork with Geauga BOE is Feb 1, 2023. 

  • Burton Twp and Chester Twp have filed petitions for local issues and Geauga BOE expects to receive a petition from Huntsburg Twp. 

  •  No petitions received for Chardon Municipal Court, the only partisan race up for election. 

  • No county wide issues.

Transfer Boxes to Archives - board members inquired about transferring boxes of documents to Archives or otherwise hiring a vendor to take care of shredding materials.  Mrs. McGinnis reported they had received a notice from Archives stating they were unable to accept any new boxes.  This observer relayed information noted during the previous week’s annual meeting of the Microfilming Board and Records Commission.  Sharon Gingerich recommended following up with Celesta Mullins, County Recorder.

Appointments and Organization Meeting

  • Mrs. Carson reported that the Geauga Democratic Party voted to reappoint Dennis Pavella to Geauga BOE.  Their recommendation has been forwarded to the Secretary of State, who will make the final decision.  

  • No information was provided about the Geauga Republican Party’s appointee, either for the remaining term which is currently unfilled or the new term commencing March 1, 2023.

  • The organizational meeting was tentatively set for March 2, 2023 but will be finalized during the February 2, 2023 Special Meeting.

Observer Note: The Board consists of 4 members, 2 from the Republican Party and 2 from the Democratic Party.  Members serve 4 year terms, with 2 members elected each odd-numbered year.  Proposed appointees are sent to the Secretary of State who makes the final decision.  Recommendations for the term commencing March 1, 2023 must stem from a party meeting held between December 30, 2022 and February 13, 2023.  For more details, see Secretary of State Directive 2022-48,   Appointments to the Board of Elections in Each County for Full Terms Commencing March 1, 2023; Board’s 2023 Reorganization


Executive Session - at about 11:10  am the Board voted to enter Executive Session under ORC 121.22(G)(3) for the purpose of conferring with counsel about pending litigation, and ORC 121.22(G)(6) to discuss security matters.  Mrs. Lane and Mrs. McGinnis were invited to attend and legal counsel Corey Colombo participated virtually.  The Board re-entered regular session at 11:55 am.

Board Action Items:

  • Approved payment of monthly bills, which included $11,875 annual maintenance fee for poll pads, $6,933.15 for ballots and set up for November 2022 election, approximately $5,700 for OAEO Winter Conference and $811.11 in office related expenses.

  • Approved ADP purchase up to $10,000 for 2 large LED screens for monitoring security cameras and PC Power Boosters/Battery Packs. Paid from Security Grant Funds.

  • Approved Revised Security and Risk Mitigation Plan as recommended by Mrs. Lane and Mrs. McGinnis.

  • Approved setting Special Meeting for Feb 2, 2023 at 9am.

Director’s Report: Michelle Lane reported poll workers noted a generally positive experience.  She recommends developing strategies to recruit younger poll workers as their current roster is primarily made up of workers over the age of 70.  She has expense reports to prepare for the Secretary of State and plans to seek guidance about how to handle an expected increase in public records requests in 2024.

Deputy Director’s Report - Nora McGinnis reported she has been updating security directives and payroll spreadsheets.  She’s preparing to complete BOE’s asset listing for the County.

Public Comment - Shelly Lewis of LWV Geauga inquired whether there was any new information about BOE moving, and if so, what is the deadline for moving relative to the November 7, 2023 election?  Mr. Pavella replied June, as they are required to inform the Secretary of State about a move no later than 120 days prior to an election.  He confirmed that BOCC and their counsel have been informed of the 120 day notification requirement.  He stated further that mediation had been proceeding in a positive direction but then the BOCC and their counsel stopped communicating.  The court has requested an update from both parties and BOE expects court dates to be set by Judge Paschke.  Observer Comment: From the November 23, 2022 Observer Report “Per Dennis Pavella, they expect a decision to be made about their office space within the next week.”

Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 12:34 pm.

Next Meetings - Special Meeting on Feb 2, 2023 at 9:00 am and regular meeting on Feb 16, 2023 at 9:00 am.

Approved Minutes: shared online through November 23, 2022

See BOE social media posts:

Observer: Shelly Lewis

Reviewer: Gail Roussey

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga