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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga Park District

Monday, December 12, 2022 at 8:30 am at Big Creek Park Meyer Center, 9160 Robinson Rd, Chardon, OH 44024.  This meeting was in-person only with no virtual option. This Board does not permit public comment during meetings.

Board Attendance
: Commissioners Howard Bates, Jolene Carnabuci, Ray Guarino, and Pat Preston. Mario Innocenzi was absent.  

Staff Attendance
: John Oros, Director, Sheryl Hatridge, Administrative Service Manager, Dawn Sweeney, Interim Finance Director, Matt McCue, Deputy Director and Park Ranger Sloan.  Ms. Bridey Matheney, legal counsel from Thrasher, Dinsmore and Dolan was present.  

The Agenda items were approved as well as Addendum Items.  

: Minutes from the November 21, 2022 meeting were approved without discussion and are available online.

Financial Report –
Mr. Oros introduced John Bednarski, CPA, MBA from NMS in Chardon who has been hired to help with the transition after the departure of fiscal officer Jennifer Pae.  He stated his belief that the interim finance director, Dawn Sweeney was quite competent and qualified.  He will be reporting at future meetings.

Presentation of Payment Report
– This was approved

Old business – Grant Status Update –
Mr. McCue reported no changes.  Mr. Preston asked about the Union Chapel.  Mr. Oros stated that getting grants for that will have to be done by the Union Chapel Trustees.  Mr. Preston expressed his opinion that the Park Board should also be looking for grants for the improvements.  Mr. Oros stated that he didn’t think anything would be done on this property until 2025-26. Preston asked that it be put on the list.  He said, “out of sight, out of mind”.

New Business

2022 Planning and Operations Update – Reported by Mr. Oros that they are nearing completion on most projects.  Still working on the HVAC system for Veterans Legacy Woods.

Rescind Resolution No. 3-2022
– Mr. Oros reported that Kristen Sinatra, Deputy Auditor, had been working with Dawn Sweeney to work on making sure that everything was corrected regarding the Land Improvement Fund #4902.The Auditor’s office had advised that it was necessary to rescind the original resolution that had been enacted in March. This Fund (#4902) no longer exists as it was rescinded August 24, 2022.  This resolution was approved.

Resolution No. 12-2022-2022 Final Appropriation –
This is the final amount for 2022 and is listed as $10,605,887 for the General Fund and $14,000,000 in all funds.

Resolution No. 13-2022-2023 Final Budget Appropriation –
Mr. Oros stated that the Board packet is correct.  There was unexpected revenue from Wetlands mitigation.  Final in all funds is $12,409,895 which Mr. Oros stated was similar to last year.

Mr. Oros pointed out that there was about .5 million in the capital fund and $4.179 Million in the Land Improvement Fund.  2023 Projects in this area include:

  • Brede property

  • Holbrook Hollows – the South Franklin connection

  • Swine Creek

  • Veterans Legacy Woods Phase II – trains, stream restoration – 1.35 million

  • WestWoods bridge - $150000 (ODOT has approved up to $750000) 

Resolution No. 14-2022 – 2023 Tax Advance Resolution – This is a resolution to request advance payment for real estate taxes at periodic intervals during the year starting in January.

Commissioner’s Time

  • Mr. Oros reported that on opening day for facility rental they received 3,287 advance reservations, including 337 for lodges, which is up over last year.  In 2022 there were a total of 2,803 reservations for facilities and 1,150 for camping.

  • Greens for Giving program had 95 people attending and they made 357 evergreen centerpieces to be distributed to Department of Aging and Veterans.

  • Last month there were 71 programs with 3,049 patrons.

Public Comment - per Geauga Park District Policy, no public comment permitted.

Executive Session
– For purpose of purchase of property and compensation of public employee

Observer Note:  This observer was not present after the Executive Session, but the following information was verified.

Following Executive Session
– The Board did not discuss purchase of property. 

  • Howard Bates made a motion to give a cost-of-living increase of 5 percent to all employees across the board, including Rangers. (Observer’s Note:  Rangers are in a collective bargaining unit and earlier this year they did receive negotiated raises. From the  April 18, 2022 meeting minutes: AMENDMENT TO CURRENT BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE FOP: Mr. Oros requested the board approve an amendment to the current bargaining agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police union to increase wages 3% effective the first pay in January 2022, limit unexcused sick leave to 32 hours per calendar year, and the board may require a doctor’s note after 3 continuous workdays out of work.“

  • Additional motion was approved to grant merit raises that will be voted on in January meeting retroactive to January 1st

  • Howard Bates made a motion to extend John Oros’ contract one additional year with evaluation to be performed after January 1.

Observer Note: Mr. Pat Preston had previously announced his resignation and that this December board meeting would be his last meeting.  No process was announced to fill the vacancy.

Next meeting
– January 17, 2023 (Tuesday) @ 8:30 am

Additional Information and Minutes available here:

Observer:  Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted 12-15-2022

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga