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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Chardon Board of Education

Meeting Details: The meeting began at 6:30 pm at the Chardon Middle School at 424 North St., Chardon, Ohio. The meeting was moved from the Board of Education building  due to the large number of public participants.  A virtual option and video are available on the Geauga TV website.

Board Attendance
: Board members Todd Albright, Karen Blankenship, Keith Brewster, C.J. Paterniti  and Dr. Guy Wilson.   

Staff Attendance
: Superintendent Michael Hanlon and Treasurer Deb Armbrewster.  

The Pledge was recited and the Mission Statement was read.  

: Minutes from September 19, 2022 were approved. 

: President Blankenship presented a tribute to Ada Porter, former Munson Elementary Principal and Chardon educator who passed away.

All items on the consent agenda were approved unanimously without discussion.

All items on the Superintendent’s report and recommendations were passed unanimously. 

Motion by Mr. Albright and seconded by Dr. Wilson to approve the Timber Harvest Agreement

between the Chardon Local School District and Trumbull County Hardwoods to cut  timber on the Canfield Road property.  There was discussion about which fund will receive the proceeds.

Items 7.5, 7.6, and 7.7 were approved for Blankenship, Albright, and Brewster to attend the Capital Conference in Columbus in November. 

Public comment

  • Pam Crawford: expressed that Superintendent Hanlon should have advised Mr. Albright about dress code policies.
  • Ben Park: requested that known topics should be added to the agenda.  Asked for empathy and respect from board members and parents that are in disagreement.
  • Natasha Humar: expressed her dismay that Lois Lowry’s book The Giver is a reading choice in the 7th-grade curriculum.
  • Jim MacNeal: not permitted to speak because he’s not a Chardon resident.
  • Sarah Haueter: Asked for Albright’s resignation.
  • Aggie Isler: questioned why administrators are not enforcing policies, particularly the dress code. Supported Albright.
  • Gina Payne: commented on the Code of Conduct.
  • Sharon Madger: spoke in support of enforcing the dress code.
  • Nicole Meyer: shared contents of her public records request that shared information on exchanges between Jonathon Broadbent from Protect Ohio’s Children and Todd Albright. 
  • Gen Gorton: expressed her opinion that Keith Brewster violated open meeting laws during the September 19, 2022, Board Meeting.
  • Jennifer Holbert: presented a public record request asking for a list of the entire catalog of book titles in all Chardon Schools libraries and classrooms.
  • Stephanie Soldat: addressed parents that are making disparaging remarks to children.
  • David Reeves: presented an essay on the Acknowledgement of Public Expression of Moral Values.
  • Carol Byler: presented her view of morality and God in Schools.

Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm

Board packet and minutes available online.

Recording of the meeting can be viewed here:

Next Board meeting – December 19,  2022 at 6:30 pm

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga