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League of Women Voters of Geauga

News / Articles

Budget Commission

The Budget Commission met at 10 am on November 7, 2022.  The meeting was in person with a virtual option via Web-Ex.


Chris Hitchcock (Treasurer)

Chuck Walder (Auditor)

James Flaiz (Prosecutor)

Also attending:

Tammy Most (Deputy Auditor)

Ron Leyde (Deputy Auditor)

Kristen Sinatra (Deputy Auditor)

for October 17, 2022 were approved without discussion

Budget Amendments

The following were approved for Budget Amendments:

  • Chardon Board of Education – Amendment # 2 for increase in Special revenue

  • Burton Village – Amendment regarding increase in Special Revenue

  • Munson Township – New Special Revenue Total for Fire 

  • Hambden Township- Amendment # 3 Increase to Special Revenue in the amount of $11.00.  There was discussion on why it was necessary to go through a certification for only $11.00.  Mr. Hitchcock expressed dismay with the amount of administrative cost for this amendment for only an additional $11.00.  Mr. Walder stated that the increase of $11.00 would have automatically been certified in January 2023

  • Burton Library – Capital Project Fund increase

  • Geauga County Commissioners, net Special Revenue increase for Capital Projects.  Mr. Hitchcock questioned the wording of this resolution, which is dependent on the approval the next day by the Geauga County Commissioners.  Mr. Walder explained that if they didn’t approve it, then it wouldn’t be valid but that he expects approval.  The money is for computers (through ADP) and everyone is trying to fast-track this item.

Communications:  Lisa Havlin, Fiscal Officer of the Geauga County Library, requested guidance on their required report to the Auditor of State. Auditor Walder stated that they will be emailed advice to submit the same report that they gave to the Geauga County Budget Commission or a summary of that report, as the county report meets or exceeds all that is required by law.  

Collection Rate
:  Mr. Hitchcock stated that he doesn’t see any change to the current collection rate.

Meeting Dates
:  There was a brief discussion about December and end of year meetings.  It appears that at the next Budget Commission meeting they will approve these dates but will probably include a year end meeting on December 29th.

In-rem Property Foreclosure –
Mr. Hitchcock reported on an In-Rem Property Foreclosure which is combining 30 small properties (one property owner who has been delinquent for many years.)  This action, and resulting lawsuit will cost taxpayers over $7,500.

More Information and Minutes
of past meetings available here when posted:

Next Meeting
: November 21, 2022 at 10 am

Name of Observers:  Gail Roussey & Sarah McGlone

Name of Reviewer: Shelly Lewis 

Submitted 11/7/2022

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga