Meeting: Monday, September 19, 2022 at Big Creek Park Meyer Center, 8:30 am. This meeting was in person with no virtual option. The meeting began at 8:30 am on September 19, 2022.
The following Commissioners were in attendance: Mr. Howard Bates, Jolene Carnabuci, Mario Innocenzi, and Mr. Pat Preston. Mr. Ray Guarino was absent. Also in attendance were Sheryl Hatridge, Administrative Service Manager, Dawn Sweeney, Assistant, Matt McCue, Deputy Director and Park Ranger Sloan. Mr. Todd Hicks, legal counsel from Thrasher, Dinsmore and Dolan was present. Jennifer Pae, Treasurer and Fiscal Officer was not present.
The Agenda items were approved as well as Addendum items.
Minutes from the August 15, 2022 meeting and the August 24, 2022 Special Meeting were approved without discussion.
Financial Statement and Payment Report - It was noted that Ms. Pae was not present so the Financial statement was available to the Board but there was no discussion and no motions to accept. In connection with this statement and Payment Report, Mr. Preston asked for clarification about some large purchases and requested that with any large purchases there be a notation as to what they were for so that there would be no need for questions at the meeting. Two large purchases referenced were $54,000 for the West Woods roof and $32,000 for the first payment for Frohring Meadows Pollinator garden. (Observer Note: It has been reported in the Geauga Maple Leaf that Ms. Pae has resigned and that the Geauga Park District is actively looking for her replacement.)
Grant Updates – Mr. Matt McCue stated that there was nothing new. They are still waiting for the ODNR grant for the Brede Property (in Troy Township).
Union Chapel Update
Mr. McCue reviewed the two basic options –
1. Stabilize only – probably $22,000 fee for Engineering work and $200,000 for the project or
2. Restoration of all issues – foundation, structure, restroom, parking, etc. Engineering of $59,500
and total of $565,000
These would be on the 2025 list, with a requirement that decisions be made by spring 2023.
Three Trustees were present: Ms. Carole Drabek, President, Bill Ward and Dr. Beri Oyler Stith. The President reviewed the history, dating back to 1858 and she stated that until 2000 there was a lot of activity. Now the Chapel is used for educational and small group purposes. They agreed with the Park District that they will seek funding and there is a meeting planned with the Cleveland Foundation. Dr. Oyler Stith mentioned that the Trustees have worked to obtain a designation on the National Registrar of Historic Places.