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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga Voters Can Trust Our Elections

Shelly Lewis, President | Published on 11/3/2022

Each election cycle, our Geauga County Board of Elections (BOE) serves early voters while also training hundreds of our trusted friends and neighbors to run polling locations on Election Day. Our BOE and its small army of poll workers have historically executed elections well, thus becoming the most obvious reason why Geauga voters should have faith in the integrity of our elections.

Here are 14 more reasons to trust our elections:

  1. Our Geauga BOE uses bipartisan teams to carry out every aspect of the voting process. 

  2. Geauga BOE’s Director, Deputy Director, Administrator and board members are all certified as Ohio Registered Election Officials.

  3. Voting equipment and ballots are safely stored and can only be accessed when unlocked together by Republican and Democratic election officials.

  4. Federal and bipartisan state experts test, examine, and certify all voting equipment as secure.

  5. Voting machines are thoroughly tested by a bipartisan team to ensure they work properly and are not hooked up to the internet.

  6. Ohio’s system ensures that every eligible voter is only able to cast one vote.

  7. Those voting absentee by mail must prove their identity twice - first when applying for an absentee ballot and then when submitting their voted ballot.

  8. Absentee ballots are trackable online.

  9. Only family members may return voted absentee ballots to the BOE.

  10. Early voting ballot boxes are surveilled 24/7.

  11. All voters complete paper ballots, which can be retrieved and reviewed if necessary.

  12. All polling locations are staffed by a bipartisan group of poll workers, and are open to the media and poll observers.

  13. Each polling location must account for all ballots using a reconciliation process.

  14. After an election, every county conducts a public post-election audit to further ensure accuracy.

Whether you vote early or on election day, please be sure to vote - and then help a friend or family member vote too!  Democracy works best when all of our voices are heard. 

Shelly Lewis

President, League of Women Voters of Geauga 

Auburn Twp, OH

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga