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League of Women Voters of Geauga

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Geauga County Commissioners

LWV Geauga Observer Corps

Board of County Commissioners – Special Meeting August 8, 2022

BOCC met on Monday, August 8, 2022 at 9:30 am at Geauga County Administration Building, 12811 Ravenwood Drive, Claridon.   This meeting was in person only and there was no link to a recording. 

Commissioners Lennon and Spidalieri were present but not Commissioner Dvorak.  

Also in attendance were Christine Blair, Commissioner’s Clerk and County Administrator Gerard Morgan 

Other members of County Government in attendance were Aimie Martin-D’Arienzo, Associate Director, Mental Health and Recovery Board (MHRB), Jim Mauser, Finance Director and Steve Olulic, President of the MHRB and also in the public Adam Litke from Geauga Health District.

The meeting began at 9:44 am and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance

Mr. Lennon announced that they had not yet received the Certification for the Mental Health Rehabilitation Board (MHRB) levy from the Auditor’s Office.  Commissioner’s Clerk Christine Blair said that she had hand delivered the resolution passed by the BOCC last Tuesday on Wednesday and stated that they would need the certificate by last Friday.  She reported that she called the Auditor’s office this morning and was told (source unnamed by Ms. Blair) that it was not yet done.  

Mr. Lennon stated that he wanted to figure out what to do next so the levy could meet the Board of Elections deadline of Wednesday, August 10
at 4 pm.  

It was reported that the BOCC had contacted the Prosecutor’s office to determine whether they could hold an Emergency meeting on Wednesday.  It was reported that Mr. Spidalieri could not attend on Tuesday as he had a doctor’s appointment.  Mr. Lennon stated that he would be available 24/7 to get this done.  He also said that it would be beneficial if someone (other than one of the other commissioners) could speak to Mr. Dvorak and find out if he would approve the levy request given that “it is a done deal and is only in the clerical stage now”

Observer’s Note:  Mr. Dvorak had failed two times to support the levy request.  The levy request  passed last week because Mr. Spidalieri was present.  Mr. Spidlalieri has been absent for the last several weeks.  It appears the question is, if the levy request appears on the Agenda and Mr. Dvorak fails to approve it,  could the levy request then be put to another vote at an Emergency meeting on Wednesday when Mr. Spidalieri would be present.

Both Mr. Lennon and Mr. Spidalieri expressed dismay that this is hurting taxpayers and people in need.  If it is on the ballot, taxpayers could decide if they want to approve this levy.

Mr. Lennon concluded that they would shoot for an Emergency meeting for Wednesday morning.

The meeting adjourned at 9:53 am.

Board Minutes are posted here:

Next meeting will be Tuesday August 9, 2022 at 9:30 am.  In person only. 

The meeting will be at the County Administration Building, 12811 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon

More Information:

Name of Observer:  Gail Roussey

Name of Editor:  Betsy Kubbins

Submitted 8/8/2022

The League of Women Voters of Geauga is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. They do not support or oppose individual candidates or parties. Learn more about the LWVG at


League of Women Voters of Geauga