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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga County Commissioners

Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) – August 16, 2022

BOCC met in regular session on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 9:30 am at Geauga County Administration Building, 12811 Ravenwood Drive, Claridon.   This meeting was in person only and there was no link to a recording. 

Commissioners Dvorak, Lennon and Spidalieri were all present. 

Also in attendance were Christine Blair, Commissioner’s Clerk, County Administrator Gerard Morgan and Finance Director Adrian Gorton.

Other members of County Government in attendance were Nick Gorris, Water Resources,, Sheriff Hildenbrand and other Sheriff’s Deputies not identified, Gina Hofstetter, Director, Department of Economic and Community Development, Linda Crombie, Director, Planning Commission, and also in the public Adam Litke from Geauga Health District

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer led by Mr. Dvorak.

Minutes: Minutes approved for the meeting of June 23, 2022

Report from Gerard Morgan the County Administrator, of what he approved this week:

Hiring in Office on Aging, Resignation from the Development (Building) Department and leave of 

absence for Mr. Nick Gorris for 48 hours.

Financials as presented by Mr. Adrian Gorton and approved:

  • Cash transfer from the General Fund to the Sheriff’s Depart. For first half of 800 support

  • Travel from the Recorder’s Office

  • Vouchers: $34,629 from the Commissioners to NOACA for 2023 dues

  • $17,987.62 to Environments for Business for furniture for the new County office building

  • $293,936.60 to Ronyak Paving for Bass Lake Road paving.

The Airport Authority received approval to execute and submit application to the Ohio Department of Transportation, Office of Aviation for the FAA grant match for the Acquisition of the Hodgins Property.

The Planning Commission requested the Board acknowledge the proposed lot split on Parcel No. 25-079700 and that it does materially affect the Right of Way Easement held by the Geauga County Board of Commissioners.  There was discussion of this and it was tabled.  This easement is for the purpose of continuation of use for a radio tower and it was suggested by Commissioner Spidalieri that it might be better for the Commissioners to purchase the property as the easement would make it difficult for anyone to use the parcel due to the wires going across the front of the property.  Question was asked as to whether ARPA funds could be used for the purchase.  Tabled for further investigation.

The Sheriff’s Office received approval for the following in regard to two K-9 dogs who are retiring from service and for their purchase by their trainers:

  • Agreement for Sale / Purchase of Geauga County Sheriff’s Office K-9 – Retiring, ARGO for purchase of $1.00 by Deputy Travis Goodwin.

  • Agreement for Sale / Purchase of Geauga County Sheriff’s Office K-9 – Retiring, Miner for purchase of $1.00 by Deputy James Dhayer.

The Department of Development (Community & Economic) received approval for the following:

  • to Re-Advertise for Bids for the Geauga County Department on Aging Paratransit Van to be held on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 2:20 p.m. Notice of this Bid Opening will be advertised on August 18, 2022 and on the County website.

  • to execute the Revised Ohio Department of Development Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program Grant Agreement for the period January 1, 2022 through May 1, 2023 in the amount of $500,000.00.

The Department of Water Resources received approval for the following: 

  • to execute the Ohio Water Development Authority Fund Payment Request #8 (loan #9441) for the McFarland Wastewater Treatment Plant Renovation and Upgrade project for technical services by HDR Engineering, Incorporated in the amount of $116,435.61.

  • to execute the Request for Partial Payment #15 (Retainage), Ohio Water Development Authority Contractor’s Estimate #15 (Retainage) and the Ohio Water Development Fund Payment Request #15 for TRAX Construction Company for the Chardon Township Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewer Project in the amount of $28,922.59.  It was noted that this is 31% complete.  There was a question as to whether they could use ARPA funds for this, but it was stated that ARPA funds could not be used for an Engineering study.

  • to execute the Agreement between the Geauga County Board of Commissioners and Aqua Ohio, Incorporated to provide a potable water distribution system within the Geauga County Water District that includes six parcels on Little Mountain Road and Mentor Road (#09,001536, #09-001503, #09-001500, #09-000700, #09-001400 and #09-001537).  It was noted that this involves 6 parcels on Little Mountain and provides drinking water to these residents.

  • to execute the updated Accounting Forms Authorization Form and Payroll Authorization Form.

  • to amend the motion from July 27, 2022 to revise the date and read: accept the Retirement Resignation of David Osborn, Operations Manager (#2311) to be effective October 3, 2022.

Eagle Scout -The Commissioners’ Office recognized and honored Agostino “Augie” Rosace for Achieving Eagle Scout, the Highest Award of Advancement Bestowed upon a Boy Scout.

Meeting Date Change: The Commissioners’ Office is requesting the Board move the Regular Session from Tuesday, September 27, 2022 to Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. due to the Perry Nuclear Power Plant Drill.

Item not on Agenda

Stepping Up Program – Kim Carter from NAMI was asked to present information on the national program called Stepping Up.  She stated that Ohio is one of five states across the country targeted for this program.  33 of 88 counties are currently participating. This is a program to help those who have been in jail to get mental health treatment and support.  Evelyn Stratton, retired Chief Justice of th4 Ohio Supreme Court is leading the program in Ohio.  Once Geauga Cunty becomes a registered participant the Medical school, NEOMED will do a mapping of services.  At that point the team will discuss options and make recommendations on what projects should be funded.  Stepping Up has or finds the funds for the recommended projects.  This mapping process would normally cost $35,000.

Ms. Carter explained that mental health, and assistance to those in jail are close to her heart as she has a family member in jail at the time due to mental health issues.

The Sheriff also noted that, although they do a good job in the jail to provide services, follow-up after release is a problem.  

Commissioner Dvorak noted that they had a sample resolution and would get it finished and approved.  

Executive Session – Commissioners moved into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending or imminent litigation.

Following the Executive Session, it was informally reported that the Commissioners came back into session and made an appointment to the Planning Commission.  This has not been independently verified.

Reviewers Note: We have been able to verify with Linda Crombie, Director of the Geauga Planning Commission, that Mr. Nick Gorris was re-appointed to the Planning Commission Board.

Board Minutes are shared online here.  At publication minutes were posted through May 10, 2022.

Next meeting will be Tuesday August 23 at 9:30 am.  In person only.  The meeting will be at the County Administration Building, 12811 Ravenwood Drive, Claridon

More Information:

Name of Observer:  Gail Roussey

Reviewer: Shelly Lewis

Submitted 8/21/2022

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at

League of Women Voters of Geauga