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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Budget Commission

This was a continuation of the Budget Commission Hearings from August 16, 2022.  The meeting started at 9 am.

Members present were as follows: Chris Hitchcock (Treasurer); Chuck Walder (Auditor), and Mr.James Flaiz (Prosecutor)

Also present were:  Tammy Most (Deputy Auditor), Kristen Sinatra (Deputy Auditor), Ron Leyde, Deputy Auditor ,Kate Jacob, Chief Compliance Officer, Kristen Rine, Prosecutor’s office, Pam McMahon, Administrative Assistant, and Frank Antenucci (ADP) who was overseeing the virtual hearings.  

From the Geauga Park District, the following were in the attendance: Director John Oros, the Finance Director Jennifer Pae, Commissioners Howard Bates and Jolene Carnabuci, Deputy Director Matt McCue, and Jon Oebker from Tucker Ellis (substituting for John Slagter from Tucker Ellis as the Park Commissioner’s attorney).

Observer Note: The Budget Commission had tabled the approval of the Geauga Park District’s 2023 tax budget on August 16th due to several big issues , including the legality of a created Property Acquisition Fund as well as accounting discrepancies that could not be resolved.

Mr. Walder addressed Mr. Oros (Park Director). 

  • Mr. Walder stated that he had watched the video of the August 24th Geauga Park District board meeting and he was encouraged and optimistic.  He asked if the statements by Ms. Jennifer Pae represented the position of the Park Board or were her own views.  In particular he was concerned about statements by Ms. Pae that called into question the motives of the Budget Commission.  Mr. Oros stated that those statements were not representative of the Geauga Park Board.  (Observer Note:  Other sources indicated that these statements occurred at the end of the meeting as Ms. Pae read from a prepared statement).

  • Mr Walder then pledged the Deputy Auditor Ron (Leyde) would help the Park District.

  • There was then a discussion of revenue and expenses.  Mr. Walder noted that there was a 5.5% increase in expenses in 2021-2022 but there was a 30% increase last year.  There was a question as to why there was such a steep increase in expenses.  Matt McCue pointed to a restoration project that was undertaken.  Mr. Oros said that they had also purchased a new excavator and a new truck.

  • Mr. Walder stated that all categories went up except facilities and asked if the increase was due to the separation from the County. This was not discussed.  Mr. Oros appeared to agree.

  • Mr. Walder then acknowledged that the Geauga Park Board had rescinded the 1.3 million Reserve Fund that was a subject of much of the discussion at the August 16th Budget Commission hearing.  He stated this money would then go back into the General Fund.

  • Mr. Walder then went on to consider whether the Park would have sufficient money at year end to pay salaries for the first quarter until they receive their first property tax payment.  

(Observer Note:  This is a question asked of all entities due to the time delay for the first property tax payment).  

  • Mr .Walder stated that the park district should be holding a minimum of 25 percent at year end but that 40 percent would be more optimal. 

  • Mr. Walder stated that he would encourage the Park Board to consider coming back under the county to help stave off some of the shortfall which he believed would be continuing as long as they remained a separate entity.  He reiterated the prior comment that they needed the 1.3 million in the General Fund for expenses.

  • Mr. Walder also went on to advocate for public comment at Park Board meetings, noting that the Park Board does not permit public comment but they allowed a lengthy statement by a person who is not a taxpayer (Jennifer Pae).

Mr. Flaiz stated the following:

  •  The Park District had not complied with public records requests from the Prosecutor’s office.  He said that the Prosecutor’s office had responded in a timely way to the Park Board’s records requests (which were not like those of other taxing entities).  

  • “I don’t like info being hidden from me when we’ve responded to all of your requests,” Mr. Flaiz said. “I want the emails today.”  He suggested having an afternoon meeting so that the Park board could produce the emails before the August 31 deadline ended.  

  • In the end the Budget Commission unanimously approved a motion to give the Park Board until Sept. 9, to respond to the public records requests before filing in the Ohio Court of Claims to compel the parks to provide that information.   Mr. Flaiz stated that the request (at least in part) was for emails that he had seen and that had been sent to numerous public officials.

  • Attorney Jon Oebker said that they appreciated the cooperation from the Budget Commission and want to turn a corner and look forward.

  • Mr.Walder acknowledged that there was frustration on both sides.  He again referred to the video of the Park Board meeting and Ms. Pae’s statement.  He re-stated what he said on August 16th, that it will depend on what happens after this meeting. 

  • Mr. FLaiz stated that it would be fundamentally unfair to the Park Board to reduce tax collections this year since they relied on the Reserve Fund and that now that the Park Board has rescinded that resolution it might take a year or two to get back on track with finances.  He said that he didn’t think that the reduction last year hurt the Park, but this year would be different.  He said, “We like the parks and we want the best for the community.”

  • Mr. Walder – If you only have public voice opinions at the ballot then you leave no option.  It’s not a problem to open up to the public.  He stated that it hasn’t been an issue for them.

There was some discussion about whether the Park District would need an Amended Certificate of Resources or a Supplemental Certificate in January.  There appeared to be consensus for a Supplemental Certificate in January.

The Geauga Park Board 2023 Budget was approved with no reduction in monies to be received from the tax levies.  

The Budget Commission approved several supplementals including:

  • Russell Township: Increased special revenue (due to Opioid funds)

  • Hambden: Increase in special revenue (Opioid)

  • Clariden Township (ARPA fund increase)

  • Munson – Special Revenue net adjustment

  • Health District – New Appropriations for contract services

  • Geauga – Jobs and Family Services (JFS) Revenue Certification

Mr Walder closed the meeting by thanking all the members of the Budget Commission and staff.

It was also acknowledged that this year the budget submissions were much better.  Mr. Flaiz acknowledged that Mr. Walder and staff met with all entities to ensure that things went smoothly with the budget hearings.  Mr. Walder stated, “That’s our job.  If we don’t prepare well, it doesn’t go well.”

Meeting adjourned.

More Information and Minutes of past meetings available here when posted:

Next Meeting: September 19, 2022 at 10 am

Name of Observer:  Gail Roussey

Name of Editor:  Betsy Kubbins

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted 9/10/2022

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga