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League of Women Voters of Geauga

News / Articles

Board of Elections

Meeting Info: Regular meeting on October 20, 2022 at 11:00 am in BOE Conference Room at 470

Center St, Bldg 6A, Chardon, OH, 44024. In-person and virtual, via Microsoft Teams. 

Agenda: an agenda was provided in advance.

Minutes approved for Aug 15 and Sep 21, 2022 without edits.

Attendance: Present were Board members Dennis Pavella, Joan Windnagel and

Ed Ryder and staff members Director Michelle Lane and Office Administrator Scott Daisher and

Deputy Director Nora McGinnis.  Board member Janet Carson was absent. Board Counsel Corey Colombo of McTigue Colombo & Clinger was present virtually for the Executive Session.  Two members of the public attended in person.  

The Board of Elections took the following actions: 

  • Approved payment of $44,180.84 in bills that included $19,636.02 for printing election day ballots, $6,653.06 for firewalls for their new location, $6,600 for annual endpoint security contract, $4,375 for annual maintenance contract on 35 poll pads, $1,422 for postcard notification of polling location changes and other routine election and office expenses.

  • Approved board and staff participation in the Ohio Association of Election Officials (OAEA)Winter Conference in Columbus, OH on Jan 11-13, 2023.  Observer note: the Director, Deputy Director, Office Administrator and all 4 board members are certified as Registered Election Officials, or REO’s.  This continuing education program is a partnership between OAEA and the Ohio State University. 

  • Approved closing the office on 12/27, 12/28, 12/29 and 12/30/2022 to supplement the 12/26 county holiday.  Staff to take comp or vacation time.

An ADP update was on the agenda but was unaddressed, as no one from ADP was present.

Executive Session: The BOE went into executive session at 11:32  am, citing ORC 121.22(G)(3), for the purpose of conferring with legal counsel concerning pending litigation.  Participants included the 3 Board members, Michelle Lane, Nora McGinnis, Scott Daisher and Corey Columbo, board counsel.  The Board re-entered regular session at 1:33 pm and following a short break, took the following action: 

  • Voted 3-0 to request appropriations from the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) for $11,875.00 payable to McTigue & Colombo for legal work completed Aug1 through Sep 2022 related to Case No. 22, Misc 5.  This legal work pertains to the ongoing lawsuit against the BOCC addressing unmet statutory requirements for workspace in the new Admin Building.

Director’s Report - Director Michelle Lane reported:

  • 10,986 absentee ballots mailed out, 855 have voted early in-person, 85 have requested ballots in- person and carried them out and 2,362 voted absentee ballots have been returned.  Observer note: early voting began on Oct 12.

  • Public test was conducted on 10/12

  • Postcard notifications of change in polling place mailed

  • Poll worker training manual was condensed and training is going well

  • Board members must complete an online security training by Oct 28

  • Press release with voting and election info was sent to local media

  • Secretary of State Directive 2022-47 provides dates for post election public test, canvasses and requires office hours on Veterans Day to allow voters opportunity to cure any outstanding issues.   The deadlines fall near Thanksgiving and possible meeting dates were discussed.  Dates to be determined at the Nov 8, 2022 meeting.  Observer note: the board meets in public session on election day, declaring the polls open, addressing any issues, processing, tabulating and eventually announcing results.

Deputy Director’s Report - Deputy Director Nora McGinnis reported:

  • Attended Board of County Commissioners’ CORSA human resources training

  • Requests for election day observer appointments have been received from the Ohio Democratic Party and the Ohio Republican Party.  No local requests have been received yet but they typically come in closer to the 10/28 deadline.

  • She is working to arrange election day Marshalls. Observer Comment: Marshall’s are sometimes referred to as “rovers” and act as liaisons between the Geauga County Board of Elections office and the Precinct Election Officials (PEO’s) working at  the poll locations.  Some of their duties include ensuring polls open and close on time,  notices are properly posted, accessibility is maintained  and the campaign free zone is properly established and adhered to.  They act as general problem solvers and support for PEO’s.

  • The Crowdstrike service used by ADP may offer more robust monitoring of systems than the system currently in use.  Staff to inquire further and topics will be added to the next agenda.  

Public Comment - Shelly Lewis, in her role as President of the League of Women Voters of Geauga, expressed concern that voting and election misinformation/disinformation was being shared on the Board of Elections Facebook page. The board did not comment about potential action.

Next Meeting
: November 8, 2022 at 6:30am.

Minutes:  Board minutes are shared online:

Observer Comment: Virtual meeting information via Microsoft Teams is available on the BOE

home page. BOE does not include public comment on their agenda but is generally willing to

hear concerns and provide clarification.

Observer: Shelly Lewis

Editor: Betsy Kubbins

Reviewer:  Gail Roussey

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that

encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding

of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga