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Kenston Board of Education

Meeting Details: The Kenston Board of Education met at 7:00 p.m. This meeting was in-person at Kenston High School in the Auburn Bainbridge Room at Kenston High School, 9500 Bainbridge Road, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023.  A livestream and recording of the meeting is available via YouTube and the agenda and minutes are available online. Observer attended virtually

Board Attendance:

  • Neysa Gaskins, J.D., President

  • Jennifer Troutman, J.D., Vice President

  • Dennis Bergansky

  • Beth Krause, Ph.D

  • Thomas Manning

Staff Attendance:

  • Steven Sayers, Superintendent

  • Paul Pestello, Treasurer

Minutes:  approved for October 17, 2022 meeting.

The Board met from 7pm until 7:55pm when they entered into executive session to discuss personnel matters. No action was taken and the Board did not reconvene after the executive session.

Board Reports and Informational Items

  • Director Melissa Miller gave a brief update on the Special Education Department. Kenston has maintained a rating of 5/5 on the “Step Up to Quality” Triannual rating. More services are needed from a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

  • Community Relations Director for the Academic Boosters, Katy McGrath, reported on the academic awards that they give to students on an annual basis.

  • Co-Chair of Bomber Elite, Ken Abbarno, reported on ways their group supports the football program at Kenston.

  • Curriculum Committee: Beth Krause reports that Katy Poe is working on updating curriculum and training that pertains to new legislation. They are also hard at work completing mandatory reports for compliance with federal funding.

  • Legislative Committee: Jennifer Troutman advised that there are bills constantly being introduced in the State Board, but they are not discussed in committee or reported on until they pass.

Hearing of the Public on Agenda Items-None

Financial Items Approved (See Treasurer’s Report for detail about ESSER funds below)

Classified, Certified, Supplemental, Exempt Personnel, and Special Ed. Contracts approved

New Business

  • Approval for obsolete items, new volunteers, Professional Development/Conferences, and Transportation Reimbursements were approved.

  • A first reading of changes to board policies was approved. Links to these document changes can be found in November 7th agenda boarddocs link noted below.

Hearing of the Public on Non-Agenda Items- None

Treasurer’s Report

  • Mr. Pestello identified the first ($1.3 million) and second ($1.2 million) rounds of ESSER funds and briefly described how they were allocated. 

  • ESSER funds are Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds issued in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. They are to be used to help schools address learning loss, and to help the school build in any capacity that supports continued safe operation. 

  • The use of ESSER funds provide a significant benefit as they ease the burden on the General Fund.

Superintendent’s Report

  • Kenston’s Cross Country teams performed well at state level. The girls’ team won state runner-up and the boys’ team placed 11th at state.

  • There is a playoff football game this Friday.

  • KHS Fall play gets underway this coming weekend.

  • Veterans Day programs are planned across the district.

  • The next Kenston Conversations session is November 29th at 1pm at South Franklin Circle.

  • Kenston Inc. will meet for the first time this Thursday.

  • Dr. Sayers attended the Geauga Growth Partnership State of the Schools.

  • Kenston’s trait of the month is gratitude which is perfect since this is the month of Thanksgiving.

Next meeting is December 12, 2022 at Kenston High School Auburn Bainbridge Room at 7pm.

Name of Observer: Jacqueline Berger

Reviewer:  Gail Roussey

Submitted on: November 10, 2022

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga