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West Geauga Board of Education

West Geauga Board of Education – 10-24-22

Meeting Details: The West Geauga Board of Education met at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Office Community Room, 8615 Cedar Road in Chester Township.  Meetings are open to the public and media.  Agenda and minutes are available online.  A recording of the meeting is available via YouTube. 

Board Attendance:

  • Kathy Leavenworth, President

  • Ben Kotowski, Vice President

  • Mary-Michelle Coleman Walsh

  • Christina Sherwood - slightly late but before first vote

  • William Beers - ABSENT


Staff Attendance:

  • Richard A. Markwardt, Ph.D., Superintendent

  • Karen Pavlat, Treasurer/CFO

  • Frank Vosicky, Athletic Director, Middle School

  • Nancy Obuchowski: Middle School Softball Club Advisor


Minutes: Approved minutes for October 10, 2022


Agenda: Additions to agenda: Contract for a student tuition agreement (see page 45 of minutes) for Crossroads Day Treatment Center.


Middle School Club Softball Presentation -  Mr. Vosicky and Ms. Obuchowski reported: 

  • They want to add a new softball team for girls to advance skills for teams and provide equitable opportunity to the girls.  

  • This would help prepare them for high school ball. Details of planning were presented.

Public Remarks

Ms. Zaffiro questioned why her daughter was asked to write down her religion, race, gender orientation and cultural background in the curriculum for social emotional learning. She stated the board should be reviewing all curriculums more carefully.  Observer Note: Ms. Zaffiro appears to be referring to the Second Step curriculum used in 8th grade social-emotional learning curriculum.

There was some confusion as to whether Mr. Petruziello and a Mrs. Tiffany Broadbent had signed up to speak.  They apparently had not, but Mr. Petruziello went on to add comments pertinent to the discussion including the comment that, “There is only male and female.” He  identified himself as a member of the Geauga Mental Health and Recovery Board and stated that he hoped that the Board would eliminate this curriculum.

See additional information at Board minutes:$file/Meeting%20Minutes%2010.24.2022%20-%20FINAL.pdf

Routine agenda items were passed with very little discussion.

Superintendent Report – Dr. Markwardt reported:

  • Halloween Event Oct 27 – 5pm – 6:30; 

  • State of Schools Event Nov 4, at Kent State Geauga campus – all are welcome to attend. 

  • Sunday Nov 13 – Capital Conference kicks off

  • Item of concern:  Transportation – in some areas they can do group stops, other areas are pretty far apart, and families may be less receptive to group stops.   The suggestion is to survey families in specific neighborhoods to determine if they would like group stops to save bus time.  Other resolutions in the works – two new busses are arriving, and new bus drivers are getting required qualifications to drive.

Board Reports – packages passed out for OSBA Capital Conference. See information here:

Next Board Meeting – Nov 21, 2022 (the meeting was moved back a week due to the Capital Conference scheduled that week.)

Name of Observer: KC Henry

Reviewer:  Gail Roussey

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties.

League of Women Voters of Geauga